What cures anxiety disorders?

Anxiety is a tricky beast – it can be caused by anything from stress to genetics, and once it takes hold, it’s hard to let go. But fear not my anxious friends! There are plenty of ways to tackle this pesky mental health issue head-on. So buckle up and take a deep breath (or ten), because we’re about to delve into what cures anxiety disorders.

Mind Over Matter

The first step in curing your anxiety may well be something as simple as thinking positively. No really, hear me out! When you think negatively about yourself or situations, that negativity can set off an anxiety spiral that can feel impossible to stop. Instead try thinking happy thoughts (like a Disney princess).

Another helpful technique is mindfulness practice which teaches one how to focus on the present moment instead of getting dragged down by anxious thoughts.

Exercise Away Your Worries

Exercise isn’t just good for toning those glutes; fitness has been proven time and again to significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety through the release of endorphins AKA ‘feel-good chemicals’. Even better news? You don’t have necessarily need access state-of-the-art gym equipment either! Simple things like going for long walk with your furry companion or following along a Youtube workout will suffice too.

Learn To Belly Breathe

Breathing techniques are highly effective when dealing with panic attacks since they help slow heart rate and relax you mentally tooo(so chillax dude). Try inhaling slowly through your nose while pushing out your belly many times then exhaling gently until all air is expelled from lungs then repeat several times till completely relaxed(brain hack 101!)

Cut Out The Caffeine And Drink Tea Instead

Everyone loves coffee- except maybe self-proclaimed tea enthusiasts but caffeine overload can trigger symptoms associated with generalised anxiety disorder(GAD) so if you experience symptoms of GAD daily, you might want to skip the Keurig k-cups and pick up an herbal tea instead. Chamomile tea can be a soothing option while green tea has calming properties that improve mental clarity.

Join A Support Group

In today’s world where social media is our dependable friend(yeah right ), there are vast online groups for just about everything helping many connect with people who experienced similar problems in life(hey, even dogs have their own Twitter accounts now).

Anxiety sufferers find belongingness and solace through support groups where members offer advice on what worked for them, lessening stigmatization some may feel making it easier to seek help.

Consider Getting Help From A Skilled M.D Or Psychologist

A licensed medical professional can provide insight regarding more generalized cases of anxiety like panic disorder which require treatment such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), medication or a combination of both as these things are indeed not one-size-fits-all.

Let’s look into meditation below.

  • For mindfulness beginners wishing they could focus on breathing for only 5 minutes here is how its done.
     Open your eyes wide then without moving any muscles count up to three
     Next clasp your hands together tightly
     Take a deep breath- Hold! Then breathe out slowly before opening your hands.
                     Congratulations! You’ve completed five mindful minutes

And since we all love games;lets examine gaming.

1.Crossword Puzzle
5.Card Games
6.Video Games

While playing video games at work sounds impossible(Unless it’s part of your job description #dreamjob), consider using puzzle-oriented ones as these tend towards distracting anxious thoughts allowing brain rest time by engaging it in logical & strategic ways.

Video games are also good options, giving us opportunities to create worlds of our own and develop skills in critical thinking. However, proper management hugely recommended as it is easy for such activities to become dangerously addictive leading to more harm than good.

Supplement With Essential Oils

Essential oils like lavender have calming effects on the mind; Science proves that they can be effective when used correctly as a supplement(cures should certainly never replace treatment) adding natural tranquility while general stressors cloud your day.

All you need:

-A diffuser
-Lavendar oil

Break down:

Place a few drops of lavendar essential oil into the diffuser then sit back and let its aroma permeate every corner (ok ok almost)of the room creating an eco-system surely will rival The Amazon’s serenity(forced chuckle)

Know When To Take A Breather

Most importantly take time out for yourself whenever feeling muddled or overwhelmed allowing your mind space to unwind can rejuvenate the soul(absolutely Good vibes only!). Practice deep breathing techniques, Yoga or go green with meditation (how about having oxygen delivered? Who wouldn’t love walking around with their own personal scuba tank in tote right?#JokerReference)

Anxiety does not define who you are; there indeed shall be moments during which it may seem all-encompassing but remember this- you were so much bigger than anxiety ever could think of being, always try enjoying little things,laugh often(every opportunity one gets), seek support, do exercises routinely (or go chase Pokemon if Pokémon Go still exists), breathe deeply & take pleasure from life-restoring practices(#peacedude).

Closing Thoughts

It’s crucial noting that treatment procedures differ from person-to-person making consulting professionals key since what worked brilliantly for someone might not necessarily work for another. A final word on this: Whatever procedure you decide upon remember that these few steps listed herein help alleviate anxiety by providing a structured approach in tackling it head-on.

Top Tip: Always be patient with yourself as we all know trying to conquer anxious tension can feel tricky at first!

Now, exhale and take that initial joyful step towards being free from the grip of anxiety- Make Yourself Smile today- why not?!, after all they say laughter is contagious ;).

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