What does score mean on imo app?

Have you ever wondered what the score means on IMO app? Do you feel like a detective while trying to decipher its cryptic algorithm? Fear not, my tech-savvy friend. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of scores in IMO.


Let’s start with the basics. IMO is a video and audio calling application that has been around since 2010. It allows you to make calls over your internet connection regardless of your location or device type.

One unique feature of this app is its scoring system, which users have become increasingly curious about recently. So let’s take a closer look at how it works:

Understanding Scores

The score feature provides users with an assessment of their level of interaction within conversations by measuring various activities they engage in during these chats. Activities such as voice messaging, texting, making phone calls help build points for everyone in the chat group.

Here comes the cool part: each activity carries different point values! For instance, if you send someone an emoji,’
👍’,it will count as just one point towards your overall score but exchange voice messages and make frequent phone calls with them earns more scores for all participants involved.

So now that we’ve uncovered what activities earn us our points – how do we calculate these points?

How Scores are calculated

While there may be no exact science behind IMO’s scoring mechanism ,we can piece together some assumptions based on patterns that emerge from using it frequently:

  • A user who sends frequent texts without engaging much in call time will surely accumulate fewer scores than those performing contrasting activities.

-If multiple individuals participate regularly on both sides exchanging text messages and numerous voice notes,it leads to higher ranks for everyone!

But hey,this isn’t any video game tournament,is it ?

The Truth Behind Ranks

Scores display where you rank among people that interact most within your chat. There are five different score brackets for an individual in IMO:

  • 2000 = High Score! You’re at the top of your game.

  • 1501 -1999 = Impressive, you’re someone people don’t ignore.

-1001 -1500= Keep it up, you might be the life of the party scene!

-501 -1000= Ranking is not everything ,you still got quality friendships

-Lower Than 500: Message your buddies on a regular basis,don’t lose touch?

These rankings can also change based on how often other members interact with others outside the group which will reduce their average scores among friends. But fear not, these things tend to fluctuate depending on one’s usage statistics and activity patterns anyways !

The Big Questions Answered

As we’ve peeled back some layers in our analysis of IMO’s scoring mechanisms , let us answer some important questions often asked by our comrades using this chat app :

How can I increase my score?

By being more active in text chats or having longer voice conversations with other interactive members involved – energy input equals output basically here isn’t it? Spend time sending audio/voice notes increasing phone calls helps increase ranking too (≠efficiency) .

Contribute to chats regularly,get accustomed to activities such as video calling,screensharing etc .which apparently increases one’s rank quite swiftly.The possibilities are endless,you could even try telling jokes 😉

Most importantly however,it’s best not to stress out about trying so hard thus making certain image problems arise within that dynamic.Having genuine laughs while conversing makes any friendship strong over time irrespective of actual ranks within apps such as imo!

What does my score really mean??!!

To put it simply,it doesn’t necessarily define who you truly are.Instead use it to find new conversation starters,friends or something praiseworthy when looking at own growth pattern online.Self-esteem being built over technology indicators is folly after all, isn’t it???

Does IMO monitor interactions aside from scoring?

Although yes and No would be the quick answer here,but ignoring “IMO settings for privacy preferences” related dissatisfactions one might have ,the app does keep track of your activities as far back as conversation archives allow it to.

The company uses such data to improve user experiences but with less ado about how much conversations are truly private further performance improvements could become long term issues.

In Conclusion

Hopefully we’ve effectively demystified some aspects regarding IMO’s score mechanism or algorithm combined with humorous notes…No? Well,time to try harder for my ranking then.

Now that you know what’s behind these ranks and scores,maybe a sip of coffee while contemplating on deep themes of life has made this article all worth your time?

Stay involved, stay connected – With imo!

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