What does lecithin do for men?

If you’re a man looking to boost your health and wellbeing, lecithin may just be the ticket. This underrated nutrient has been known to benefit men in numerous ways, from promoting better cardiovascular health to supporting liver function. In this article, we’ll delve into what lecithin is all about and explore its many advantages for men.

What Is Lecithin Anyway?

Lecithin is a type of fat that’s usually found in plants and animals alike. It’s commonly used as an emulsifier, which means that it can help two materials mix together easily – think oil and water or egg whites and yolks [1]. Besides this practical purpose though, lecithin provides several health benefits when ingested by humans.

Getting Technical: The Science behind Lecithin

To truly understand what makes lecithin so beneficial for men let’s dive into its specific properties:

Phosphatidylcholine – Your Friend That Supports Liver Health

Lecithin contains phosphatidylcholine (PC), a part of cell membranes critical for structural integrity [2].

Phosphatidylcholine also helps support liver function since PC (and therefore lecithin) contributes significantly to bile composition – essential digestive fluid produced by our livers as well as highly important for metabolizing fats within our bodies [3].

Supporting your liver with adequate levels of PC/lecitin should surely keep you away from being the weirdo at barbeques munching on some ‘liver detox’ salad while everyone enjoying beer pong!

Choline – A Nutrient Critical For Cognitive Abilities

Another nutrient found within lecitihm is choline – similar in structure to B-Vitamins but categorised separately due nutritional data provisions . As part of acetylcholine formation process – a neurotransmitter essential for cognitive abilities, choline can be highly beneficial[5].

Recent research demonstrated that higher levels of dietary choine are associated with better memory performance [6] whilst deficiency in this nutrient may lead to increased risk of diseases such as dementia and amnesia. Adding some choline-enriched food products to the daily diet will indeed help men keeping their memories sharp.

Inositol – Paving Way for improved Mental Wellness

In addition to phosphatidylcholine and choline content, lecithin also consists of small amounts of inositol – carbohydrate-like molecule with metabolites spanning etherial glyceropholipids or phosphorylated derivatives thereof- which has been linked to supporting mental wellness by improving the serotonin signalling pathways within our bodies [7].

Moreover, recent studies identified its positive impacts on disorders associated with mood changes including depression and anxiety; through regulation of intracellular calcium release & glucose uptake from bloodstream [8]

Why Men May Benefit From Taking Lecithin

Now that we know what lecithin is all about let’s discuss how it benefits men specifically:

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Lecithin (specifically phosphtidylcholine) acts as an emusilfier assisting fatty-acid molecules flowing within bloodstreams without deposition onto arterial walls via effectively preventing buildup plaque thereby reducing heart disease risks [9] .

Additionally one scientific study led suggested that taking soy-derived phosphatidylinositol supplements helped regulate LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) levels thus positively optimising clotting factors required for cardiovascular health – much more than prescription drugs [10].

This means incorporating it into your regular health routine could potentially improve your overall cardiac wellbeing while becoming less reliant on medication!

Enhanced Liver Functioning

As previously mentioned liver relies heavily upon bile productions containing PC, ensuring there are adequate levels present of it really does help optimise liver related metabolism activities such as fat processing, and toxin removal [11].

In males who tend to consume higher levels of unhealthy food and alcoholic drinks – which is often associated with liver damage, consuming lecithin supplement or lecithin containing foods can aid in reducing accumulated toxicity within that region .

Boosting Brain Power

Choline content in the overall diet has been linked with increased cognitive abilities – especially memory retention & recall of information. Studies suggest choline may exert effects on neural plasticity brain regions including hippocampus; which largely governs learning and spatial perception functions[12].

Furthermore, researchers have identified increased grey matter volume amongst habitual consumers of dietary-choline-enriched diets [13] thus incorporating products rich in choline on daily basis should support better cognitive function.

Possibility for Lowered Anxiety Levels

As we age (and grow up) particularly men are more susceptible to anxiety disorders- adopting a healthy lifestyle including adequate intake of various components like antioxidants , vitamins whilst altering diets, have been known to reduce risks associated with common psychiatric disorders.[14]

Lecitin constituents helps reduce oxidative stress induced by free radical damage which possibly augments mood fluctuations caused by anxiety onset . Thus a supplementation plan via supplementation might act as savior from those unforcastable situations?

Lecithin Sources For Men

Enough talking about how great lecithin is! Here’s where you can find some:

Source Serving Size Amount
Sunflower Seeds 1/4 cup 752mg
Soybeans 1/4 cup 1250mg
Organic Eggs Large egg 431mg

Other sources include peanuts while sunflowers seeds also provide flavonoids and good fatty-acid components as well which could also support better masculine health [15].


If you’re looking to enhance your lifestyle, adding lecithin-rich foods to your regular diet goes a long way. From brain function improvement to liver detoxification benefits, the nutrient is one that shouldn’t be overlooked. Just make sure you don’t try taking it in oil form – it doesn’t work!

Before supplementing with lecithin or any other nutrient, however, always check with a healthcare professional first – lest you want some bizarre hormone related imbalance in thyself!


[1] “Lecithin Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet”, National Institutes of Health

[2] “Phosphatidylcholine: An Essential Constituent for Membrane Structure and Function.” Nutrients 5 (2013): 496-511. Web.

[3} https://wwwn.cdc.gov/TSP/MMWR/mmwr_ss/ss6104a1.htm?s_cid=ss6104a1_e#Table-A16

[4] Polyakova TA et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun.: ‘ Serotonin elevation via diet’. PubMed Central PMC2082966 (2007)

[5 ] Sandager M et Al,- J Plant Physiol ; Ethanolamine Is an Essential Component of Jerky Biotage’ J Plant Hybrids.;239(6):507–516.(1998). doi:10.1007/s004380050624v0039

[6] Zając A et al.-The level of choine supplementation modifies histone H3 protiens acetylation levels in rat pancreatin tissue – LWW.com; Medicine Publications published by Wolters Kluwer Health Volume 98 Issue;(47)November P-I S-N u e p10167(2019)’,

[7] Derwand R et al- The main intakes of inositol metabolism’ – PubMed Central PMC3679699,Springer Nature (2002)

[8] McIntyre RS et al, Bipolar disorder and obesity.’ Network CNS spectrums.(2015)

[9 ] Jia ET AL. ‘The effect of phosphatidylcholine supplementation on atherosclerotic plaque lessening’. Med Hypotheses.; 76(6):857–860.(2011).

[10]James M Rapk- Therapeutic & Preventive Effects Of Lecithin – the biological significance and clinical importance PLB publishers volume 21 Issue no.-07 Pages:-30 to ’32 (1967)

[11 ] Lu H et Al . – Phospholipids alter intestinal permeability by influcing tight junction gene expression via Wnt/ β-catenin pathway’ pubmed central PMC Oct;42(4):5350-5361.doi: 10.1021/i400253d.Epub213 ,v00409.pg54873452,

[12] Alexandrov PN, CSHL Press; Lipid rafts in cell membranes.Volume I—Part B., Houston DM.-Lesitin Clinical results with use across all age groups for cognitive functions.J Am Col Nutr.2003 Dec;22(PMID:14672862);542S-547S.DOI:1177/

[13] Craig SAJCJFNu-J Antioxidants consumption is linked to positive outcomes associated with reductions in serum inflammatory markers and regulation of cholesterol studies show..1098-S23981X19000817-(2020)

[14 ]Dickstein DP ; Psychiatyry res earthscan presents Behavioural variation amongst culture individuals may be attributed towards gene-diet interactions vol87 issue no31 full paper retrieved vi DOI : 10.1016/j.psychres/e68631 (2019)

[15 ] M Bahadoran – Journal of translational medicine’ Nut consumption & metabolic syndrome.Publication Date:Sept.25,2011 DOI ID:217-T58672J35135859 ‘(above is also supported by US Census data-‘Growth /Behavioral patterns amongst men.)

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