What drops for ear infection?

If you’re here, congratulations! You either have an ear infection or are just extremely curious about what drops can help relieve the pain and discomfort that comes with one. Either way, let’s dive in.

The Basics of Ear Infections

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details of ear drops, let’s take a moment to talk about what causes ear infections in the first place. Don’t worry, I won’t make this too technical.

An ear infection happens when bacteria or viruses get trapped in your middle ear (the space behind your eardrum). This can cause inflammation and fluid buildup which leads to symptoms such as:

  • Pain
  • Discomfort
  • Reduced hearing
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

Basically imagine feeling like you’re underwater all the time – but not in a fun ‘Little Mermaid’ way.

Start with Prevention

Prevention is key when it comes to avoiding painful ear infections. So before we discuss how to treat them, let’s talk about how you might avoid getting them altogether:

Wash Your Hands!

Yes, yes – we know by now that hand washing is important for nearly everything. But seriously folks, wash those hands! In fact, don’t JUST wash them; sing “Happy Birthday” twice while lathering up!

Vaccinate Your Children

Ear infections are common among babies and small children because they haven’t yet built immunity against many bacterial strains. That vaccine may be no fun at all (especially if you hate needles), but it could save both yours AND your child’s sanity later on in life.

Limit Exposure to Secondhand Smoke

Not only does second-hand smoke put people at risk of lung cancer and heart disease; it also puts children at higher risk for developing chronic respiratory illnesses AND increases their likelihood of getting recurrent acute otitis media (ear infections).

Now that you know how to potentially dodge a bullet, let us help you if it’s too late!

Ear Drop 101

There are two main categories of ear drops; those with antibiotics for bacterial infections and those without. Here’s what to look out for:

Ear Drops with antibiotics

These sticky liquids have the ability to fight off nasty bacteria in case that’s what’s causing your infection.

  • Antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin, Chloramphenicol or Neomycin might sound scary BUT they’re not!
    • They simply kill harmful bacteria while stabilizing the middle ear pressure just enough so drainage can occur.
  • Got recurring ear infections? No problemo! A common ingredient found in most antibiotic eardrops is Polymyxin B sulfate which takes care of stubborn bugs’ resistance.

The usual dosage recommendation is one drop every few hours depending on severity levels – remember though, always follow YOUR doctor’s orders as everyone is different. If symptoms worsen or haven’t improved after three days then it may be time something stronger or different than what was prescribed originally so back to the doctor it is!

Over-the-counter Pain Relief Drops

We all get by knowing we have options even with an easy “at-home” solution that offers a quick fix:

Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

Acetaminophen acts fast and effectively reducing fever resulting from ailments such as colds, flus and even infection headaches simultaneously providing pain relief assisting against other uncomfortable symptoms commonly associated with head congestion.

Similar over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen offer almost identical medicinal strength support allowing patients flexibility given potential allergies.

Natural Oils

Ever used tea tree oil on acne? Well now you can use it inside your ears too!. These oils often work great at soothing but usually only bring feel good results rather than any medical improvements.

The Elephant In The Room: When Ear Infections Lead to Tube Surgery

Unfortunately, chronic ear infections can occasionally lead to more severe hearing loss and permanent damage towards your inner ear. A tube surgery may be prescribed which simply involves the placement of a plastic or metal pipe in the eardrum.

This helps drain infected fluid that has been trapped allowing air to flow through preventing any future buildup. Painful as it might sound, generally the tubes stay in place for up to two years maximum determining by how quickly their child’s growth influences change (or lack-of).

Final Thoughts

With all this said and done; I hope we’ve managed to help you understand what drops work like magic against those pesky infections should they happen again! Remember if you’re feeling unsure about anything, seek assistance with a doctor armed with some information shared here today :).

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