What causes numbness in thumb index and middle finger?

Looking for an article that will tickle your funny bone while providing knowledge about the strange phenomenon of numbness in your thumb, index and middle fingers? Well, search no more! Let’s dive into the fascinating and puzzling world of hand numbness.

Numbness – a feeling that you can’t feel

Numbness is caused by number of factors (pun intended). It feels like a tingling sensation or loss of sensation altogether. When it happens in the three fingers mentioned above, people often wonder what could be causing it. Here are some common causes:

Pinched nerve – You’re not sleeping on it weirdly!

The most popular reason (move over avocado toast) for this weird experience is pinching yourself(huh? what?) Yes! This happens when one or more nerves along its path through the body get compressed(oww!). It occurs usually due to leaning on elbows, wrist injury (ouch!), obesity(more calories less sensitivity), pregnancy(embarrassed face) which put extra pressure on them.

Repetitive strain injury(Can work really hurt?)

When did typing become such physical exercise(yawn)? Do you constantly hammer away at your keyboard as if it’s made up of chocolates?(guilty face) Then beware- repetitive strain injuries can cause numbness.

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome – No carpal racing here!

If words could speak louder than actions then carpel tunnel syndrome would scream(well!!). In fact just saying “carpel” sounds painful(eeks!)! Although we recognize our hands as being incredibly useful appendages, they contain many tiny structures including tendons muscles bones ligaments nerves etc. One irritated(nah outrageously angry..rrghh!) structure can lead to biomechanical problems throughouts their system.

Foods that cure numbness

When the above paragraphs scared you, don’t fret other options exist.Don’t !!Panic!! Just be careful and follow these remedies (not cures) wink wink that can help ease numbness.
– Bananas(they are not just good for making catchy songs)
– Leafy greens(well they ain’t so lousy after all)
– Oregano(leap of taste as hearing isn’t preferred here)
– Nutritional yeast(doesn’t sound tasty but is healthy)

Massages – massages always work!

If some guy on a train offers to massage your hand or wrists, say no! He might steal your engagement ring(horror!) Instead have it done professionally(in a saner environment..xD). A proper hand massage increases blood flow which stimulates finger sensation.

When to seek professional help?

Don’t panic if this happens once in a blue moon(sighs of relief!). However, do consider seeing doctor if symptoms persist including:
• Nightsweats(no more humpty dumpty?)
• Achy Joints(why me again??)
• Tingling spreading into the arm

Numbness is both normal and abnormal condition at different times, preventing it from occurring altogether may lead us to use our brains unlike our hands. Prevention usually begins with living healthier conditions and avoiding extreme or repetitive movements(xxx). For instance ergonomic products, stretching exercises during prolonged computer use could create wonders who knows(yay!). Meanwhile anti-inflammatory medicines and vitamins play their role(medicines saved the day)while doctors provide advice on severe cases.

So dear friends now you know what causes digits numbing while taking baby steps towards hand health by consuming bananas(oops did I jinxed it?). Don’t hesitate rather procastinate any longer consult an expert when weird signs emote their presence ;)!

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