What happens when you use an expired condom?

Picture this: you’re about to get down and dirty with your partner. You’re both feeling frisky, but there’s one problem – you don’t have any condoms left. So, what do you do? Well, if you’re anything like most people out there, you probably go digging through your bedside drawer for that spare condom that’s been sitting in there for who knows how long.

But here’s the thing – using an expired condom is not something to be taken lightly. In fact, it can lead to a host of hilarious (and not so hilarious) consequences.

Let’s dive in and explore what happens when you use an expired condom!

What Happens When a Condom Expires?

First things first – we need to understand why condoms expire in the first place. After all, it’s just a piece of latex or polyurethane right? Not exactly.

Condoms are designed to protect against sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies by creating a barrier between bodily fluids during sex. Over time however, the materials used to make them begin deteriorating due mainly exposure to heat/temperature fluctuations pressure from being squished around too much as well as air moisture levels making holes form within its structure leaving tiny pathways open for STD transmission once exposed inside their host/victim!

When condoms start showing signs of wear and tear or appear sticky/moist (which btw may also signal presence of STIs) , they become less effective at preventing pregnancy/scary STDs such as gonorrhea syphilis herpes etcetera which could play unfairly on unsuspecting folks trying/kidding themselves into sexual vulnerability deathtrap combos like ‘pulling out’ along with some unknown number cocktail party pen pals….you name it!

An expired condom has essentially reached the end of its lifespan meaning chemicals break down-neato!, material integrity weakens -oh dear! , lubrication dries out/cracks instead of providing some natural rhythm flow, and it can also cause the condom to rip or tear more easily during intercourse.. Not exactly an ideal scenario when attempting to practice responsible sexual activity.

The Condom Roulette

You’ve found that extra condom in your drawer. It’s expired, but you’re determined to use it anyway because let’s face it – condoms are expensive these days, so you don’t want to waste any.

Here comes the fun part… Or not quite!

When using an expired condom be prepared for a surprise game of “condom roulette.” You’ll never know whether the rubber will stick around long enough for both parties involved or just decided ‘eff this I’m outtahere!” leaving one party playing russian roulette with their life/lie/denial depending on how infected/partnered/stati he/she is!

Believe us when we say that there’s nothing quite like spending a romantic evening curled up on the couch with Netflix whilst being driven insane by worry about potential STIs and other various ailments/doomsday scenarios caused by having unprotected sex due limited budgets misplaced trust backward visions of reality ignorance insecurity problems and inflated egos compared to similar Pokedex entries….Ah memories!

Let this serve as a reminder – always check those expiration dates before getting busy!

Possible Discomforts Associated with Using Expired Condoms

If all goes well,and it wasn’t your saviour postpartum contraceptive preparation-you may finally start feeling things heat up. But before long you begin experiencing some unusual sensations….

Don’t be alarmed-This could very well mean NOTHING.Well maybe something if they come along Cue operatic heavy breathing So what should you expect?
|Symptom |Duration |Description|
|Burning or itching |short | As your junk intercourse happy huddles against a flimsy duct tape? in the form of out-of-date prophylaxis s/he draws their grubby little crabs/clap /warts to keep themselves party hosts on this plane. No worries, it won’t be for long!
|Slower than normal ejaculation | temporarily |-this might happen because you spent too much time feeling smug and relieved at the fact that you found just under $2 change last week while still confidently plucking an old condom-bonfire escape method in your drawer given out at pride almost twelve months ago, causing friction.
|Painful urination | short |-not only is this painful but also inconvenient as sirens & redlights have turned your front porch into a busy hospital scene with ambulance trucks pulling up simultaneously like it's a code blue/movie scene; shwiiing! were y'all doing something fishy?= suddenly every pee break feels like jumping over scorching coals to life

Aside from these possible discomforts there are other issues altogether: Chlamydia-The gift that keeps giving!!, syphilis , gonorrhea etcetera can occur when condoms aren’t used properly or expire. These unwanted gifts keep on giving just like boxing day sales as they multiply spreading love indefinitely…or not quite so lovingly.

So now that sounds fun!

When Your Partner Finds Out

Picture yourself rolling off each other barely panting struggling desperately trying to ignite some sparks after trial and error attempts resulting in bad accidents followed by brief bouts of hysterical laughter wailing “I don’t feel anything! Do YOU?” Not exactly the most erotic statement is it?

Now comes the moment where most people dread the most – when your partner finds out that you used an expired condom.

Honestly, it’s not exactly a confidence booster to reveal any prior sudden losses of memories particularly traumatic ones living rent-free within themselves. But given the nature of how quickly unforgiving some people are today-it could be worse: running into old flames after 9 hours swearing off alcohol life till next week or subscribing for [insert which episode/series & length] AFTER learning everyone wastes time just trying as hard on dating apps with similar results without even moving more than two fingers- Oopsie! You forgot condoms had expiration dates!

Expectations can lead us astray… Most partners will understand and quickly brush it off(while taking mental notes), but there’s always the chance that they’ll freak out showering you in chilly thanks but no thanks letter before making a speedy exit leaving you feeling one inch small/unworthy.But they didn’t see that coming now did they?

How Do I Prevent This from Happening Again?

Never use expired condors again unless its part of your personal kinks/fetishes too each their own,right? Look,you don’t have to micromanage everything related to sexual escapades-the planning alone is enough stress already.But letting things like pregnancy, nasty diseases,broken egos happen should not ruin what would otherwise be another amazing time under all circumstances.A cliche states :If something is worth doing ,it’s worth doing right; hence keeping up good hygiene routines,Learning about other forms of birth control methods aside from Plough Method aka pulling out,effective communication matching values whilst setting boundaries practising self-care willing trust etcetera….can help prevent these rather unpleasant most times scenarios.

In conclusion dear potential reader it has come to our attention through years long thorough research by various reputable organisations and seminars(which we refuse further details on) upon actualisation/revelation by higher authorities that using expired condoms-while offering some momentary salvation for our wallets-may mar the success of your romantic escapades completely. Therefore practice discretion in all your actions “pretend your next meeting with love will be during a hectic traffic pocket and wear a helmet”-Iroh . Stay safe out there kids!

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