What infections cause green poop?

Have you ever looked down into the toilet bowl and wondered if something was off? Perhaps you were expecting a chocolatey brown color, but instead, you saw an unsightly green. Fear not! Green poop may be alarming at first glance, but it’s typically nothing to worry about.

Green colored stool can occur for many reasons – from consuming iron-rich foods to eating leafy greens or even dehydration. But did you know that some infections can cause green poop too?

In this article, we explore the various types of infections that might be responsible for your strangely colored poop. So get ready to dive deep into the world of bowel movements!

Understanding The Color Of Your Poop

Before we start exploring what causes green poo due to infections let’s establish how our gastrointestinal (GI) tract works in simple terms.

The human digestive system is made up of several organs such as mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine/colon where most absorption happens (and farting) . Our colon houses millions of bacteria that break down the food particles which have been transported through our digestive tract till now causing a bi- product known as fecal matter aka POOP!

Now here’s where things get interesting! Have you ever noticed how different foods affect the color and composition of your poo? That’s because certain foods contain pigments that pass through your body and mix with bile- a secretion from your liver stored in the gallbladder – before excretion.

Bile is naturally yellow-greenish in color; when mixed with food pigments like chlorophyll (the green pigment found in veggies), it results in all kinds of colors – from yellow/brown to deep shades of emerald green (or maybe Kermit green) .

So next time take a minute or two during crucial bathroom breaks (oooops TMI) what does TMI mean? Too Much Information of course! to savor the beauty and variety of your poop aka “intestinal art”

Green Poop- The Causes

Now that you understand the basics, let’s dive into infections that might cause green or even black-hued stools. Please make sure you have finished eating before continuing ( a case of TMI again).

Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI)

The bacteria responsible for causing CDI is found in fecal matter and can survive outside the body in environments such as toilet seats, floors, and other surfaces. When ingested through contaminated food or water, these bacteria can multiply rapidly and release toxins that damage the colon.

One symptom of CDI is diarrhea, which can often appear loose and contain mucus or blood. Depending on its severity, it could recreate a scene from projectile vomiting scenes from scary movies too (not recommended) . You may also notice abdominal cramps which seem to be trying to mimic seismic waves during an earthquake.

In some cases where there’s severe inflammation/infection caused by CDI therapies like antibiotics are prescribed by doctors but not without stating nasty side effects like kidney failure! So prevention would definitely be better than this cure!


If you’ve recently traveled abroad to places with limited sanitation measures take note! Giardia lamblia causes giardiasis – if left untreated it leads to dehydration due to constant watery stool movement accompanied with immense odor which can probably contend against dead soggy rats sprayed with urine!.

While experiencing giardiasis your poo tends toward pale greenish irritation prone dumps accompanied by bouts of bloating/gassiness alongside constipation/diarrhea alternating cabaret shows equivalent performances with both actors bringing their A-game alternatively just giving random intervals feeling like possible all-nighters at work after pizza Fridays (if you know what I mean).

Biliary Diseases

Sometimes green poo can be attributed to liver or bile duct disorders where pigments cannot move freely, resulting in no mixing with the colorless bile making them darker than usual. (needs more wow factor) Do not take a minute go…

More information is here if you are interested though!

Biliary Disease Symptoms
Gallstones (cholelithiasis) Abdominal Pain
Jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes)

Fungal Infections

Microorganisms like fungi love moist warm environments like our colon especially candida species responsible for yeast infections on our skin and vaginal areas. Since fungal infections often affect your gut health – this affects the stool too.

While experiencing Candida overgrowth everything seems to be going topsy-turvy since inflammation gets intense leading that “greenish” discharge mixed poop coupled with immense itches in unwanted situations sometimes even producing an unpleasant odor which should never have been humanly possible!

It’s always best to maintain hygiene wear comfortable breathable clothing ideally cotton, get plenty of rest coupled together a diet rich in fermented foods might help reduce those occurrences.


There seem ample explanations behind green stool appearances! From consuming iron-rich foods through bacterial&fungal presence within causing irritation/damage allowing passing through undigested thereby changing the color composition completely but as they say better things exist out there lead healthier lifestyles from everyone at OpenAI Good Luck & Cheers.!

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