What does antacid mean?

We’ve all been there. Eating one too many servings of a delicious meal or indulging in our favorite spicy foods can often lead to that uncomfortable burning sensation commonly known as heartburn. Luckily, antacids are readily available in drugstores, supermarkets, and even on Amazon (because it’s 2019) to help alleviate these symptoms.

So, what exactly is an antacid?

Antacids are drugs used to treat the symptoms of indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn, acidity, upset stomach (the list goes on…) by reducing the amount of acid our stomach produces.

Yes folks you heard me right- antacids work by neutralizing the hydrochloric acid in your belly; all that yummy acidic goodness from those flaming hot cheetos gets replaced with some basic (pH-wise!) substances…chemistry FTW!

The science behind how antacids work

When we eat food, our body naturally secretes gastric juice consisting predominantly of HCl (hydrochloric acid), enzymes like pepsinogen and lipase which aid digestion process. However eating before bed/ eating too much means more gastric juice than needed causing overflow which causes upward movement (cue dun-dun music) aka reflux into food pipe leading to discomfort pun intended (side effects may vary).This mostly happens when there’s an issue with LES(Lower Esophageal Sphincter). But don’t worry friends! When we take an antacid tablet/capsules (did someone say tablets?- cause I’m thinking chalky mint gum) or liquids they immediately start counteracting this overflow and neutralize about 60% excess by reacting chemically with them producing water & salt gas like CO2 etc however swallowing air along while taking them may aggravate bloating effect so be mindful of that(I mean how do you not chew those things!) Also drinking a lot of water before/after taking antacid is advised to keep circulation in check as regular use for long term might reduce Hcl later affecting absorption.

What causes acid reflux?

Before we delve deeper into antacids, it’s important to understand what causes acid reflux.

Acid reflux happens when the sphincter muscle at the bottom of our esophagus (the tube connecting our throat and stomach) doesn’t close properly after eating food or drinking liquids, causing stomach acid to flow back up and irritate our esophagus lining (talk about heartburn…but wait there’s more) This can lead to various symptoms like uncontrolled belching (some call it burps), regurgitation(conjuring frothy mixture called undigested food with gastric contents -sounds yum right?!), nausea(fancy word for morning sickness /hangover) , bloating(hugely pregnant without being pregnant feeling). Now Let us combine all of ’em together BAM- Thanks Acid Reflux

Different Types Of Antacids

With so many different types available on the market today, choosing an antacid can be quite confusing. Here we will take a closer look at each type:

Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is also known as baking soda which contains sodium ions and bicarbonate ions NaHCO3 providing alkaline effect due to buffering capacity neutralizing upto 50% acidic content() present producing CO2 gas advantageous in relieving flatulence feature along with soothing excess acidity however overuse may cause issues as higher concentration disrupts mineral imbalance factor!

Magnesium Hydroxide

Magnesium hydroxide commonly found under trade name milk of magnesia (most popular one because let’s face it no-one wants chalky tablets twice/thrice daily!! ) extremely effective quickly neutralizing excess acid devoid of any side bias (neither constipation nor diarrhea) leaves the body naturally. A quick word of advice: Taking an antacid with magnesium hydroxide on a regular basis can lead to kidney damage so should not be used frequently.

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium carbonate is available under Tums and other brand names, calcium carbonate works best when taken before meals for instant relief neutralizing high levels up to 70%. Although this type doesn’t have many side effects, it may cause constipation if consumed in high quantity(that’s right folks- Keep eating those tummies in moderation)


Alginates work by forming a protective layer on top of our stomach which keeps gastric juice below helping prevent reflux while quickly dispatching foam material Therefore they’re mostly ideal during sleep hours also called acid-neutralizing gum as you wake fresh (just what we needed!). Good examples would be Gaviscon Advance.

Which Antacid Should You Choose?

It really depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for fast relief without any side effects, sodium bicarbonate or milk of magnesia might be the best option for you. For those who experience occasional heartburn and acidity but don’t want too much stuff inside their bodies calcium carbonated based products like Tums could do the trick (and hey who doesnt love fruity flavors) And Finally if long term use or nighttime protection against reflux is needed go for alginate/formulations as per recommended dosage from healthcare practitioners FYI!

How Safe Are Antacids?

The use of antacids generally considered safe however constant usage over longer period leads reduction Hcl secretions due succumbing effect in-parietal cells causing disturbance overall digestion process therefore always remember it’s good not play doctor (No matter how smart Dr.Google makes us feel!) please consult physician/dietician/nutritionist because they can help you figure out which will work best for you maintaining healthy functioning thus avoiding possible long term effects in stomach an beyond.


In conclusion antacids when used correctly play a helpful role alleviating irritable gastric distress providing relief from symptoms of indigestion, heartburn and acidity creating sense brightness to your day-to-day lifestyle however keeping everything under moderation is crucial Also remember that always consult a doctor before taking any medication/considering change dietary plans lifevest over novelty shorties- duh that’s just common sense! Thanks for listening folks – keep tuning for more exciting updates on our blogspace till then cheers!!

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