What causes boils on your scalp?

If you’re here, chances are that you’re dealing with an itchy pain in the scalp – yep! Ain’t nobody got time for that. This unfortunate condition is called ‘boil’ and if not resolved timely may lead to severe complications.

Boils can be a sore sight as well as painful at times. They make us feel self-conscious about our appearance or even worse could be a source of infection if left untreated.

In this article, we’ll delve into some of the causes why boils appear on your scalp:

Poor Hygiene Leads to Boils

You probably heard this gazillion times from your momma, “clean up behind those ears,” but listen kid- she’s right! If you don’t maintain good hygiene practices such as regularly washing hair or keeping towel clean just like personal items then hair follicle cells are more susceptible to bacterial infections which can result in boils popping up on your head.

Key takeaways:

  • Wash all remnants of shampoo and conditioner
  • Regularly disinfect brushes/towels/hair-clips/combs-cos’ microorganisms love making these their happy home
  • Don’t sweat too much and wash sweatbands periodically as bacteria thrives in damp environments

Clogged Hair Follicles Can Cause Boil

An oil gland up-hill inside every hair follicle produces sebum (oil) which softens the skin around the hairs making it easy to remove dead skin cells gently when washed hence greasy scalps isn’t everyone’s cuppa tea!

However beware, sometimes due to hormonal imbalance or excessive production of sebum clogs hair follicles (like pimples) inviting infectious agents adding insult to injury by resulting boil-like bumps on your head!

What should I do?

By taking simple precautions including regular washing with anti-bacterial shampoo after heavy sweating episodes or by adding aloe vera or tea-tree oil to your shampoo regiment can unclog hair follicles and prevent boils from forming.

Weak Immune System

An impaired immune system increases vulnerability to all sorts of infections. Sometimes boils irrupt as the outcome of reduced ability by body’s defense mechanism against harmful agents.

Ain’t nobody got time for that!

The weak immune system may result due to:

  • Chronic illnesses
  • Nutrient-deficient meal plan
  • Consistently Poor Sleeping habits/events

Boosting immunity is easier said than done, it’s easier first off with nutrition intake which means well-balanced diet full of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber along with restful sleep patterns are not only good practices but imperative!

Staph Infections Cause Boils

Staphylococcus bacteria mainly cause boils on the body including scalp center (folliculitis) causing angry swellings resembling mysterious raised bumps (carbuncle) that’re difficult in nature breathing inflammation-driving virus infection among others – talk about difficult company!

But they’re not invincible! Indeed anti-biotic treatments can help these blockheads disappear in no time flat!

So how’d I get Staph infection:

Contagion could occur via coming hastily into contact with an infected individual whereby cutting oneself while shaving using someone else’s personal items incase if any new boil appearing shows signs of pus discharge its highly likely caused by infectious agents present.

Excessive Heat/Sweating Causes Boils

We take our coolers sitting comfortably watching TV however we often fail to conclude this once going outside resulting in excessive sweating outrun by increased isolation heat build-up that results in bacterial presence overgrowth increasing risk factors associated with infectious agent seating themselves inside hair roots erupting scornful swelling creating immense discomfort at times.

Prevention measures involve regular cleansing after heavy sweating events such as post-exercise shower or installing air ventilation means in the roof to promote air cooling.

Genetics Play a Role

Sadly, sometimes we get boils despite every precaution taken – blame on inherited factors causing their appearance on your scalp.


Since not under individual’s control, hence no direct prevention is possible. However being mindful of fact that propensity factor exists among family line may help in creating awareness and reserving an appointment for professional guidance instead!

Final Words:

The boil situation is undoubtedly a painful one, given all factors ingrained into their arrival avoiding them altogether is close to impossible yet we can prevent it from happening repeatedly by following easy hygiene practices or remedial solutions such as using OTC cream products at first sight never pop’em!, taking immunization booster shots (nobody caring about viruses nowadays) regularly exercising alongside rationalizing meal plans positively impact health quotient letting body resistant defend itself against infectious agents successfully time after time!

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