What causes severe kidney pain?

Are you feeling a stabbing pain in your lower back? Or experiencing difficulty urinating accompanied by an incessant urge to go? Don’t panic! Although it’s tempting, the internet is not where to take medical advice. But, sit tight and let me humorously guide you through everything there is to know about severe kidney pain.

What Are Your Kidneys?

Before getting into the causes of severe kidney pain, let’s have a brief anatomy lesson. Did you know that we come with two kidneys pre-installed upon birth? Yea – just like those anti-virus computer software apps nobody asked for but was still installed on your laptop when it arrived; except these are essential.

The clue is in their name as they look very much like red beans or Lima beans if you want something more glamorous. They might be small but don’t let appearances deceive you since each one houses over a million filters called nephrons — These nifty little hair-like tubes remove waste from our bloodstreams while maintaining fluid balance 24/7.

So now that we’ve established what kidneys are all about, I’m sure many readers wonder why their locations make them so painful!

Where Exactly Is That Pain Coming From?

Picture this: You’re traveling down the street at breakneck speed with both hands off the wheel (I hope none of my readers actually do this!), Suddenly every steering wheel button starts flashing on full blast followed immediately by an audible alert telling you “HEY! Put those two precious things back on!” This hypothetical situation perfectly describes how important our kidneys are for overall germless functionality within our bodies.

Located towards the bottom rear area of your torso and protected mostly by muscles/fluid – these bean-shaped buddies stand guard for inflammation threats to other areas too – hello bladder and ureter infections!. Almost untraceable until infection or disease comes knocking on your doorstep; you sometimes won’t know the severity of whatever’s going on inside those little pockets until it hinders things from running smoothly.

But what exactly does “severe kidney pain” feel like? You’ll recognize it when that discomfort starts to evolve into an all-out stabby sensation beneath your rib cage or lower back equal in intensity to a full-fledged boxing punch — just…longer. Demonstrating these hints shows there is definitely something unsavory occurring within and demanding attention right now!

The Symptoms, Causes, and Risks

Kidney pain isn’t guaranteed by ignoring its symptoms unless you want to be handsomely rewarded with a trip to the hospital accompanied by repeated episodes of feeling like jerks continuously kicking your nether regions once every few seconds for hours, maybe even days!

So how do we recognize severe kidney pain? Here are some symptoms:

  • Radiative groin/thigh/pelvic area discomfort
  • Nausea/Vomiting/Fever
  • Urine changes – color/texture/frequency
  • Burning / Straining mid-urinating
  • Constant urge (whatever you’re doing now reader STOP: go pee first!)

However, not all improper bladder functionalities originate from kidneys because excess worrying could lead unnecessary scares so let’s find out the top causes:

Cause #1 : Kidney Stones – Imaginary Pebbles From Hell

Imagine popping popcorn kernels only this time they were made up of minerals bound together which don’t dissolve naturally quickly enough – this brings us wholly uninvitedly onto our next point. Kidney stones

“Stones” here refer to mineral deposit buildup irritable sensations ranging between sizeable sand grains and actual rocks (no kidding!). They begin their journey mostly unnoticed but as they pass through our urinary tracts/Bla bla bla….Why am I trying too hard? We know Kidney quarries are the real deal.

Cause #2: Urinary Tract Infection –Welcome! To a World of Pain & Antibiotics

UTIs (urinary tract infections) can be incredibly painful, and that’s so because it involves an infection in one or more organs within your urinary tract. This origin-backing could mean burning while peeing or general pain where they occur, including kidneys. You may also notice blood in urine (I take it back go to the hospital immediately if this happens) but fear not as UTIs are more prominent in females./s

So there you have it folks- The top 2 causes for severe kidney pain! However – I’ll briefly mention these other giveaways:

E.coli viruses
(Get yourself diagnosed!)

Any form of a kidney infection is most common amongst those over fifty years old with preexisting health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension/heart problems who must undergo medication change periodically-lucky them!

How Are Severe Kidney Infections Treated?

If things get really out of hand( we wouldn’t want that now would we?), Seek medical attention right away by visiting their advice station physically or via telehealth solutions nowadays. Sanitary requirements will include definitelyhaving to urinate here too; physicians might ask you some questions regarding fishy symptoms/referred sensations around said area / given prescriptions unique to identified cause.

Treatment alternatives range from antibacterials-infusions/removal/careful control mechanism application…like watching what goes into our bodies after meals since dietary content affects something like this greatly when consumed unwarrantedly without counselled measures taken on personal accounts towards respective lives lived daily.dhgdgd dguuvdcgb

The primary goal is to heal/regenerate nature’s way while making healthy lifestyle changes that don’t hinder long term progress.

Preventative Measures

It isn’t certainly fun having a kidney infection, yet all hope isn’t lost at its sight. What measures to take in order avoiding such unwanted tender heartbreakers?

Cleanliness is Godliness – Hygiene is protection therefore daily habit routines should prioritize keeping proper cleanliness foremost next….

Oh, sorry readers! I think we ran out of time today but let’s keep up with maintaining our kidneys’ safety and soundness as best as we can!(:

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