What happens if i smoke catnip?

As humans, we are known to experiment with different substances to see what effects they have on us. While some substances like coffee and tea are widely accepted, others such as cocaine and heroin have devastating effects on our health. The latest substance being experimented on is catnip.

Yes! You read that right; catnip – the herb commonly found in pet stores that leaves cats drooling and high out of their minds.

The question now is if catnip has a psychoactive effect or not when smoked? Let’s embark on this journey together as we take a closer look at smoking catnip.

What Is Catnip?

Catnip or Nepeta cataria is an aromatic plant native to Europe but cultivated all over the world today for domestic animals’ use because of its euphoric effects on them.

Humans also sometimes use nepetalactone (the active ingredient) for medicinal purposes like treating insomnia, headache, inflammation amongst other minor problems. However, the plant’s non-psychoactive nature makes it less popular than most herbs.

Can Cat Nip Get You High When Smoked

Many people believe that since cat owners give their cats dried catnips packaged the same way cigarettes come wrapped then one can smoke it too just like cannabis.. Such an idea begs caution because there isn’t any scientific evidence yet to suggest smoking Nepeta cataria gets you high by itself or gives any psychoactivity compared to how Cannabis does via CBD/THC.

Ingesting raw marijuana creates a mild ‘tar’ feeling in your lungs but where dose that leave catalytic leaves?. These plants will only release vague terpenes therefore those trying hopelessly searching for psychotropic traits from inhaling nematodes may be in vain due futility regarding drug-induced results obtained through smoke inhalation.

Reasons Why People Smoke Catnips

But why smoke catnip in the first place? Here are a few reasons why some people decide to get high on their feline’s favorite herb.


Humans have always been interested in trying new things, and when it comes to smoking plants like herbs or spices, why not give it a try? Smokers may be curious about what would happen if they smoked Nepeta cataria with such fascinating effects on cats.

To Relieve Anxiety

Smoking is known for reducing anxiety levels that can lift off an individual’s shoulders.Unfortunately while studies showed non-fatal drug-related causes enjoyed prior relief from symptoms – this has only been shown for other substances so far as there have not yet scientific findings confirming this benefit of smoking catnip.

Thus smoking Nemate leaves individuals at risk instead since no medical benefits assures consumer safety.

The Effects Of Smoking Catnips

After all said and done It seems like the verdict is out; smoking catnips won’t make you “high…” specifically since THC (the compound found in marijuana) isn’t present enough.Thus those obsessed smokers hoping for episodes likened ones described by Freud can find alternative approaches because hitting nematodes purely based physical consumption just doesn’t live up its exciting hype.
Nevertheless, ingesting any substance without tangible knowledge of long-term effects fit for human use risks impending danger .

Catnip contains several essential oils called terpenoids that give it its characteristic odor and flavor. Terpenes are also found in cannabis and potentially influence their psychoactive effect on humans’ neurological system through interactions with CB1 receptors.
One safe hypothetical possibility – although still inconclusive- seen here however could be combining methanol extract of Nepeta Cataria with water/ alcohol-base carrier oil or vaporizer which hypothetically possibily facilitates euphoria-inducing compounds throughout circulation within/humans respiratory organs generating noticeable responses physiologically instead of placebo.

Risks Of Smoking Catnip

All options thus far pursued have been futile attempts to induce immediate effects however Little attention is given to the risks involved in smoking catnips. Some potential risks are:

  • Toxicity – The plant’s essential oils can cause nausea, vomiting, headache and other discomforting experiences due exposure so prolonged use could pose severe harm over time.Too much consumption also poses similar hazard available for risk takers
  • Lung damage – Any particulate matter (smoke) that we inhale into our lungs creates varying degrees of irritation on respiratory organs with possible irreversible consequences.

From what medical research has discovered , no verifiable scientific study exists showing us visually whether any health benefits exist or if those who continue smoking catnips might end up harming their bodies uninformed.

## So What Have We Learnt?

At last point we know the various factors from smoke inhalation found Nemate leaves only compounds already proven ineffective standalone inducers of psychotropic responses but still subjecting individuals at extreme danger.Don’t forget that common sense always comes in handy especially when venturing into new grounds.

While experimentation is usually a trademark characteristic for man’s curiosity, dosing harsh herbs without knowledge insight should be treated as foolishness rather than innocence otherwise smokers set themselves up to experience dire consequences later down steam without serious intervention/psychotherapy sessions.This article isn’t inviting you to utilize CT whenever you feel like it because relying on it would be dangerous whatsoever should always scrutinizing properly before utilizing terpenoids found within uncertain natural supplements.

Take care!

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