What helps facet joint pain?

If you’re reading this, chances are that you or someone dear to you is seeking relief from joint pain in the back. You’re not alone! According to a 2017 study, about 15% of adults worldwide suffer from chronic lower back pain. The facet joints, which connect your vertebrae, can contribute significantly to this type of discomfort – because they experience considerable strain daily.

As someone who dabbles in humor writing (read: tries too hard), I must say I’m disappointed that there’s no quippy punchline here; joint pain is an issue many people face every day and none of it’s particularly laughable. Although…

“With efforts like these, we could have Grandma doing cartwheels in no time!”

I don’t know about you guys but that‘s my kind of comedic gold!

Anyway… Let’s get down to business and discuss what helps with facet joint pain.

Time heals all wounds

Okay… Maybe we used “heals” a bit loosely here since facet joint damage isn’t something one just recovers from overnight. In fact, several studies show that most people start feeling significant improvement after five weeks of treatment – so be patient!

It bears repeating: rest & good sleep are crucial for healing processes. Make sure your sleeping surface caters appropriately to your pressure points by providing enough give while maintaining proper support alignment (read:”Get yourself a decent mattress!”).

Ironically enough- Activity is key

When experiencing extreme spine-related condition/trauma/issues— keeping active might do further harm than good and must be ruled out completely beforehand- Nonetheless when it comes down normal wear-and-tear/routine overuse activity facilitates an ideal environment for recovery.
Rigorous physical exercise doesn’t seem reasonable at first but light movements improve blood flow throughout the affected area reducing inflammation as results.

Physical Therapy

Some people with recurring facet joint pain find relief of symptoms through physical therapy. The aim is to promote motion, flexibility and strength in the back muscles which also reduces stress on the vertebral joints.

After your initial evaluation at a physiotherapy clinic assert with your doctor/physician about acquiring an exercise program designed for you specifically that caters to maximizing focal points aiming towards reestablishing spinal mobility allowing more accurate expressions related to flexibility, comfort & muscle relaxation than self-prescribing static websites via generic templates seemingly derived through playing Mad Libs.

Great stretch selections

Pelvic Tilt stretches

This move can encourage your lower vertebrae segments into proper alignment hence reducing inflammation overall. To perform this stretch place yourself flat down facing upwards bend both knees simultaneously like climbing stairs then continue pushing until core engages firmly before holding positions/slowly reverting original position.

Cat-cow Stretch

A yoga technique where one alternates between two poses while moving spine up/down wherein one has their hands and knees supporting body weight throughout process. This primarily improves; flexibility, rotational stability & posture all while providing a gentle way to spew out hairballs 🐱

Alternative Therapies

The word “alternative medicine” might sound hokey and ineffective but trust us, some studies have demonstrated that alternative therapies (a.k.a natural remedies) could provide pressure relief from vertebral pain when used judiciously as part of wider medical management plan.

Heat/Ice treatment for the cheaper alternatives

Applying heat or ice wraps over affected areas is an easy way to alleviate hard-to-shake pains without spending too much money- Both are viable options depending on preference so try different temperatures! In summary use ice packs for immediate swelling/injury whereas heat applications done periodically relieve tense associated problems such as stiffness/spasms.

Acupuncture magic needles

If you’re in doubt if needles are good for some back relief consider acupuncture— It works! Most people who try find considerable improvement following the initial session- This practice borrows from energy balance principles which work to stimulate targeted pressure points distributed throughout body. Surprisingly this is supposed to empower spinal catalysts that encourage natural healing waves banishing inflammation almost completely (over time).

Chiropractic adjustments

Chiropractors use hand techniques or equipment assistive manipulations focusing on realigning spine vertebrae, slowly increasing joint mobility and releasing tension from “stuck” muscles; opening up nerve pathways. With a properly executed adjustment you’ll definitely leave feeling truer to yourself than before bumping around difficult areas.

Surgical Options

In certain cases when every other treatment fails doctors suggest surgery as an option where it’s not a question of if but when procedure shall transpire…

Fusion Surgery

Evoking Robert Zemeckis’ famous phrase, “if my calculations are correct” fusion surgery sounds like something straight out of The Jetsons’ futuristic theatre(wristwatch screens & flying automobiles anyone?!) . Essentially it involves joining two adjoining vertebrae into one eliminating any further motion that could cause pain/discomfort.

Of course going under knife isn’t always best path here so take into account its intensive nature and potential drawbacks carefully since results aren’t usually instantaneous along with significant risks depending upon patient health history & unexpected issues arising at operationally-significant positionings.

Take home message: Speak clearly /insert Jessica Fletcher voice/ …

//there you have it folks – options abound for minimizing facet joint stress during recovery process ranging everywhere from stretches/acupuncture/physical therapy recommendations right through serious and more extreme approaches involving invasive surgical procedures.. So consult with your healthcare professional or registered physiotherapist today regarding suitable treatments personalized just for you

But don’t worry—keep a smile on, it gets better!

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