What do you take for salmonella?

If you’ve recently consumed undercooked or contaminated food, you might be experiencing symptoms like diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps. These are the common signs of salmonella – a nasty bacteria that can ruin your day and possibly land you in the bathroom for hours.

But fear not my friend! There are ways to deal with this pesky bug. In this article, we’ll dive deep into what exactly is salmonella? Symptoms of Salmonella? And most importantly: what do you take for it? So read on if you want to avoid any embarrassing moments!

What is Salmonella?

Salmonella is a type of bacteria responsible for causing illnesses ranging from mild gastroenteritis (similar to food poisoning) to more serious infections such as typhoid fever. This sneaky little guy lives in the gut of animals, especially chickens, pigs and cows. Hence why it’s commonly found in uncooked meat, unpasteurized milk and eggs.

Symptoms of Salmonella

So how do I know if I have contracted these bugs roaming inside those innocent looking foods? The following are common symptoms associated with a salmonella infection:

  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain/cramps
  • Vomiting

The symptoms usually appear within 6 hours up until about 3 days after consuming infected food/drinks.
For some unfortunate folks out there (particularly older adults, infants or those with weakened immune systems) salmonellosis can lead to severe cases where hospitalization is needed.

How Do You Confirm That It’s Salmonellosis?

To be better safe than sorry consult your GP/doctor immediately so they may provide an accurate diagnosis through:
Stool culture tests
Ingested stool samples will allow doctors identify whether or not it’s indeed caused by salmonellosis.

Now let’s move onto the real question that’s been worrying us:

What Do You Take For It?

One of the most important things to keep in mind is staying hydrated throughout its duration. That includes drinking plenty of fluids, mainly water and electrolytes such as Pedialyte® or similar brands available in the pharmacy sections.

It should be noted that contacting a healthcare provider is highly recommended before taking medication. But this doesn’t mean we can’t investigate our options!
Below are some measures recognized by professionals for treating salmonella infections:


If tested positive for severe cases or symptoms like fever among others mentioned earlier, antibiotics may be prescribed after identifying which strain caused it.
But be warned! Certain strains of salmonella have become resistant to this treatment over time, making it ineffective on particular types.


“Wait..so bacteria fights bacteria?” Yes folks, you read right! Friendly micro-organisms found in probiotics supplements can combat those bad Salmonellae with their much-needed reinforcement.
Whether it’s through supplements (the readily ingestible kind) or food sources (yogurt, kefir), these will assist your body by simply increasing good beings count present inside.

Natural remedies

Although not medically advised due to lack of research and potential harmful effects from incorrect dosage – natural remedies do exist:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar(yes,vinegar)  
     Taking small amounts diluted into water might relief diarrhea

 2. Consuming Broths/Stocks containing L-glutamine

Some have also turned towards remedies such as herbal teas albeit with no proven effectiveness just yet…

    " Does Tumeric Ginger Tea Work Against Salmonella?"

Leave a comment if you’ve tried any cures/methods at home!

“Prevention is better than cure.” We’ve all heard this saying rather too often but its true! These include proper handling, cooking and storing of food along with washing your hands properly (lyrics from “Happy Birthday” song suggested while scrubbing thoroughly).

Stay well informed and take necessary precautions to avoid salmonella horrors. And let’s raise our glasses to healthy eating!


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