What does chocolate do to you on your period?

Ah, periods. That time of the month where you wish you could just curl up on the couch with a tub of ice cream and binge-watch your favorite TV shows for days. Well, as it turns out, there’s a reason why many of us crave chocolate during our menstrual cycle.

The Science Behind It

It all has to do with our hormones – specifically, serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin is often called the “feel-good” hormone because it helps regulate mood and sleep, among other things. Meanwhile, dopamine is responsible for feelings of pleasure and reward.

When we’re menstruating, our levels of these hormones can fluctuate wildly – which means that sometimes we might not feel so good! This rollercoaster ride can lead to cravings for comfort foods like chocolate.

Is There Any Scientific Evidence?

While there are no conclusive studies linking chocolate consumption directly to menstrual relief or hormonal balance, some research suggests that certain compounds found in chocolate may have positive effects on the body.

For example, flavonoids (a type of antioxidant) found in dark chocolate have been shown to reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health. And since hormonal imbalances during menstruation can cause inflammation in some individuals, eating dark chocolate may be beneficial in mitigating those symptoms.

Another study showed that consuming milk chocolate at least once per week was associated with a lower risk of developing heart disease than avoiding it altogether. This finding could suggest milk chocolates’ anti-inflammatory properties due to antioxidants such as polyphenols present

Of course, simply eating copious amounts of any food is probably not going magically cure your cramps or other uncomfortable PMS symptoms – but adding small amounts high-quality dark/milk chocolates well help reducing stress while providing nourishment

So…What Does it Mean for Me?

If you’re someone who experiences particularly difficult menstrual cycles, it’s definitely worth exploring the potential benefits of chocolate.

Here are a few ways that indulging in this delicious treat may help you feel better:

  1. Reduces stress: Studies have shown that eating 40 grams of high-quality dark/milk chocolate daily for two weeks can reduce cortisol, aka your stress hormone levels

  2. Boosts mood: As mentioned earlier, chocolate contains compounds like serotonin and dopamine, which regulate emotions—so go ahead and indulge those cravings

  3. Lowers Inflammation: Reseach suggests that flavonoids present in dark chocolates could help manage inflammation caused during menstruation

  4. Pain relief: If you suffer from menstrual cramps or headaches,thephenylethylamine found inside chocolates is associated with experiencing pleasure helping intercept pain sensations.

But be aware:

It’s always important to consume treats like chocolate in moderation – After all, too much sugar intake exacerbates painful periods by increasing prostaglandin production

And not only large consumption maybe counterproductive as caffeine found in cocoa based products raises anxiety levels thus heightening period discomfort.

What Type of Chocolate Should I Look For?

If you’re going to indulge during your period, it’s best to opt for higher-quality chocolates since they’ll contain fewer additives and unhealthy fats than lesser quality brands.
Meaning ditch Hershey’s milk sweetened with High Fructose corn syrup for eg., This option has very little actual anti-oxidants so won’t do much good anyway – Opt for raw or organic types instead as these carry far more nutrients due to less processing


Craving chocolate during our periods isn’t just some cliché we see on TV; There’s actually science behind the phenomenon! Research has suggested not only does certain elements inside coco-based delicacies provide possible health benefits such reducing inflammation brought about by hormonal fluctuations but also giving us a boost when needed psychologically. Nevertheless, it’s always vital to consume chocolate in moderation as well opt for high-quality chocolates if we desire maximum benefits; regardless let us go ahead and wantonly indulge that choco craving!

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