What help with yeast infection?

Picture this horrifying scenario. You’re at an important meeting, the person next to you starts to shift uncomfortably in their seat, and suddenly – BAM! The pungent aroma of a yeast infection fills your nostrils.

Sadly, even the most fastidious among us can fall prey to this unwelcome guest. So what can we do? Glad you asked.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection

First things first; how do we know if it is actually a yeast infection that is causing all of our problems?

Well, for starters, there’s itching down there – lots and lots of itching. Itching so intense that if someone told you rolling in poison ivy was the only cure, you would give it a try (please don’t). Other symptoms include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Burning sensation
  • Thick white odorless discharge

If any or all of these sound familiar to you, congratulations! You have won yourself an unwanted ticket into Yeastinfectionsburg.

Causes Of Yeast Infections

Now let’s address the elephant in the room; why did this happen? Why did yeasty boi decide to make its home base right where it hurts?

Several factors can come together and create just the right environment for an overgrowth of Candida fungus:


Undoubtedly one of mankind’s greatest medical achievements has left us more prone to infections like yeast infections. How ironic!

Whenever we take antibiotics – aimed at eliminating harmful bacteria – they also clear away some beneficial ones such as lactobacillus which helps regulate growth preventing vaginal pH from becoming too basic or acidic.


The hormonal changes associated with life events such as menstruation or pregnancy etc predispose women to develop vaginitis more frequently than men.
This typically occurs during menstrual cycles when estrogen levels are high relative progesterone levels.

Tight Clothing

It’s unreal how the clothes we decide to wear can play a role in yeast infections! Fabrics that aren’t permeable like nylon, polyester or spandex prevent ventilation and moisture-wicking which makes it easier for fungus to colonize.

Other activities that predispose you to yeast infection include:

  • Using feminine hygiene sprays, powders
  • Lack of enough sleep
  • Vigorous sexual activity.
  • High sugar diet
  • Health conditions such as diabetes

Treatment options for Yeast Infection

Now let us get down to business : How can we manage yeast infections? What works best?

A variety of treatment options exists from prescription medications, over-the-counter treatments, home remedies and lifestyle adjustments

Prescription Medications: Effectively preventing Candida growth

If natural remedies are not getting the job done or if the symptoms just don’t seem to go away with other treatments then effective anti fungal agents may be prescribed by your doctor such as :

Fluconazole (Diflucan):

Anti-fungal medication given either orallyor through IV. Patients with severe infections might require this therapy due to resistance towards OTC medications.

#### Clotrimazole (Mycelex)

Clotrimazole comes in different forms; vaginal cream, lozenge(for mouth candidiasis) etc is used whenever OTC creams have less therapeutic effects on patients though their efficacy may wane over time from emerging resistant strains.

Over-The Counter Treatments

In addition to prescription drugs there some anti fungal formulations sold without prescriptions including:

Antifungal Creams containing Miconazole (Lotrimin), Terbinafine(Lamisil ), and Clotrimazole(Gyne-Lotrimin).

These are commonly known as OTC drugs available at drug stores even without a prescription since they treat common skin ailments but they may take longer periods to provide relief compared to prescription medications.

It’s important to remember that overuse of these antifungal agents could lead to antimicrobial resistance and fungal colonization.

Home Remedies:

For Avid Lovers of All-Natural Healing Methods

There are still a lot of treatments closely related with treating candidiasis naturally or home remedies most of which do not have any scientific basis. Some popular examples include:

Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Among the essential oils^, tea tree oil extract in low-dosed forms may help them attain considerable efficacy against Candida albicans due its numerous active components including:

  • Terpinen.
  • 4-terpineol
  • α-Terpineol

Natural anti-fungal properties displayed by tea tree oil cause severe Candidal growth inhibition therefore preventing any adverse side effects from synthetic drugs such as fluconazole( Diflucan).


Garlic contains several sulfur compounds such as Allicin that contain natural antifungicides effective in eradicating yeast infections. For maximum results insert garlic towards vaginal canal regularly every few hours for two weeks after peeling and wrapping it around gauze cloth beforehand.

But let us be real – using up your entire kitchen pantry shopping list isn’t always cost-effective or practice (coughs Teatree.. coughs).
Treatments often vary depending on severity , individual health status among other factors.

Lifestyle adjustments

Women who experience recurring episodes should adopt some lifestyle changes aimed at altering behaviors predisposing you further .This includes;

  1. Clothing – avoid tight fitting clothes made from synthetic fabrics rather opt for breathable cotton underwear.
  2. Avoid douching since this tends to alter the pH levels within vagina creating a conducive environment ideal for pathogenic bacteria/viruses culminating into vaginitis and UTI’s .
    3.Practice Safe Sex especially if you have a new partner since the introduction of an unfamiliar germ thrive unchecked by other bacteria within your vagina


Sure, it can be tempting to pretend this isn’t happening or to ignore symptoms – but as much fun as denial sounds, an untreated yeast infection won’t go away on its own. Instead, take your health into your own hands and start with any remedial option that suits you best!

Remember every time a yeast infection appears try not moving starchy foods like bread,noodles,donuts too close together in order for them not to stick.

Stay healthy!
(Have Fun!)

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