What causes white blood cells to increase?

When it comes to the human body, medical terminology can be as confusing as trying to understand your spouse’s mood swings. If you’re wondering why you have a sudden increase in white blood cells or know someone who does, don’t worry because I’m about to demystify everything for you.

White Blood Cells: The Good Guys and their Mission

First things first, let’s get primed on what white blood cells actually are. These guys are like the Avengers – think Iron Man (WBCs) fighting against Ultron (bacteria). They’re part of our immune system and work tirelessly every day protecting us from foreign invaders that could potentially harm our health.

The mission of WBCs is simple; when a harmful bacteria, virus or fungi tries to invade our body – they spring into action. In short order, they mobilize by releasing chemicals into our bloodstream like Cytokines (I know right), which activate other components such as phagocytic cells and antibodies among others.

Together with these different entities nicknamed “Team Whisky Bravo Charlie” (TWC), WBCs successfully remove invading pathogens from infiltrating deeper into vital organs causing discomfort or severe illness altogether.

Types of White Blood Cells

By now we’ve established that WBCs are superheroes but just like with any team – you need specialists. That said i’ii introduce the three types of specialized leukocytes;


These make up around 60% at any given moment out of total circulating amount primarily existing in tissues outside bone marrow e.g skin surface epithelia. Their role relates back to TWC member “phagocytic cells”, responsible for engulfing/clearing away dead microorganisms found in defensive wound healing responses thus bacterial infections locally speaking this type wrights checks by ensuring swift removal using potent granules released during process.


These divide themselves into three categories; T cells, B cells and NK (natural killer) cells – talk about having more members with significant specialized roles. T Cells play a central role in human immunity acting like Commandant of the TWC they oversee how every aspect works to achieve victory against foreign invaders or cancerous cells locally or bodywide. The Bs come through as extremely smart cells; they’re responsible for producing antibodies since antigens are unique like names so different specific antibodies fight off an associated invader-like SWAT teams carrying target lists.

NK cells both aid B and proceed unsupervised by anyone targeting virally infected/cancerous cell breakdown- yielding antigen pieces which activate Type I Interferons (talk of medical mumbo-jumbo amiright). These have dual protective action mechanisms that reduce viral replication while also improving the immune systems’ memory capacity overall translating to maximum elimination of viruses over time = improved longevity against diseases!


Lastly meet my favorite WBC-TWC member-Monocytes who represent just around 10% yet accomplish a lot if not everything ranging from combating parasites all way up bacterial/debris clearance plus together with sister named dendritic helps coordinate better responses across various areas relating to new pathogen infiltration.

Common Causes Of Elevated White Blood Cells

Having looked at superheroes within us defending our bodies, it’s now clear what elevated amounts mean – there’s trouble brewing! But worry not right away because after identifying common causes and symptoms we shall also look at quick triage you can undertake before consulting your average superhero-medic(pun intended).

Just like some heroes decide when going rogue is necessary so do white blood count spikes occur but without urgently looking into this could be bad news signaling underlying infections or any internal injury/illnesses –{Yikes!} Pay close attention if at home notice fever onset-persistent vitality loss-decreased appetite-chills-pallor- etc. With that said, here are the most common causes of elevated white blood cells counts;

Physical stress

Stress – this is no joke as it’s activated bodies connect with our immune system whereby active stress hormones – cortisol activate stem cell mobilization (you can wake me up in a bit) This then leads to increased production of leukocytes making for overall spike in numbers lessening our grip on reality.

Infections and inflammations

If Team Whisky Bravo Charlie finds themselves on high alert battling various bacteria/fungi/viruses or if there happens to be inflammation caused by external factor e.g allergies/injury odds shoot through roofs for WBCs rising up their guard!

Autoimmune disorders

It gets worse when your own body starts fighting against itself! Here autoimmune diseases exist which trick TWC into releasing limiting amounts targeting “self” (antigens) resulting in long term harm from premature aging-psychological distress etc. Common autoimmune disorder causing spiked WBC count includes Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, SLE among others

Diagnosing Elevated White Blood Cells Counts

Ok great you’ve confirmed increased number via blood workup at hospital/clinic but now what? Well take heart because knowing why is half the battle-you’re overthinking again join us quickly from behind console cause we’re calling every member of team WBs(wink). No seriously though beyond doing general tests ie C-reactive protein levels, erythrocyte sedimentation rates other special screening procedures like bone marrow biopsy/X-ray/magnetic resonance imaging could help identify several underlying conditions left untreated/spiked WBC counts leading to serious health issues even risk malignancy development.

Test Type Aim
Complete Blood Count(CBC) Evaluates hemoglobin content & Total RBC/WBSSize/function
Serum Protein Electrophoresis Identifies what’s causing the increased WBCs by analyzing protein content in blood.
Flow Cytometry Helps determine quantities and identities of various different cell types present within area undergoing change

Home Triage Steps to Consider when White Blood Count is Elevated

As stated earlier, once you’ve seen array symptoms forming i.e Fever-loss of appetite- pallor etc it’s a sign Medical intervention has become urgent BUT while awaiting with more sturdy medical attention (hint) there are few home triage steps that could make difference.


Hydration should be your best friend leading up to an appointment or generally concentrate on drinking as much water daily-with moderation & choice electrolytes replenishment during hot/balmy weather too especially-may see you experience reduced stress hormones leading down long term lowering WBC count(s).

Reduce Stress and Rest More

Luckily superhero-medics assigned for this mission understand impact stressors have on sensitive physiological system so endeavor practice routine relaxation exercises such mindfulness practices/ proper sleep patterns-taking walks outside/nature hugs we all like those no?-(darn COVID) in yoda voice. These go far ways calming mind redirecting energies hence trickling down overall health balanced WBC level stabilizing right at where it should remain stable neutral zone.


When emergencies occur – whom do we turn to heroes speaking medically speaking “White Blood Cells”. Just remember not everything they increase popularity spikes lead back negative conditions with early timey check-ups following simple but essential protocol towards healthy lifestyles make tangible differences!

“Team Whisky Bravo Charlie” out (drops mic)

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