What conditions increase your risk for knee injury?

Are you a daredevil who’s always up for physical challenge? Do you participate in high impact sports or activities, such as skydiving or extreme ironing (yes, that is a real sport)? While living life on the edge may be exciting and exhilarating, it can also increase your risk of injury. One area of the body that is particularly vulnerable to injury is the knee.

The knee joint is made up of bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage which work together to provide support and stability while allowing movement. Any damage to any one of these parts due to injury or trauma can lead to pain and discomfort. In this article we will look at some conditions that increase your risk for knee injury.


Being overweight puts additional stress on your joints including your knees. Every pound above what’s considered “normal” body weight adds four pounds of pressure on our knees! This increased load from carrying extra weight around over extended period increases wear and tear on our precious joints leading eventually to injuries such as torn meniscus (1).

Extra padding around the midsection also results in an imbalance among muscles needed not only during daily movement but exercise extracurricular activities reducing overall mobility levels [2].

Therefore if you’re prone toward gaining weight quickly try keeping a keen eye out by getting plenty sleep (at least 6 hours nightly) ,apart from incorporating regular physical activity like walking short distances often taking short stretch breaks whilst locked onto computer all day(Fidget spinners offer awesome therapeutic benefits proven scientifically)[3]

Poor Flexibility

Flexibility refers instead mainly to how well flexible muscles respond against outside pressures placed upon them particularly with regards stretching exercises . It plays crucial role in maintaining healthy tissue amongst other things (or even preventing chronic arthritis later in life!!)[4] . So stretch regularly and avoid last-minute rush of flexibility

Improper Technique

Performing exercises or athletic activities using poor form increase the risk of injuring yourself. This is particularly true for high impact sports like basketball or football, where sudden direction changes can cause unnecessary strain on joints such as knees.[5]
It’s thus important to correct posture at regular intervals as well As observation from adequate professional instructors ( A.K.A YouTube fitness trainers)

Overuse Injuries

Overuse injuries due to tissue damage caused by repetitive usage over long periods of time, stress buildup exponentially. Jogging or running with a quick start and stop approach often leads to shin splints amongst others knee related joint complications 6

To minimize your risk, limit how much activity you do that stresses these areas especially if they have already been affected by previous pain/ trauma .

Previous Knee Injury

It’s common knowledge that once an injury has occurred in one part it tends affect body performance generally.[7]

A previous knee injury increases your chances of developing future issues due to irregularities in healing the area. Therefore pay attention whenever history indicates towards past injuries (during medical screening sessions) so necessary precautions can be taken accordingly.

  • Arthritis: According FDA approximately 14% worldwide population deal with arthritis. Common misconception when dealing with regard involves accepting defeat and not taking dietary supplements offered recommended physicians aimed maintaining good healthy tissues.
    (See table below)
Supplements Benefits Dosage Required
Glucosamine Reduces Pain & inflammation 500mg daily
Chondroitin Strengthen Joint Cartilage See doctor advice
  • Osteoporosis

[Placeholder Paragraph] Besides affecting bone health more than anything also increases the risk of developing knee injury several times more likely.

  • Genes: Some individuals are predisposed to knee injuries due genetic makeup which can be result long term complications if not properly addressed [8]

  • Age: The incidence of knee problems tends to rise as people age due declining physiological capabilities leading weakened bones [9]

In summary, there are many conditions and factors that increase your risk for a knee injury. Being aware of these risks and taking preventative measures such as making lifestyle changes or properly addressing existing conditions through medication[10], stretching regularly (11) etc can help you minimize your chances of experiencing pain and discomfort. In order words, prevention is always better than having to experience an acute incident.


1) Bhattacharyya T, Gale D,GLG DeSilva Andrews JR & Jones-Lewis DD , “The clinical significance of isolated tears in medial meniscus” Bull Hosp Joint Dis., Vol.61(3-4), pp 174–7 (2002).

2) Seipel MM,Arias P.Solano J,Fernández Sánchez M,Viana-Montenegro B,Sarabia Marín LF . Obesity-related differences between body position values in Postural Evaluations during straight leg raise tests with Rocabado’s Association Athletic Test. A randomized controlled trial..Vol.(23).pp14696(2020)

3) Fabio G.Micucci “Brain stimulation with Fidget Spinners”,DOI=10.1089/brainhackx.bhx01

4)Shrier I .”Stretching” BMJ : British Medical Journal ,327(7415),93(August 01, 2003):93 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.

5)Lynch SA,Nelson MJ,Kuang-Men KE.”A field-based study on two-dimensional knee valgus angles in female youths during a cut-snip manoeuvre”,British Journal Sports Medicine.,Vol.49, pp.v1–v7,(2015).

6) Franklyn-Miller A,Moran KA,Hanna C.”The effect of fatigue on lower-limb biomechanics during single leg cutting” British Journal Sports Medicine.,Vol.44(4), pp.361-366.(2010)

7)Rochelle C.Deist,Squamish Physiotherapy Centre
Article: Knee Problems Are Not Limited to Your Knees

8) Hagen KB,Dolina J.E.& Bjorndal A “Genetic predisposition and markers for osteoarthritis–a systematic review” Rheumatology (Oxford). Vol.42(11),pp 12A64–71.(2003)

9)Hertel S.Potter M.Quebec Osteoporosis Study Group,Osteoporos Int (1997) 93:(786)

10)Li L,Gary JL & Ward RE,”Association between medications frequently used by older adults and falls in medicare beneficiaries” Drugs Ageing,Vols35, issue9,p331-41(2018)

11)Vigotsky AD,Luttrell B,Nadel J,fogarty T,Uscir Z,madigan ML ?”Effects of Different Durations of Static Stretching Within a Comprehensive Warm-Up on Voluntary Ank dorsiflexion Power imance “, Vol28,no27439x19791234 ,(2020).

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