What causes fainting in children?

Fainting can be scary for children and parents alike. When a child faints, it may feel like an emergency situation, but it’s usually not as serious as it seems. Many different things can cause fainting in children, so let’s take a look at the most common reasons why your little one might suddenly hit the deck.

Not Enough Oxygen

Sometimes kids don’t breathe enough air, which means they’re not getting enough oxygen to their brains. This is called hypoxia (fun word!). Think about if you were swimming underwater for too long – eventually you’d need to come up for air or else you would pass out from lack of oxygen. Similarly, some activities that limit breathing such as holding your breath or hyperventilating can also result in decreased oxygen levels.

Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, occurs when your body doesn’t have enough glucose (a.k.a “fuel”) to maintain normal functioning of its tissues and organs – including the brain! Skipping meals or prolonged periods without regular eating are often causes behind this condition.


Dehydration means that there isn’t enough fluid in the body to function properly. It could lead to problems with circulation, making it harder for blood containing oxygen and nutrients to reach important areas like the brain!

Emotional Stress

Being under intense emotional stress — think being very upset over something –can make someone susceptible to fainting spells because fear activates fight-or-flight responses within our bodies by releasing hormones such adrenaline.

Not all types of faints are created equal – read on below!

Vasovagal syncope

This type of faint happens when certain triggers provoke vagus nerve activity, which decreases heart rate and contracts blood vessels all over our bodies causing dizziness and nausea .

Reflex anoxic seizures

This occurs when something – usually sudden pain or fear — causes a child’s heart rate to drop unexpectedly. Although sometimes they can last up to half an hour, reflex anoxic seizures are relatively rare.

Neurocardiogenic syncope

A sudden decrease in blood pressure can result in this type of fainting. It happens most often because someone is standing too long and doesn’t move their muscles around enough!

When Should Parents be Worried?

Most cases of childhood faints aren’t serious or life-threatening, so it’s important not to panic. However, there are some instances where medical attention may be needed:

  • A head injury occurred before the fainting.
  • The child hasn’t had food for several hours prior.
  • Paleness / difficulty breathing accompanies the event.

If you’re unsure whether your child needs medical attention after a spell passes, it might be time to give their doctor a call just in case!

As with all things parenting: offer support and comfort first! Assessing why your little one fainted will need investigating afterwards.

Here are steps you should practice after witnessing such an incident:

  1. Prevent any further injury by laying them flat on their back. If your child has injured themselves while falling/injected something harmful inform emergency services immediately).
  2. Loosen any clothing that may hinder their breathing = think collar/tie/knecklace etc.
  3. Try dabbing a cool cloth with water onto his/her forehead/face as colder temperatures help reduce inflammation!
  4. Encourage fluids (as allowed) once revived!

Using these tips wisely allows us parents address which iof the aforementioned reasons was responsible for the episode and taking measures – along with our children’s physician’s advice– how we can prevent it from happening again!

There you have it folks; hopefully demystifying the different ways fainting can be scary (or if we’re all honest, quite hilarious) for children. As parents, it’s important to recognize the trigger point so that we are better prepared in case of any recurrences.

Remember regular check-ups go a long way in ensuring our loved one’s health and well-being. Remember being informed is always best!

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