What do i need to gain weight and build muscle?

Are you tired of looking like a twig? Do you want to bulk up and become a beefcake? Look no further! This guide will provide everything you need to know about building muscle and gaining weight that will help you achieve your desired physique.

The Importance of Nutrition

Before we jump into exercises, let’s talk nutrition. You can’t build muscle or gain weight without proper nutrition. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Caloric Surplus

To gain weight/muscle, a caloric surplus is necessary. Simply put, this means consuming more calories than what your body burns every day.

Calculate Your Daily Calorie Intake

A calculator can be used but it does not provide an exact calculation as the metabolic rate has many variables such as exercise level etc. Consult with a professional for better results.

Protein Intake

Increasing protein consumption helps trigger muscle growth by providing amino acids that aid in recovery and repair muscles after working out.

How much Protein should I consume?

About 1g per lb of bodyweight should be sufficient.


Don’t ditch carbs completely; they provide essential fuel for workouts and energy throughout the day.
Foodstuff such as whole grain pasta, cereals, quinoas etc are packed with healthy carbohydrates.

In summary:
– Eat at calorie surplus
– Increase consumed protein (about 1g/lb)
– Consume healthy carbohydrate-rich food items

Exercise Routine / Idea

Now onto everyone’s favorite topic: exercising!

It’s important to have both resistance training (lifting weights) along with cardio regularly.

Resistance Training

Lifting heavy weights while targeting certain muscles promotes hypertrophy (growth).
Compound movements – target big groups like leg press/ bench press etc.
Isolation Movements – targets smaller muscles e.g bicep curls.

Warm up before work out

It is essential to get the blood flowing by doing a few warm-up exercises.


Additionally, focusing on cardio can improve overall fitness and cardiovascular health.

How Much Cardio should I do?

About 30 minutes of moderate-intensity (60-70% max heart rate) activities such as running or cycling daily should suffice.

In summary:
– Perform resistance training regularly
– Do compound & isolation movements
– Warm up every time
– Include adequate amount of cardio

Lifestyle Changes

To achieve your fitness goals, it’s important to make some lifestyle changes beyond nutrition and exercising.

Get Enough Sleep

A lot of growth hormone release occurs during deep sleep at night; getting enough sleep has an impact on muscle recovery.
The recommended amount for most adults is between 7 to 8 hours per day.

Manage Stress

Elevated cortisol levels lead to decreased testosterone production.
Stress management techniques like meditation or exercise could aid in reducing the effects of elevated cortisol levels

In summary:
– Get good amounts of sleep every day(7hours +)
– Manage stress through healthy habits


There are many supplements that help with gaining weight/muscle mass.
We highly recommend speaking with a professional before starting any supplementation routine.

Whey Protein Powder

Protein powders provide easily digestible protein post-workout efficiently aiding growth and repair muscles after working out.

Creatine Monohydrate Supplements

Better strength output while lifting weights

In Summary:
Experts can guide you towards proper supplementation options.


Now that you have learned what it takes to build muscle and gain weight, all there’s left for you is actually putting in the work. Don’t forget consistency is key! Make sure someone measure progress over time rather than short term approach. Moreover the regime must be sustainable to maintain the muscle mass.

Remember, building muscle should improve confidence levels and overall health. So stay motivated and have fun on your journey towards becoming a beefcake!

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