What happens if u drink too much alcohol?

Oh, alcohol – the nectar of the gods. The solution to all our problems (or so we think). A few drinks in and suddenly we’re on top of the world. But what happens when you go too far? When “just one more” becomes “just how much can I possibly drink before my liver gives out?”

Let’s face it, nobody wants to be that person who ends up passed out under a table or throwing up in an alleyway. So let’s take a look at exactly what happens if you drink too much alcohol.

The Basics

First things first – let’s get down to some science-y basics about alcohol. Ethanol is the active ingredient found in alcoholic beverages that leads to intoxication.

When you consume ethanol, your body starts breaking it down through metabolism in your liver. This process creates acetaldehyde which gets broken down into acetate It takes roughly one hour for your body to metabolize one standard drink – this means that even after one hour of drinking, any additional drinks will cause further blood-alcohol concentration increase.

Here are ways excessive alcohol consumption breaks us apart:

Deep Dive

Blood Circulation

Excessive drinking causes blood vessels near skin surfaces(vasodilation)
to become wider than normal causing flushing or redness beneath somebody’s skin giving intense warmth feelings but causing heat loss because they radiate off excess heat (get ready for lotsa cozy sheets) .

If someone has 5-6 drinks within 2 hours, their heart rate increases due to stimulation from GABA chemicals released from brain during excessive intake.

Also known as hypertension induced by acute alcohol consumption our hearts desparately try and keep pace with changes brought on by vasodialation resulting fatigue (grab those fuzzy socks!)

Alcohol acts like sedative inducing sleepiness/hangover head ache condition hence termed “dehydration headache ” resulting from dehydration which expels fluids from the body at a faster rate than usual.

Physical and Hormonal Changes

Alcohol causes a plethora of chronic issues ranging from liver diseases, pancreatitis to stomach ulcers, note that drinking excessively increases risks of various cancers (e.g. mouth cancer) (scary stuff).

Alcohol consumption interferes with hormonal signaling especially among women – Prolactin is one such hormone affected alcohol impairs its production, affecting lactation in mothers particularly when highest rate substances are consumed. Additionally enzymes involved in testosterone metabolism become impaired may cause infertility in males(fear not- you can still be fertile AF)

The Nitty Gritty Of It All

So what happens more specifically? As your blood/alcohol level increases past the 0.08% legal limit for operating vehicles/managing heavy machinery or moderate risk intake we experience:

Delayed Mentality Response/Reaction Time

Firstly, the cognitive effects begin to set in. You might feel great while under the influence but there’s no escaping that alcohol is a depressant drug – it affects nerve cells thus sluggish attention span,lack coordination skills,,poor memory recollection and diminish visual perception as well

As too much ethanol builds up within system people start acting violently/aggressively during intoxication state leading Even when levels return normal most commonly known as blackouts,(as if embarrassing yourself isn’t bad enough).

Going Too Far

Let’s face it – some nights just escalate beyond control. When this happens things get ugly fast.. Now let us introduce our friend ‘hangover’ into equation because after all its always better to think ahead!

Alcohol Poisoning

At extreme levels of intake overstimulated reflex responses like gagging on vomit,choking; severe breathing difficulties leading to coma/death can happen hence calling emergency services early enough to start treatment is key

Long term ill effects of alcohol misuse are quite fatal owing not just liver cirrhosis but equally heart-related illnesses(we warned you…) . Moderation is always best!

The Aftermath

It’s a given – those sessions which last till 7AM take their toll the next day. You wake up with a headache and mouth tasting like a sock somebody left in water for too long leading to anxiety, sweating, shaking haziness combined with general feeling feel sensitivity to light.

Reality check: heavy drinking has several health setbacks especially relationships involving family work colleagues led by frail situtations from surrounding amongst others. A word/paragraph cannot aptly express everything that happens…(but we tried).


In summary , excessive intakes of alcoholic beverages come along short-term & long-term repercussions as mentioned above ranging from impaired judgement leading depending on level; can cause hangovers head ache (hate that!), hazy mind influenced verbally aggressive behavior or violence (yikes!). Lets all be fair while having fun at same time.

Always drink responsibly if you must drink! Believe us, your body will thank you for it later!

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