What does foot cream do?

Have you ever asked yourself why your feet get all rough and dry, especially during the winter? Well, be glad you stumbled across this article! Here’s a secret for ya, foot cream is the solution to your problem.

But what does foot cream do exactly? Before we dive into that question, let’s discuss what causes our feet to become so darn crusty.

The Culprits: Dry Air & Hard Floors

Let‘s face it – in today’s world of hardwood floors and forced-air heating systems, our precious little toes aren’t always treated with delicate care. In fact, most days we simply stomp around on them without much regard for their well-being.

As our skin dries out from the moisture-free air and hard surfaces beneath us, it can lead to some unfortunate consequences such as calluses , cracks or even blisters. Not only are these uncomfortable and unattractive but if neglected may result in more serious problems later down the road like infections or soreness.

That’s Where Foot Cream Comes In

Luckily though! This is where foot creams come in handy- smoothing out bumps while adding hydration back into those thirsty feet of yours (yes feet need hydration too!) A good foot cream will soften any hardened skin while also providing an additional layer of protection against future damage.

“Great,” I hear you say “it has hydration properties.” But not all lotions were created equal friend! Read below then use my recommendations guide (laid out further down) before committing yourself entirely!

### Moisturizing vs Restorative
Moisturizing foot creams pump water into your parched pads soothing discomforts almost instantly. Thicker restorative heavy-duty creams contain ingredients specifically formulated to help restore damaged tissue – ideal for more severe cases like cracked heels etc.

### Exfoliating vs Hydrating

Having soft smooth feet come summer time is an attainable feat with the right foot cream. Scrubbing removes dry dead skin applied from exfoliating creams whilst hydrating ones work at plumping and keeping in much needed moisture.

## What’s In These Foot Creams Anyways?

Not all brands curate their foot creams alike but there are key ingredients that tend always to be present in some form or another:

  • Urea – A naturally-occurring component found within our bodies that can help retain water molecules and aid in gentle exfoliation.

  • Glycerin – Another one of nature’s sweet tools for potential hydration, extracted from animal fats, vegetable oils, or synthesized through chemical processes.

  • Salicylic Acid -A keratolytic agent (fancy word meaning – shedding outer layers),that helps break down any thickened skin plus fights bacteria which makes it a top ingredient picking especially when combating warts like plantar varieties!

Other formulas can contain additives such as peppermint oil for added deodorizing benefits post-workout sessions , tea tree oil famous for its antibacterial properties and camphor well-known medication relief providing accelerated muscle soothing effects.

Luckily though! This is where foot creams come in handy – smoothing out bumps while adding hydration back into those thirsty feet of yours you didn’t know were there!

Smoothing Callouses

When using foot cream it’s best to apply following baths/showers as this time is optimal when calluses have been softened due to warm temperatures). The idea behind the application process is smearing over callosities allowing them prime access to plumpeners two key magicians here being “urea” above paired with glycerin which soften tissues aiding reduction/elimination of corns/helpful against cracked heels too!

### Reducing Dryness on Heels

Cracks stemming from even minor athlete’s foot rash cases tend linger until completely eradicated after healing sometimes leaving calluses behind in the end. As such, cracks can be both unsightly and quite painful when untreated. Foot creams that are restorative containing shea butter ( restores skin’s elasticity) or beeswax may help build healthy tissue.

### Treat Foul Smells

Athletes foot bacteria if untreated often causes persistent odor relating to sulphur like smells sulfur-like quality , a characteristic commonly found in warm areas of our bodies offering up prime accommodations for happy fungus growth ! At times these added ingredients peppermint or tea tree oils contained within lotions can aid deodorizing efforts!

## Picking Your Perfect Potion
But let’s not dawdle any longer…There’s a myriad of choices for this one topic alone causing plenty confusion on product choice at your local shoppers drug mart aisle aisle.

If you’re searching for general upkeep, choose something simple, yet effective i.e Goldbondcreams featuring urea work great although thick creamy pastes [Burt ’s Bees Coconut oil] will attempt offer similar benefits alongside hydration without sacrificing softness/suppleness – creating feet as smooth as elevator music!

Those suffering from severe pain/discomfort..PediFixaccommodates treatment/difficult to mend cases whilst individuals prone fungal/bacterial infections dermal therapyrange contains natural antibacterial agents acting quickly respond against such concerns + being latex-free they fully cater towards those inflicted with allergies too.

To Conclude,

In conclusion we’ve learned here today -Foot cream is essential buddy! Especially for keeping them feet feeling extra plush and kissably soft- injecting hydration back into every inch of your favorite outlaws(aka feet).

We’ve also explored different types of foot creams which specialize depending on where you want improvement (exfoliation/hydration/smooth texture etc.) Up next it’s time head off shopping with some solid researched recommendations including possible added deodorizing benefits!(because nobody likes stinky feet) or notes on nourishing necessary to build skin elasticity eliminating calluses and calming swelling .

Ah what a world we live in, where the simple joys of soft supple feet are only a cream away!

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