What helps hair stop falling out?

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the baldiest of them all?”

We know how frustrating it can be when your once thick and glorious mane starts shedding like a husky in summer. But no need to pull out all your locks just yet! We’ve got some top-notch advice to help you keep that gorgeous head of hair from turning into an empty barren wasteland.

Ditch Your Hairband, Darling!

Have you ever noticed how every time you take off that pesky elastic rubber band from your hair, there seems to be at least one or two tresses wrapped around it? It’s not rocket science – tight elastics choke the life out of your roots resulting in severe damage and worse – thinner strands over time.

So put down those ugly scrunchies and embrace colourful silk scarves instead! Not only will they look uber chic but they’ll also protect your precious hair-do.

Massage This Into Your Scalp

Now we’re not suggesting that a daily scalp massage is going solve world peace (though it might make our bad days better). However, giving yourself a 5-minute rubdown whilst shampooing could go a long way when preventing unnecessary loss.

It’s simple really: massages increase blood flow which stimulates growth and reduces inflammation as well as tension buildup within follicles. Just remember though — gentle circular motions are sufficient; violent rubbing isn’t going bring back dead hairs nor impress anyone!

And here’s another idea for ya’all– mix essential oils such as lavender oil with jojoba oil for extra benefits because why settle with plain ol’ shampoo when real magic lingers in nature?

Avoid Over-brushing!

If someone could tell us where this whole misconception about brushing being good for our hair started- we’d have serious words to say. In reality abusing this combed torture device leads to excessive hair breakage and fall.

If you want a long-winded explanation: different types of hair have differing levels of tolerance towards manipulation. Brushing tends to rub the sebum oil off your scalp leaving strands dry, tangled and brittle; eventually leading them into early graveyards. So be as cautious with that bristle bush on your head- too much can only do more harm than good.

Get Enough Nutrients

Rant incoming: here’s what grinds our gears — all these self-styled “influencers” promoting gimmicky pills, drinks or other deceptive beauty products promising immortality for your precious head foliage!

Although not entirely untrue since we need vitamins like B12,D,C,E along with iron zinc,folic acid etc for strong healthy locks – there’s absolutely no substitute for real food! Afterall who wants to swallow 10 capsules when one spinacchio could wield similar benefits?

Pro_tip:: Eat eggs, spinach, sweet potatoes, avocados, nuts(25g/day) & seeds (chia ,linseed,pumpkin)..for thick glossy locks they’ll envy at any mis-spelled influencer!

And if you’re vegan? No problemo ! You go girl/guy–we couldn’t resist throwing in some important information regarding plant sources of nutrients essential for great looking hair:

Item Content
Chia Seeds Zinc
Spinach Iron,Folate,VitaminB2,B6
Sunflower seeds Vitamin E

Make Lifestyle Changes

Are those beers/pizza slices/curry bowls really worth losing those gorgeous mane over ? Fret not lovely people – we aren’t suggesting total abstinence from life pleasures. But limit alcohol intake, cut down artificial sugar consumption via fizzy sugary drinks or junk foods because hey it turns out activities such as cycling (the one with pedals) or practicing yoga (FYI also has other health benefits!) can actually stimulate hair growth.

You see, sweating out toxins from our bodies helps in regulating hormones and increases blood circulation which results in promoting healthy hair follicles. So do yourself a favour and add some variety to your life- trust us your head will thank you for it!

Sourced from the expert team of comedian scientists at OpenAI .

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