What happens when a blood vessel pops in your eye?

Picture this: you wake up one day, ready to take on the world. You brush your teeth, wash your face and look at yourself in the mirror before leaving for work. Suddenly, you notice something odd – there’s a red blotch on your eye that seemingly came out of nowhere! Like any sane person with access to the internet, you turn right to Google for an explanation. Well, lucky for you you’ve landed here because we are going to talk about what happens when a blood vessel pops in your eye.

The Eye Game

Before we dive into all things vessels popping (bet you’re wondering why we said ‘vessels’ now huh?), it’s crucial first to understand how our eyes function.Please excuse us while we bore you with facts

Our eyeballs have 3 main layers; conjunctiva (which includes sclera), iris and retina. The area where majority blood flow occurs is inside the conjunctiva layer which makes sense since this feeds directly from arteries connected with nose-brain system (“Sniff Sniff”). Science class flashback anyone? Good ’cause that’s enough of Gen Chem.

Red Alert!

Now without getting too “technical”, there are two types of bleeding- subconjunctival hemorrhages/bleeding or hyphema/Intraocular Bleeding, but today let’s focus only on subconjuctival ones—this is when a small vessel next to sclera (the white part) ruptures causing A Lot Of Blood Seepage. Now obviously because just like everything else beautiful moments tend not last forever so does the appearance of these bruises as their lifecycle lasts between 7-10 days.”So till then adios pretty looks!”

But wait – hold those horses; what causes these poppin’ vessels?! There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, but the culprits are usually harmless yet dangerous sneezes, coughs and laughs. Anything that causes sudden intense pressure to your blood vessels could potentially pop them—so no more laughing at everyone’s jokes because suffice it to say #ComedyIsHazardous!

I Have a Red Eye Now What do I Do?

First and foremost — don’t worry! It happens to the best of us (also note: for any help always refer back to Dr.Google). On a serious note; relax as much as possible prevents straining or further damage making things worse.

The Don’t Worry Checklist

  1. Contact someone who naturally can reassure you like friends, family.
  2. Reschedule anything you feel comfortable moving around as this will be temporary “Faux Medical Leave”.
  3. Do not put on makeup, while we totally get that sometimes people might prefer using concealer in their daily life (pretty sure no one looked at Edward Cullen’s complexion with disdain! ) – In reality, except for hiding shades-matchless neck colours – placing cosmetics can cause further irritation even infection through contamination
  4. Start blindly applying ice-packs – okay wait– Let us stop you right there! Instead what works is putting warm compresses over affected areas only with clean hands or cloth, trusted medical journals state doing so evades development of mould on covered area reducing inflammation & promoting drainage

In case symptoms worsen despite these measures please seek professional help/consultation from doctors since we do NOT advocate Googling your way out into diagnosing yourself nor losing vision due to carelessness’!”Keep calm and trust your doctor!”

When You Should Panic

Alright kiddos buckle up-pardon our sense of humour here-if any severe symptoms occur immediately rush straight away towards emergency room/call immediate ambulance if available amongst other pivotal signs including:
– Sudden loss or sets of decreasing vision
– Intense pain around the eye area or inside
– Continuous tear flow not stopping with basic remedies (especially if one side)
– Redness accompanied by unusual manifestation of headache, nausea, weakness

The Bottom Line (do not frame us please)

In the end, subconjunctival hemorrhages mostly aren’t anything to concern you – except for making you look like a party animal that’s hungover in your early morning meetings. For the most part, it’ll clear up all on its own and has no discomforting effects other than cosmetic appearance.

But as always in life– prevention is better than cure! Avoid rubbing them peepers roughly after sneezes/coughs even if tempting urges arise during allergy season (behave) Especially incorporate these habits (we’re big believers trust us!):
1. Wash your hands before touching your eyes/nose.
2. Avoid blowing nose forcefully which tends to increase sinus blood flow impacting eyes alongside unnecessary irritation
3.Exercise regularly; With mini circles/massaging eyeballs rotating from left-right & top-bottom assures prevent overworking tension—what’s there left—the best version of yourself!

Oh yes and stop trying to stare into people’s souls looking comically intense when angry because #LetUsIntroduceYouToYourInnerHulk !

It’s been fun running through this together .Make sure now onwards do what? Correct! -Take good care of those precious orbs providing our daily pleasures.”Stay safe dear readers!”

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