What causes bladder spasms after urinating?

Are you experiencing that feeling where it seems like your bladder is throwing a tantrum even though you’ve already done the job? Well, well, well, looks like you have bladder spasms.

Bladder spasms are suddenly occurring contractions in your urinary system that cause an intense and urgent need to pee. They usually occur after urinating or during filling of the bladder with urine. Despite this being a very common condition, there’s still no one main cause for it! So buckle up as we delve deep into what could be triggering these long-awaited paybacks from our bladders.

Anatomy 101

Before going through what causes these pesky spasms, let’s backpedal a bit and discuss some basic anatomy first. Your urinary tract is responsible for removing waste products from your body through urine production and excretion. It consists of kidneys (which filter out excess fluids & wastage), ureters (which transport urine), bladder (responsible for storing urine) & urethra (through which urine passes).

Normally when the brain sends signals to release the built-up fluid in the bladder, everything works smoothly without any unnecessary stimulation or disturbances.

However, if anything occurs within those systems that may interfere with the process somehow… Well hold on tight because who knows what kind of schemes their tiny organs would try to pull on us next!

Possible Reasons For Your Spasming Bladder

Here are some reasons why your treacherous little organ might be teaming up against you:

Urinary Tract Infections make spells worth fighting about

Urinary tract infections can inflame aspects of this system leading to involuntary pain/pressure near/around/in-to/out-of
the pelvic area while also involving heightened inflammatory responses all over other areas such as vaginal irritations or worse; Kidney issues – While they state urination is the key to a healthy bladder but just one urinary tract infection can turn your nether region into yelping little gremlins.

Stretch those Muscles

Maybe you have weak pelvic floor muscles which are unable to properly supply strength and support for your internal organs. Additionally, post-partum or surgery within internal organs may also briefly weaken these essential players!

Hormonal imbalances: Don’t blame it all on poor posture

Hormones such as estrogen play an important role because when they decrease; so does the health of our vaginal elasticity & urethral tissues leading to involuntary muscle contractions squeezing down.

Bladder stones: Gotta ‘Pass’ things along?

This happens rarely but still definitely intriguingly enough- After not completely emptying one’s bladder during previous bathroom trips a mass mineral deposit can unknowingly form while thickening general walls located near/inside the bladder.

STOP: Who said learning had to be boring?
So let’s take this up a notch with some fun facts! Did you know that… A blue whale’s urine stream could reach up to 40 feet long?! That’s almost twice the length of most professional basketball courts!


The goal in diagnosing spasms is usually involving helping differentiate between certain issues overtime using information through medical history including symptoms/occurrences written by patients privately sharing any possible outpatient data collected by physicians like their private diaries when they were feeling extra stubborn wink Without proper communication however rare, recurrent infections plus existence of other underlying conditions should obviously be taken seriously.


Treatment always involves relieving causes first before focusing towards solutions directly related towards treating spasms themselves like medications such anticholinergics.
But since we’re here – Want some quick alleviations catered right from home? Here are various home remedies:

  1. Diet Changes: Cutting acidic substances such as tomatoes, oranges or caffeine which over-stimulate some of the muscles in our urinary tract is a great start.
  2. Drinking More Water to properly flush out developing irritants while also helping reduce general urination pain.
  3. A Warm Bath could gently relax surrounding muscles leading to lessened spasms even though this is temporary it’s still worth a shot!


Similar towards most other disorders prevention eventually incorporates healthy lifestyle changes aimed towards promoting better physical well-being overall:

  • Kegel Exercises specifically targeting core pelvic floor strengthening.
  • Dress Appropriately perhaps tightening those pants or shorts actually does offer more support than just freedom
  • Consult with your Doctor regarding using any cosmetic/vaginal spray douching straight up leaves many side effects that are rarely talked about.

In conclusion, although painful at times bladder spasms are usually nothing to worry about if they happen occasionally from our wild decisions involving choosing wine instead of water wink-wink. But seriously the list above definitely helps get you on track within taking care of an eerily acting bladder!

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