What causes red streaks in eyes?

If you’ve ever looked at yourself in the mirror and been alarmed to see a red streak in one or both of your eyes, don’t worry – it’s not the mark of some bizarre new disease that only affects you. In fact, red streaks are actually quite common and can happen for a variety of reasons. Read on to learn more about what causes those pesky blood vessels to burst and why your eyes might be looking redder than usual.

It Might Be Your Diet

Believe it or not, what you eat can have an impact on the health of your eyes. If you’re not getting enough vitamin C, for example, you might experience broken blood vessels in the conjunctiva (the thin layer that covers the whites of your eyes). Other nutrients like vitamin B6 and zinc are also important for maintaining healthy blood vessels throughout your body.

Pro tip: Eating too much junk food won’t just give you acne – it could also be contributing to those red streaks in your peepers.

You Could Have Dry Eye Syndrome

Are your eyes dry all the time? That could be another culprit behind those red streaks. When tears aren’t doing their job properly by keeping your sclera (the white part) moist, tiny blood vessels can become irritated and swollen. Common symptoms include itchiness, burning sensations or watering around or at times during night when lying flat such as sleeping on stomach with head down causing drying out tear duct/eye lid areas leading this condition.

Fun fact: Did you know that there is such a thing as fake tears? They’re called artificial tears and they’re often used by people who suffer from chronic dry eye syndrome.

You Might Need Glasses

Straining to read texts on phone or computer screen up close constantly without proper reading glasses / lens prescribed vision correction puts enormous pressure continuously focusing strains eventually broke blood vessels causes discomfort.

Note: If you have been experiencing frequent headaches or back/neck pains, getting an eye exam might be a good idea even if your vision seems fine.

It Could Be Pink Eye

If the reddening is accompanied by itchiness and discharge in corners of eyes, conjunctivitis (often called pink eye) could be to blame. Wiping affected area frequently not only amplifies irritation but put hands in proximity of more bacteria intake giving scope for further infection spread to others .

Fun fact: Did you know that most cases of pink eye are caused by viruses? Unfortunately there isn’t much doctors can do except prescribe lubricating drops until the virus runs its course. Don’t worry, it’s not contagious beyond 4-7 days depending on severity/acuteness.

You Might Have Glaucoma

This one’s a little scarier than some of the other reasons why eyes turn red – if glaucoma is the underlying issue behind bloodshot peepers it may lead to optical nerve damage as well loss of peripheral vision leaving blindness without early detection/treatment.Headache infrequency around forehead due pressure build up retina also experienced.Major cause being fluid build-up inside eye causing too high inner pressure buildup which damages optic nerves especially among elderly people . Thanks to regular check-ups ,glaucoma treatment options include oral medication,surgery and/or daily prescribed medicinal/drops treatments!

Cautionary note: Glaucoma can sneak up on you since symptoms usually don’t appear until later stages unfortunately so stay vigilant 24/7 regularly getting certain tests done / visiting local optometrist annually/biannually who have specialized equipment necessary for comprehensive exam testing degenerative ocular conditions

Allergies Can Cause Red Streaks Too

If blooming flora makes nose twitch time happen likewise such allergens make your eyes water/blotchy!Overactive immune system releasing histamine substance cause larger blood vessels burst causing inflammation like hives or rashes sometime small smaller pinpointed areas too! Medications & eyedrops that relieve allergy symptoms also eventually provide relief to irritated eyes.

PSA: Don’t touch your eyes after petting an animal – dander is a common allergen that can easily spread to the area around delicate eye tissue.

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