What happens if you take benadryl after drinking alcohol?

Do you ever find yourself sneezing uncontrollably, eyes watering, and nose running as the allergy season approaches? Do you also enjoy a nice cold beer or a glass of wine while out with friends? While antihistamines like Benadryl are commonly used to relieve the symptoms of allergies, what happens if you take them after consuming alcohol? In this article, we will explore the effects of mixing alcohol and Benadryl. Hold onto your hats, because things could get interesting.

A Brief Overview of Antihistamines

Before we dive into the effects of mixing alcohol and Benadryl, let’s first understand what antihistamines are. These medications work by blocking histamine receptors in the body that trigger an allergic reaction. Histamine is a chemical that is released when someone has an allergic reaction to something like pollen or dust mites.

While antihistamines can help relieve symptoms such as sneezing and itching, they can also have side effects including drowsiness, dry mouth, and blurred vision. Now add in some booze – just how do these two substances affect each other?

Mixing Alcohol and Benadryl

Drinking alcohol while taking medication may seem harmless enough for some people; however, it’s important to note that doing so could be incredibly dangerous under certain circumstances. It is always advisable not to mix any medication with alcohol unless specifically recommended by your healthcare provider.

For those who do decide to consume both substances together (we see you daredevils), here are some possible outcomes:

Increased Drowsiness

Combining benzos such as benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax) with opioids leads up to extreme respiratory depression which even leaddsto death! Fortunately our topic today isn’t about opioids but still combining sedatives drugs like alcohol and diphenhydramine (e.g., benadryl) can lead to severe central nervous system depression.

Since both alcohol and Benadryl can make you feel sleepy, the combination could intensify these effects, leading to increased drowsiness – a recipe for disaster if driving or operating heavy machinery. Even a simple task like walking could become challenging.

Impaired Cognitive Function

Mixing benzos such as diazepam with depressants like opioids or alcohol leads upto even more severe respiratory distress which could possibly cause strokes or death & further damage from hypoxemia!

Furthermore combining drugs that have similar side effects is not only dumb but dangerous too! Reduced cognitive function is one of those mutual characteristics shared by both alcohol and BENADRYL thus resulting in potential impaired judgement. It would be wise not to do anything complex while taking this combo, e.g., doing your taxes will just have tonsssss of errors!


The mixture of alcohol with medication has been known to cause delirium-like symptoms within hours due to interference in brain’s normal functioning. Symptoms include mood swings, confusion, agitation–not exactly what anyone aims for when they drink a glass after work! However initial mild symptoms could lead unto convulsions/seizures.

Other Side Effects

Aside from the major issues mentioned above , other possible reactions from mixing Alcohol and Benadryl include:

  • Dizziness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Rapid heart rate/palpitations
  • Nausea/vomiting
    Not so fun anymore,huh?

Keep in mind that individuals react differently based on factors such as weight, age, gender history with liver disorders/metabolism etc…meaning everyone will respond uniqueelyto these substances mixtures.

Also infact there are some studies pointingto how tolerance thresholdagainst antihistaminiceffectscan be increased if regularly consumed by the individual for greater time intervals leading to not only lessened relief from symptoms but also developmentof other complications like anxiety, insomnia or even seizures.


Altogether, mixing alcohol and Benadryl can lead to serious consequences. Risks include drowsiness, confusion caused by reduced cognitive function; delirium; dangerously low blood pressure resulting from vasodilatation due to anti-histamine effects etc… Its just best to face seasons with allergy head-on without reaching outfor alcoholic beverages!

Also always,it is better never attempt mix analgesic medicines such as pain killers (eg Codeine) with this type of medications/benzos mixed with benzodiazipines–as mixing foreign substances could be lethal.

Stay safe everyone!

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