What causes you to pee blood clots?

As human beings, we all have some peculiar quirks that make us unique. Some people love to talk endlessly, while others prefer the quietness of solitude. But one thing we can all agree on is that peeing blood clots isn’t something anyone would want to experience.

Although it might seem strange and scary at first, there are several reasons why you might be experiencing this phenomenon. Here’s what you need to know.

What Are Blood Clots?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details of what causes you pee blood clots, let’s first talk about what exactly they are.

Blood clots are basically coagulated lumps of blood cells that form inside your urinary tract or bladder. They can come in different shapes and sizes but will often resemble dark red or black jelly-like blobs.

How Big Can They Get?

Well, just like anything else in life – size matters! Some bleeders may pass tiny microscopic sized coagulates without ever noticing them; but others will have honking great feats bigger than a squirrel sitting on your couch – however most collect within 10mm size limit due​ to the tubes they travel through being no wider than a pencil lead​.

If you’re concerned that passing blood clots during urination could signify an issue with your health or well-being,
it’s always best practice for medical intervention.

Why Am I Peeing Blood Clots?

There is a wide range of conditions or factors which can cause bleeding from down under.•••

Urinary Tract Infections

One common cause for those chunky darlings appearing in your stream could be due an infection within the urinary system. Bacteria such as E.coli bacteria if left untreated (or undetected) usually…well actually really gross stuff happens.So long story short – get it checked!

Bladder Infections

Bladder infections occur when germs like E. coli act in a similar fashion as UTI’s come into contact with the bladder and urogenital system. This can cause redness, inflammation or further irritation to these organs which can result in bloody pee.

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia

The scientific name might sound intimidating but don’t worry – it isn’t dangerous. Benign Prostate Hyperplasia basically means there is an enlarged growth of the prostate gland that compresses the urethra near a man’s penis therefore causing blockages to occur during urination.

Kidney Stones

When our homie kidneys construct items that are too big to comfortably pass through your urinary tract something referred to as “boulders” form within our tract capable of silencing even ‘Die Hard’s’ John McClane!

### Cancer

Although cancer is known for being deadly serious business, some places say using humour helps make light for talk on tough subjects so putting aside my tight-routine here is what you need to know about cancer below:

Now I could sit here and joke all day- probably even delay getting examined if we’re honest- but this section seriously requires attention An early diagnosis leads directly towards successful treatment outcomes whilst waiting will only worsen things over time.So be sure not neglect any unusual peeing tendencies you have going on downstairs.

What Do I Do If I’m Peeing Blood Clots?

The first and essential step would be check yourself as soon possible by seeking professional medical intervention (No ifs, no butt tumours). They’ll run diagnostic tests like urine analysis, scans or X-rays (depending upon age range) looking out anything untoward may harming your urinary plumbing tube-work.

They will likely provide sound advice:
• Drink more fluids
• Avoid harmful beverages such as sodas really aren’t needed
• Soothe your pain by using a heating pad or taking warm baths.


Peeing blood clots can be scary and alarming, but they are often treatable once the root cause is diagnosed. With swift and prompt action on your part in seeking medical attention from professionals, you’ll oftentimes find light at the end of what may seem like an endless tunnel of discomfort; furthermore this will allow appropriate treatment to be administered expeditiously contingent upon its etiology.

Remember: there’s no need to panic- life happens! Have confidence that with effective care eventually another bout of crimson coloured rounds won’t become routine within your next visit.

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