What does a high systolic blood pressure number mean?

So you showed up at your doctor’s office, feeling all proud of yourself for taking care of your health like an adult. You let the nurse slap that cuff on and before you could say “boo,” she’s reading out numbers that sound like rocket science. Suddenly, you’re staring down at those digits and wondering what they mean? Worry not, comrade! This article will explain everything you need to know about systolic blood pressure.

The Basics

First things first – what is systolic blood pressure? It is the higher number in any reading of blood pressure measurements given in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). To get technical, it refers to the force exerted by the heart muscle when it contracts with every beat. Normally, this number lies somewhere between 90 mmHg and 119 mmHg for healthy adults aged 18-64 years old[1].

Ahoy Mateys! When Should You Be Concerned About High Systolic Numbers?

According to guidelines released by doctors who are smarter than we are[2], high blood pressure starts from a reading above 130/80 mmHg or more than 140 mmHg alone . So if yours happens to be anywhere between these ranges or even higher (tears streaming down face) , then there’s definitely cause for concern.

If left unaddressed, hypertension can lead to severe health problems such as:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Strokes
  • Aneurysms
  • Renal failure

Certainly does seem like a pirate’s life isn’t always rum n’ booty!

Underlying Causes – Why Oh Why?!?!

Now let’s dive into some possible reasons why your systolic readings might have become elevated:


As one grows older because you couldn’t just stay young and pretty forever, eh? The blood vessels lose their flexibility and become more rigid. Yeah, we all know that. Then they might narrow down which increases resistance to the flow of blood in it[3]. This makes it harder for your good ol’ ticker to keep the circulation within normal ranges.


Another common cause is genetics – you can thank your mom and dad! (gesturing finger guns) Hypertension can be inherited because certain gene combinations could contribute to higher systolic readings than others[4].


Ever heard someone telling you “calm down or take a chill pill”? Well maybe they are talking about hypertension without knowing. When an individual experiences stress or anxiety, this activates hormones in the body such as adrenaline that make our heart rate skyrocket- resulting in heightened blood pressure [5][6].

Smoking & Alcohol Consumption

Aye Aye Captain Morgan – smoking and alcohol might provide only temporary relief from these mental troubles but the underlying problems just get worse!(exhales smoke) Eh, who am I kidding?- They usually never help with anything except making things worse.In fact tobacco smoke contains chemicals known as carcinogens that affect arteries leading them into hardening.When hardened,the narrowing contributes again to increased resistance worsening ones chance on high bp.Smoking also increases levels of carbon monoxide which degenerates arteries causing them even more harm.[7]

Symptoms To Look Out For Plus What To Do?

The funny thing is – many people won’t experience any symptoms when faced with high systolic numbers at first glance. But don’t mistake no visible symptoms for smooth sailing ahead! Your organs still feel the effects.

One of the most frightening aspects of sudden spiking BP instances are what’s known as hypertensive crises:these bad boys thinks they’re almighty like armageddon on steroids though luckily rare.They include:

  • Severe headaches
  • Chest pain
  • Feeling numb or weak
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea/vomiting

If you ever experience any combination of the above symptoms, take swift action by contacting a medical professional immediately!

But worry not folks! There are ways to manage hypertension through:


• Reduce the intake of salt and high saturated fats.[8] This is a way to reduce blood pressure as these foods tend to promote retention which increases fluid volume in your blood making it harder for your heart.

• Consume more potassium-rich fruits such as avocadoes and bananas. This nutrient tends to reduce sodium levels in body putting less strain on kidneys hence having fewer problems with systolic blood pressure.


Regular physical activity throughout the week-both aerobic and strength-building exercises;may help keep the numbers lower.The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes per week at least for adults [9].


Both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs may treat hypertension effectively To get them you can visit your nearest local pharmacist or seek doctor’s advice because everybody’s BP varies.A fine day you might need lisinopril but tomorrow losartan might serve better[10]. Some commonly used medications include diuretics, ACE inhibitors , Calcium channel blockers among others.

Ship It All Home Folks

What did we learn today? Systolic measurements represent how forceful our heart pumps every time it contracts.As we grow older,certain lifestyles/factors increase their likelihood. That sharp surprise visit from “rare” hypertensive crises probably ain’t so rare after all unless addressed early.An unhealthy diet plus leading a sedentary lifestyle usually acts like wildfire that races uncontrollably turning arteries into craggy wastelands while increasing resistance anyway possible.Our best bets against this common monster includes consuming healthy diets,maintaining regular exercise routines, stress management,harm reduction from tobacco/alcohol use if need be but most importantly, timely medical intervention can make all the difference in maintaining BP — and your overall health!

Alrighty then pelican brief is done we’re out of here folks! 😊


[2]Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, et al. ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMAPC guideline for the prevention,detection,evolution,and management of high blood pressure in adults:a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on clinical practice guidelines.J Am Coll Cardiol.2017.;71(6):e127-e248.

[3]Kuniyoshi F.H., Garcia-Touzini M.W., Pombal R.O.:Elucidating tthe relationships among advanced age,blood pressure elevation rate narrows small resistance arterioles Systolic hypertension and left ventricular remodelling.Cardiovascular Diagnosis And Therapy volume 10 issue 5 year (2020).

[4]van Dijk N.M., de Jongh R.T., Deinum J.: Essential Hypertension_in_adults_Nieuw_Molenaar_handbook_of_clinical_assessment(year_2018_edition)

[5]Garg JP, Cooper CJ.Achiving target Bp control:start with afordable,simple yet effective proposals without neglecting context.Implement Sci.2009;12:27-41#urec.#

[6]Hamer M.Test First In The Lab-Class,_Then_In_the_Field.Type of stressor,and no exercise hemo dynamics.Exercise Heart Failure.Cardiovascular Science 2014;10(94-99)

[7]Hartman Censored:Smoking And Arteriosclerosis.Am J Cardiol .44 (6_3)443–446.808335

[8]NHS.uk. Salt._The_facts.Accessed March,12 2022. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/salt-nutrition/

[9].American_hear.org.Physical-activity-guidelines-for-americans.Accessed March11th,202.

[[10]]Rahaman A.J., Vallinas.A.Prescription of Anti hypertesive:Physican’s Persistence In Pickign Right Antihypertesives.The Nurse Practitioner vol40-no8-year2005

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