What does sam e do?

If you’re feeling down, out of sorts, or lacking confidence and motivation, it’s natural to want to know how you can improve your mood. From meditation and medication to exercise and essential oils, there are various ways you can try in a quest for happiness. One option that has been gaining popularity is SAM-e.

So what is SAM-e? How does it work? And more importantly – will it help me feel better?

Let’s Start with the Basics

SAM-e stands for S-adenosyl-L-methionine (no worries if you don’t remember this) – we’ll call it SAM-e from now on… It’s made naturally in our bodies by an amino acid called methionine – but very little quantities (whisper: about 1 milligram per day). So when most people talk about “taking” or supplementing with SAM-e, they really mean taking synthetic versions created through industrial processes.

Where do you get Synthetically-made-SAMe?

Sorry… Did I just scare off some people reading this article because ‘synthetic’ sounds too chemical-like?- No need! Relax; like most other chemicals around us (even lemon juice), everything is not poisonous until proven so … The same scientist who “made” the real deal using synthesis methods have also replicated/synthesized/helped produce many factors found naturally occurring- Ascorbic Acid/vitamin C anyone….

History Lesson

Even though Methionine was discovered back in 1904( my Headline name should be stupidly wrong if humans-new not knew Sulphur Amino Acids crystalized before Gold-lol), Its precursor/what gets converted & mutated/morphs into Sam E [S adenosylmethionine] wasn’t extracted and identified till the 1950s(Can never underestimate scientists – they follow every hunch and check out every stone). SAM-e supplements have been used in Europe to treat depression and anxiety for nearly 40 years but only became available in the United States until 1999​

The Benefits (yes, there are a few)

So…SAM-e doesn’t just act as an alternative tongue twister -It also comes with some really nice benefits! With evidence backed research showing that it can:

  • Help ease depression symptoms
  • Improve joint health
  • Act as possible liver support
  • Assist gut integrity

That was only four ‘’… did you catch any of them?

Helping People with Depression

Let’s start with potential help for people suffering from major depressive disorder or general mood disorders. Various studies including double-blind clinical trials suggest that taking daily SAM-e dosages at a vulnerable state might produce similar outcomes/results compared to prescribed anti-depressants.

Not everyone is responsive to such medication and neither has synthesized-SAMe created magic wands.

“Why” does Synthetic SAM E potentially work?

Well, feel free to search this all up yourself later – Remember I promised humor – , But, generally speaking:

Methyl transfer reactions are catalyzed by large groups of S adenosylmethionine or other related compounds. Some drugs stimulate enzymes involved mostly in methylation processes which trigger increased enzymatic activity resulting in higher production rates of molecules like dopamine (improving moods) while others inhibit the break-down / destabilization side; retaining these vital chemicals much longer inside your system. Confused? No worries!

Let’s say no experiments were done extending 10 days back then… In simpler English directly accepted & understood –

When we take synthetic versions of SAM-E , It acts on our body a lot like anti-depressants do; however anti-depressants mainly focus on Keeping/Enhancing/Containing certain essential chemicals produced by the brain such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline for longer durations between synapses – while synthetic SAM-e acts as a molecular contributor for the production of these same chemicals & reduce re-uptaking.

Joint Pain Ease (joint health)

SAM-e can also ease joint pain, particularly in people with osteoarthritis – this time confirmed by research carried out on individuals aged 45+ with more noticeable sypmptoms of joint pains to double-blind clinical trials level.

Amazing sigh … When we have too much uric acid/small hard crystallization forming in our system > Toxins accumulates reflecting arthritic symptoms like: inflammation , swelling , redness, stiffness; long story short is that physiological landscapes are now a showground (Joints) where battlesphere/combative reactions will likely take place.

How does Synthetic SAM E aid Joint Health

(Skip this if learning not sought-after)

Samples analyzed concerning Rheumatoid arthritis showed that Methylation potential activities were decreased specifically on T-cells and other p15INK4b inhibited pathways(T-smarts). It was identified by researchers via experiments measured both inside-out through gene expression analysis influenced induction reaction pathway alteration enzymes resulting to inflammatory processes enhanced support or induced regression(using Sam E) & outside-in meaning cartilage proliferation/morphological changes/joint cancers reduction.

Synthesized sam e seems like an unsung hero whenever Joints area concerned.

The Side Effects…And Contra-indications

Now you must be wondering! What’s the catch? As always, when it comes to supplements/drugs/SAMe options there are some possible side effects. They include but not limited too:

  • Digestive issues ❌
  • Headaches❌
  • Insomnia❌

But overall they happen infrequently…and partially dependant(wink wink) on how cooperative your genetic code might be.
(Yet again…please consult a medical professional first)

It’s worth noting that not everyone should be taking SAM-e. Especially those who are currently:

  • Pregnant/ lactating
  • Bipolar disorder patients
  • Diagnosed with Parkinson’s
    (this is a very specific and limited list, but I figured you might like bullet points 😉 )

Is it Safe Then?

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), SAM-e is likely safe when taken orally in recommended dosages. But they could also think crocodiles have wings if funding permits it somehow.

Just kidding! There had been toxicity studies conducted on animals where calculated lethal risks were approximately 40g which are astronomically high compared to regular/recommended doses of around 400 milligrams usually suggested.

Where Can You Find It For Purchase?

The good news is that SAM-e supplements can easily be purchased at most pharmacies or drug stores, dietary supplement aisles/premium supermarkets/outlets etc… .

When looking for synthetic SAM E options:
make sure the source explicitly states “S-adnosylmethionine” as an ingredient and lists artificial mixtures/compositions/additives.

You’ll want to follow instructions/directions properly provided on product/package labelling/stickers, and remember: start low [dosage] & slow[increase increments/time lapses]

Keep records/journals documenting your experience/response rate/mood phase association – this will all help maintain/improve personal well-being .

Lucky enough ; We’ve got some examples just below these paragraphs 🙂 :

Product Name Brand Dosage Price
SAMe Tablets Cognitive Support Formula 100 tablets Swanson Healthcare 200 mg $13
SAM-E Complete by Simply Nutrients Liquid Drops Physician’s Choice Unknown $50

Words from Your Doctor/Physician:

While we’ve done our best in researching this topic, it’s always advisable to consult with a physician before starting any new health regimen or regime. They know your medical history and could give you personalized advice based on your own medical situation(s).

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, SAM-e can be an effective option for people looking to improve their mood or ease joint pain. Its beneficial contributions/effects have been researched&directly experienced …and non-triviality backed by practice,lifestyle adjustments etc… are being put forth in many modernized societies/cultures.

If you’re considering taking SAM-e supplements, make sure to discuss this with a professional-healthcare provider that knows you and can guide/help/assist/instruct accordingly – who doesn’t want good health right? Just remember – while SAM-e has many benefits, it’s not suitable for everyone.

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