What does blood pressure 118 64 mean?

As we all know, health is wealth. And what better way to take care of your health than by keeping tabs on your blood pressure? Yes, blood pressure- the invisible demon inside us that can cause havoc if left unchecked.

In this ultimate guide, we will be taking a deep dive into what blood pressure 118/64 means, how it affects our body and some ways to maintain or lower it.

Understanding Blood Pressure

Let’s start with the fundamentals: What is blood pressure?

Simply put, blood pressure refers to the force exerted by circulating blood against the walls of arteries as it flows through them. In simpler terms, when our heart beats (systolic) and rests (diastolic), it creates a wave-like motion which propels oxygenated blood throughout our entire body.

Now imagine those waves are so intense they damage your arteries or too weak that they result in insufficient transportation of nutrients; That’s where monitoring your BP comes in handy.

What Does The Numbers Mean?

When you get a reading like ‘Blood Pressure 118/64’, its actually two numbers indicating systolic (top) over diastolic (bottom) pressures respectively. Let’s explain each number:

Systolic: This is the maximum arterial contraction during each heartbeat which reflects directly on the top number displayed on any BP monitor e.g., ‘122’ in readings such as “122/80”. A healthy range for an adult ranges from 90-119mm Hg.

Diastolic: On the other hand, Diastole represents minimal Arterial Contraction between each beat thus reflecting lowest recordable value for bottom-side numbers e.g.,’2 min.’ 🤦🏾‍♀️. Healthy adults should fall between 60-79mmHg but lean towards minimum values i.e., 60.

Low or High BP (not DHL!)

It is possible to have both low and high blood pressure but for the purpose of this masterpiece guide, let’s focus on high BP otherwise known as hypertension.

According to statistics, nearly half of adults in the US alone suffer from high blood pressure which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and even dementia- so if you fall into that category do not hesitate seeking medical help ASAP.

Blood Pressure 118/64 – Is It Normal?

To Answer this question short-form; Yes! As per our explanation above those numbers fall within a healthy range recommended by health professionals. However don’t pat yourself too hard just yet… Your stress levels may increase your reading leaving you wanting to tear off your entire clothes it feels like slow death towering over you especially at public checkups 🤭

Other factors such as gender or age can also affect normal ranges seeing as aged individuals tend towards higher systolic values than their youthful counterparts who usually lie between lower range values if compared in same environment i.e., normal & constant temp i.e.(25°C ±0.5°C). Overall however readings around 118/64 can be interpreted as pretty acceptable but keep an eye out anyways!

How To Maintain A Healthy Blood Pressure

You’ve probably heard that prevention is better than cure and that couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to managing blood pressure above all else. Here are some ways:

  1. Exercise Regularly
    While carrying out everyday activities like doing laundry or mowing the lawn counts partly-assuredly believed by health-care practiconers taking certain exercises ranging from vigorous e.g lifting heavy objects causing loss for muscle tissues 💪 , moderate e.g brisk walking😊 down to easy aka ‘comatose running’ boosts cardiovascular health thus improving your body’s oxygen supply .

  2. Reducing Salt Content In Diet
    Sighs This is probably not what you want to hear when your taste buds eagerly desire that bowl of extra salty fries but keeping sodium daily intake under 6g ensures minimal activity in body’s fluid accululator i.e.,thereby decreases workload on heart.

  3. Drink In Moderation
    If a drink a day keeps the doctor away, let the world know I’m staying six feet from that doc wearing non-matching socks with sandles. However try moderate drinking as heavy boozing increases BP level which doesn’t sound fun☹️

  4. Quitting Smoking
    For all my fellow tokers or cigarette smokers here are some facts for you: nicotine raises BP and carbon deposits on blood vessels significantly increasing chances of hypertension so put it simply just quit💨.

5.Maintaining A Healthy Weight
As society places more emphasis upon appearance quick-fixes like pills prove unhelpful in achieving healthy weight beneficial to preventinghypertension Take conscious steps like slight gym sessions(yeah, either “eating” only veggies or holding onto half-empty bottle during run would never be effective 🤧) and eating enough foods rich in proteins (sorry pescetarian and vegan🥺) .

Blood pressure may seem intimidating at first glance but equipping yourself with adequate knowledge can make living fun again! Remember; if it reads around 118/64 , go out there give yourself a pat on the back because you’re doing something right however no one is beyond taking precautionary measures lest things get wild.
Stay safe👈 raise those hands below your elbows(20° angle deviation preferred) don’t fall into the dark abyss!

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