What foods shouldn t you eat with diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is a painful condition that affects the large intestine. It’s caused by pockets in the lining of the colon called diverticula becoming inflamed or infected. Although there is no known cure for diverticulitis, avoiding certain types of food can help manage symptoms and prevent flare-ups.

In this article, we will discuss what foods you should avoid if you have diverticulitis (which you probably do because why else would you be here?) and how they may impact your condition.

What is Diverticulitis?

Before we dive into which foods to steer clear of, let’s review exactly what causes diverticulitis. As mentioned earlier, it starts with small pouches called diverticula forming in weak spots along the digestive tract.

When fecal matter gets trapped within these little pockets and putrefies over time (yep, it’s as gross as it sounds), inflammation sets in (cue abdominal pain). Sometimes these can heal up on their own without incident but unfortunately more often than not they become sites of infection which cause abscess formation or even perforations (so much fun!).

Symptoms commonly include severe stomachache (usually felt lower left abdomen), fever/chills/diarrhea/constipation/bloating/gas/naseau/vomitting/etc.. – generally bringing morale down all around.

General Guidelines

While some people recommend specific diets for managing symptoms like bruising meat; others say that eating well balanced just enough while keeping an eye out seems to work best solution when feeding oneself

However given sometimes unusual effects different things have on individual bodies – guidance from a professional healthcare provider wouldn’t hurt either!

Fiber Intake

Some medical specialists advise against high fiber when facing active inflammation(be careful!) whereas now-a-days most DC patients are told pretty-much-the-opposite. An overall balanced diet with sufficient fiber tends to be highly encouraged rather than discouraging (stay balanced, my friends).


Staying well hydrated is key! Drinking plenty of liquids may assist in keeping things moving and could possibly decrease the chances of fecal matter becoming trapped inside diverticula – let’s hope that makes sense enough to you!

Foods To Avoid

Okay folks, now we’re getting into the nitty-gritty (time for dramatic background music). Here are some foods that you should avoid if you have diverticulitis.

1. Nuts and Seeds

Why so cruel world? While nuts and seeds are great for providing much needed nutrient content, they can also easily become lodged within little holes in your colon lingering about long enough become inflammed biting one in the butt later on.. It’s best to stay clear if possible even though it might hurt since this a tough one.

Some people say peanuts cause trouble but other nut varieties seem just as likely offenders (so double check!)

Nuts and Seeds to avoid: almonds, pecans, hazelnuts , macadamia nuts (this rogue list goes wild!)

When making food decisions having second thoughts/seeking medical professional opinion always seems like a good move!

2. Popcorn

Never consider popcorn worth risking rupturing sometimes prone pockets along your digestive tract offering no benefits only harm unless thinking an x-ray equipment rental is what makes ones heartbeat sing..

It’s suggested eating anything which presents physical indigestible danger or difficulty needn’t bother entering future menu selections safely avoiding awkward bar stool tales along with bonus points thrown in for style/free time.

3. Red Meat

While there isn’t concrete evidence linking red meat consumption specifically to diverticulitis flare-ups; So doesn’t necessarily mean its off limits but- there seems to be useful associations from various researches going for ‘red or processed meat reduction’ that have shown significant improvements in other digestive issues – if this ends up helping yours might as well give it a shot!

Meats on the to-cut back list: beef, lamb & pork

4. Fried Foods

Fried Foods are not best friends with folks afflicted by diverticulitis! Similar reasoning has been applied towards red meats; While (sadly?) no confirmed correlation between junk food and diverticulitis exists.. As always speaking with a medical professional about devising action plans may help with choices during these tough times!

5. Dairy Products

While dairy is a great way of getting much-needed calcium intake, lactose intolerance is normal enough without involving painful inflammation.

Some patients report increased chances of undesired symptoms while eating high fat items such as cheeses.

Sour cream
Heavy Cream

These are some ingredients which commonly trigger regrettable results allowing you to be more selective in advance due to know-how achievements.


If you’ve been diagnosed with diverticulitis or suspect it, certain foods should be avoided (no arguing there). Nuts and seeds can become lodged within your colon’s holes causing danger down the track .Popcorn isn’t worth risking rupture over when making snacking decisions.Red Meat fry-ups&junk foods may make things worse being targets for careful consideration.Dairy products especially cheese seem to cause problems increasing intestine health prospects may require rethinking strategies.Thanks for hanging out and good luck staying healthy gang.!

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