What contains vitamin c and fiber?

Are you feeling sluggish? Maybe you need to incorporate more vitamin C and fiber into your diet! These nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy body, so it’s important to know which foods contain them. Let’s explore some options.


Fruits are a great source of vitamin C and fiber, making them an excellent choice for snacking or dessert. Here are some high-fiber fruits that also contain plenty of vitamin C:


Oranges are one of the most popular citrus fruits out there. They’re juicy, tangy, and packed with vitamins! In addition to vitamin C, oranges have 3 grams of fiber per fruit.


KIwi is not just appealing on the eyes but delicious too with their vibrant green flesh wrapped in fuzzy brown skin.They’re another fruit chock-full of both Vitamin-C and fiber- each has around 2 grams (yes please!).Fun fact: kiwis even have more Vitamin-C by weight than oranges do!


Few people appreciate this fresh tropical flavor but boy oh boy let me tell you…Guavas pack quite a punch when it comes to nutrient intake since they’ve got almost four times as much nutrient makeup compared to orange juiceit’s no wonder tropical countries swear by guavas for maintaining good health – these babies offer nearly five times as much potassium than bananas while also containing cancer-preventative lycopene.!


Don’t forget about vegetables if you want to up your intake of vitamin C and fiber! Here are some tasty options:


Okay admit it, most folks aren’t really fond oof broccoli (but stay with us here). That being said This cruciferous veggie boasts over 90% water composition yet packs all sorts of antioxidants plus giving us pretty good amount of Vit-C around 80mg per serving and over 2.5 grams of fiber(If you promise to give it a chance, you might actually grow to love it).

Brussels Sprouts

Some people think of brussel sprouts as “little green balls” that are too bitter for their taste but this underrated vegetable is another excellent source of both vitamin C (74 mg/serving) and fiber (3 g/serving). Not only will they keep your digestive tract happy, but these tiny giants also provide cancer-fighting sulfur compounds.

Breakfast Foods

Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day – so why not use it as an opportunity to sneak in some extra vitamins and nutrients? Here are some breakfast foods high in vitamin C and fiber:


Oatmeal is a heart-healthy breakfast option that contains soluble fiber which helps regulate cholesterol levels while filling us up. According to experts adding fruits like raspberries or strawberries when-we-start-the-day can add both flavor & boosts Vitamin-C intake(everybody wins!).

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have become quite popular in recent years thanks to their high nutrient density…and let’s be honest chic factor! These little guys pack some serious nutritional bang-for-your-buck because ounce for ounce chia seed contains more than three times more iron than spinach plus they’re loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids.Bonus? A single serving boasts almost twice our recommended dosage of daily dietary fiber intake!


Legumes cover all bases by giving us enough folate, potassium AND a great deal of protein – ever heard somebody say ‘beans beans are good foraour’…you get where we’re going with this one? Here’s what legumes have in store:


Lentils contain approximately 8 grams(!)of dietary,fiber each cup cooked into them.These plant-protein powerhouses are also an excellent source of folate, iron, and potassium. In fact, just one cup of cooked lentilsprovides nearly a third of women’s recommended daily intake for both fiber and iron !


I love them on my salads or toasted in the oven – so versatile! According to nutrition experts chickpeas offer up high amounts dietary-fiber while containing low calories:for everytime 100 grams there’s approximately 7-8 gramsof dietary fiber.Packing almost half our daily-required Vitamin-C,the wonderful little beans might even help defend us against Alzheimer’s disease.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, you can’t go wrong with incorporating vitamin C-rich foods into your diet – they’ll keep you healthy while keeping things interesting. And don’t forget about fiber either! It plays a vital role in digestion and overall health so make sure to consume plenty thereof.If spicy food floats your boat compared to bland,this is really great news since most sources I’ve just shared have plenty of Essential life-giving micronutrients that satisfy taste buds AND body needs at same time.A win-win strategy if we ever heard one!

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