What dies b12 do for your body?

Vitamin B12 is one of those topics you never really think about until someone asks what happens if you don’t get enough of it. You know, like when your doctor called and said your test results showed that you have the B12 level of a pet rock. (Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered…)

Let’s take a deep dive into this little-known spark plug known as vitamin B12 to uncover its role in our everyday lives.

Introduction: What is Vitamin B12?

Here’s a fun fact to share at happy hour: vitamin B12 (cobalamin) was first discovered in the liver of an angry gym teacher who had recently passed away (maybe he should have taken his vitamins). Since then, it has been found in foods such as beef liver, seafood, poultry, eggs and dairy products. So clearly there are better ways to obtain this essential nutrient than digging up deceased PE teachers from a hundred years ago.

But what exactly does it do? Glad you asked…

The Molecular Nuts & Bolts

At its most basic level – or molecularly speaking – vitamin B12 contains cobalt which gives it that quintessential red color. It also has 4 distinct chemical groups surrounding this central core atom:

1) A dimethylbenzimidazole ribonucleotide base
2) A corrin ring
3) An upper axial ligand (cyanide in cyanocobalamin form)
4) And finally… drumroll please… A lower axial ligand group

Yeah sure “lower axial ligand group” sounds cool and all… but what on Earth does any of this actually mean for our health???

To answer that pressing question let’s move onto how vitamin b-just-might-save-your-life…

Function #1: Red Blood Cell Formation

Everyone knows red blood cells are crucial for carrying oxygen through the body. But did you know vitamin B12 plays a key role in this as well? It turns out that without enough of it, your cells won’t divide properly leading to abnormal large red blood cells that can’t get their job done correctly.

Takeaway: Your Blood Is Counting on You!

In other words – make sure you’re getting those B’s otherwise we may have to rename you old Horace “Dusty Red Cells” McDusterson… and nobody wants that.

Function #2: Cognitive Health

Here’s something they don’t tell you when signing up for college… studying late into the night isn’t just emotionally exhausting (as anyone who spends three hours playing with their hair will attest), it also uses up quite a bit of cognitive energy. These precious circuits need fuel from glucose, amino acids, and vitamins — including our friend Vitamin B12.

Takeaway: Use Your Brain Juice Wisely My Friends

Studies suggest that low levels of vitamin B12 are associated with many cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease and even depression! Which makes sense if you think about how little energy one has after eating nothing but cheese puffs all day long…

Function #3: Good Ol’ DNA Cheese Sauce

Go ahead and take a bite outta some cheesy pasta dish – doesn’t it just hit different? Well guess what folks; thanks to Vitamin B12 your entire genetic code tastes like a delectable pasta!

Ok so maybe not literally… but this nutrient is essential when it comes to synthesizing nucleic acids used by every cell in your body! That means whether its replicating fast-growing cancerous tumors or building life-saving new nerve tissue there’s no substitute for good ol’ fashioned cobalamin.

Takeaway: Fuel Up Those Genetic Motors

We aren’t squeamish around here… let’s be real— isn’t it just better to call it “DNA cheese sauce?” I think so anyway.

Function #4: Heart Disease Prevention

When we say Vitamin B12 is essential, we aren’t kidding around. It’s even important for heart health as well! Without proper vitamin B12 levels, hilariously high amounts on an amino acid called homocysteine build up in your bloodstream leaving you vulnerable to developing heart disease.

Takeaway: Keep Your Heart Healthy or Suffer The Consequences

Nobody wants heart palpitations caused from walking upstairs…trust me (I know). Don’t be like me – make sure this water-soluble vitamin is a permanent player in all of your diets.

Function #5: Digestive Best Friend Forever

There are a lot of silly puns out there about probiotics being digestive besties – but what if Vitamin b-12 was right by its side?

Laughing aside, that’s not too far off base — because without Vitamin B12 our digestion process can come to a grinding halt!

You see, with less stomach acid produced comes less intrinsic factor — which basically means vitamin B12 absorption goes down the tubes. This can lead to indigestion and other digestive ailments such as constipation and bloating galore. Oh yeah… did I mention cramps?

So keep those tummy troubles at bay — whether its through supplements or simply consuming nutritious whole foods that include our good pal cobalamin!

Takeaway: Digest With Ease Friends!!

Geez… seems like having poor levels of cobalamin leads one down quite the road of being very uncomfortable doesn’t it??? Sure does! Ensure proper functioning healthfulness now; don’t wait til later.

Wrapping Up – Get Those Keys To Your Lamborghini Already & Drive into Your Grocer Today…

Ok ok maybe not everyone has the dough-re-mi to buy lambos & bottles of Krug, but hopefully this article has given you a better understanding on why Vitamin B12 is so crucial for our health!

Crushin’ tests in college and having the energy to actually go out after work are actually achievable goals! (Believe it or not). But if we can’t do something as basic like making tinier red blood cells… well then what hope do we have???

So take that first step — visit your local grocer today and snag some vitamin b straight off the shelf. Your mind, heart, digestion – all the things will thank you for getting them ready to rumble.

Takeaway: Get Them Vitamins If You Want To Keep On Livin’ Folks!!!

You know when life hands lemons… make cobalamin B-rich lemonade!!

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