What does sdh mean in medical terms?

If you thought “SDH” stands for “Super Duper Hotdog,” then buddy, you’re way off! In the medical field, every acronym carries a different significance. So what is SDH and why it’s making everyone scratch their head? Let’s dive into this odd medical jargon!

Defining the Abbreviation

First things first – let’s define the term “SDH.” Simply put: it stands for ‘Subdural Hematoma.’ Okay, now hold on before you get too excited! We know that might not sound like the funniest thing out there; but trust us – we’ll make sure to inject some good humor and personality.

Breaking Down Subdural Hematoma

Now that we’ve broken down what ‘SDH’ means in medical terms let’s take an amusing digression (get ready because our jokes are about as strong as a dad joke). A subdural hematoma occurs when there is bleeding between your brain membrane called dura mater and arachnoid. It may happen due to trauma such as hitting your head severely or impairing falls. Remember when dads used to rock mullets without fail? Well, Subdural hematomas kinda work like that- they can sneak up on ya without warning.

Understanding Where Blood Comes From

A hematoma refers to a pocket of blood that collects outside of blood vessels where previously healthy cells existed… with all those billions of cells… someone has got to step forward right?! As much as we would love life very few fairy tales are true (aww) which means these cells don’t have superpowers :'(. When collecting outside blood vessels/veins/substances, it shows up at places where no one asked who ordered them?! #awkwardEncounters.

Knowing The Causes Behind Its Occurrence

There are various reasons behind the occurrence of SDH. From our experience (warning:may contain humor and sarcasm) it’s not due to crossing paths with a dragon or dancing in-front 60 mph winds, sure it can happen if you’ve been in an accident that involved your head repeatedly hitting surfaces, like Kendall Jenner teaches us – play safe guys!

The Different Types of Subdural Hematoma

You may be thinking “What? There are types?” Yes! If this article hasn’t tired you yet let’s look at them through bullet points:

  • Acute Subdural Hematoma: Immediate emergency surgical intervention is required for acute subdural hematoma due to the high pressure exerted by blood clots.

  • Chronic Subdural Hematoma: This type might develop gradually over weeks or months without symptoms. Doctors prefer non-surgical methods such as medication but surgery may be needed in critical conditions.

  • Superficial Cortical Bleeding: Unlike other hematomas, these originate near the skull surface beneath brain membrane called dura mater . It looks like a fluid-filled pouch on test results although less life-threatening , doctors still treat them carefully!

Signs and Symptoms

If you’re eager enough to know about detecting signs before visiting a doctor(or better document your life like Watson & Sherlock), then here are some ‘hopefully-not-so-obvious’ yet often cited indicators :

  1. Headache
  2. Seizures
  3. Confusion/Dizziness/Disorientation
  4. Fatigue/Lack of energy despite resting well.
  5. Incontinence

(Friendly reminder that we always advise seeing a physician whenever necessary.).

Getting A Diagnosis

Doctors use different methods while assessing subdermal hematoma; these tests include:
– CT Scan(Petty cool right?!)
– MRI(Mostly used if any complication persists after CT diagnosis.)

One observation might not be a decisive factor; therefore, multiple tests usually come into play before making a final verdict.

Possible Treatment

The treatment method depends wholly on the type of hematoma that you’re suffering from.

For acute and severe conditions, surgery becomes unavoidable! Doctors perform this action by creating holes in the skull(don’t worry they don’t forget to give anesthesia) to drain out collected blood without causing any further damage to brain tissue or veins.

Non-surgical methods for chronic subdural hematomas rely heavily on medications prescribed which can either stem bleeding or make it possible for your body to start absorbing excess fluids(we hope this part wasn’t too boring).

Ta-da, now you’ve garnered knowledge regarding an acute condition… Is there anything more we need?


In conclusion: SDH stands for “Subdural Hematoma,” which occurs due to head injuries in most cases(sorry moms!). It causes bleeding between the membranes surrounding our brain’s surface.

While speaking about signs/symptoms & diagnosis processes — these are made clear-cut with various tests like MRI/CT Scan , but several observations /tests may have been required before treating them accordingly!

If all goes right -in non-severe instances- medication helps eliminate future complications . If not,surgery takes precedence over choosing ‘Plan A’. We bid adieu here ! Stay Safe!(and wear helmets)

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