What enzymes help digestion?

Have you ever stopped to think about the magic that happens in your stomach whenever you dig into a super cheesy slice of pizza or a juicy burger? Well, let me tell you – there are tiny helpers called digestive enzymes that work really hard behind the scenes to break down all that food into nutrients your body can actually use. In this article, we’ll explore different types of digestive enzymes and what they do so that by the end of it, you’ll have enough knowledge to impress even your gastroenterologist!

Mouth-Watering Beginnings

Digestion starts as soon as food enters your mouth. The salivary glands release an enzyme called amylase, which begins to break down complex carbohydrates like starch into simple sugars like glucose. That’s why if you hold a piece of bread in your mouth long enough , it starts tasting sweet!

But wait – there’s more. Have you ever wondered why everything tastes bland when you’re congested? It turns out we also need our sense of smell for taste perception since many flavors come from odors entering through our noses. So let those sinuses breathe free and clear for ultimate gastronomical pleasure!

Ready for Action

Once food progresses past the mouth and enters the stomach, things get even more serious! Now is where most heavy-duty enzymatic action takes place.

One hero here is pepsinogen which gets secreted within peptic cells located in stomach lining; without pH 1-2 environment provided by gastric acid present within stomach cavity pepsin would fail activating itself converting into smaller peptides with help of hydrochloric acid (HCl). Pepsinogen breaks down longer protein chains (polypeptides) produced while chewing meat (bolus) making them short peptides whilst providing optimal surface area at their broken ends giving room for other enzymes to perform.

Foods with higher fat content are dealt with differently. These require different enzymatic helpers called lipases that come from pancreas/ bile ducts located within the small intestine (duodenum) where pancreatic juice enters chyme containing stomach acid mix of semi-digestible food bits forms created during stomach emptying. Lipase works by breaking down triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol so your intestines can absorb them for various functions like hormone production, cell membrane production or nervous system functioning!

Chew each bite at least 30 times and release proteins extending peptide bonds that consequently trigger hydrochloric acid secretion leading to a healthier gut environment. The better you chew, the lesser is burden on digestive organs later remember this!

The Pancreas Saves the Day

Being secretive is not always bad! In fact, it’s quite helpful when it comes to your health – just ask your pancreas. This little organ plays a big role in digestion as mainly responsible for producing enzymes which help break down fats,lactose carbohydrate found in dairy products alongside many other necessary peptidases but don’t worry about these.

Secretions include bicarbonate ions neutralizing acidic contents coming from stomach preventing irritable bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal disorders keeping alkaline pH stable inside duodenum whilst optimizing conditions for pancreatic enzymes like amylase acting on starch resulting mostly maltose/dextrin breakdown helping jelly-like substance improve digestibility while present inside jejunum.

And That’s Not All Folks!

We’ve talked about three major types of digestive enzymes already – amylase, lipase, and pepsinogen – but there are plenty more where those came from!

For example, proteases– collectively referring +to all former types-are something someone would love after indulging themselves 😀 steaks filling their cravings throughout night out binging ones favorite TV shows maybe? Stomach lining responsible for releases pepsinogen with chief cells among other forms of protease through pancreatic juice helping in breakdown protein molecules very efficiently -proteases enzyme group.

Aside from these, some miscellaneous enzymes like nuclease break down nucleic acids present in foods into their building blocks so your body can use them to make more DNA and RNA. In fact, many cancer treatments today target a type of enzyme called tyrosine kinase; Cancerous cells produce excessive amounts making it increasingly important to control tyrosine kinase activity via medically developed drugs.

Eat Your Enzymes

There are two ways you can help your digestive system: firstly by consuming foods high in the specific enzymes necessary for digestion (such as lactase supplements for individuals that are lactose intolerant) or secondly assisting natural enzyme production thereof.

Firstly, consider supplementing microbial filters which naturally occur unable to digest unwanted carbohydrates containing non-digestible fibers adding prebiotics + probiotics increasing healthy microorganism content within small intestine colon respectively whilst bolstering endogenous capacities aside aiding absorption!

Second way? Chew harder!! Remember slow eating always helps divert concentration on food-making you conscious about consumption rate therefore positively influencing pancreas avoiding discomfort post-meal.


Digestive enzymes may not be as glamorous as Beyonce or Ronaldo but they play an equally important role in our lives – without them we wouldn’t be able to enjoy all the delicious foods out there! From breaking down complex carbs and proteins to helping us absorb fats and nutrients properly , it’s absolutely vital that our digestive system has enough of these tiny helpers ready whenever needed . So go easy on heavy meals eat right types/traces fiber-make each bite count = happy stomach=yay life!


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