What causes a false positive pregnancy test?

Pregnancy tests are probably the most nerve-racking kits that women have to deal with. Whether you’re trying to conceive or hoping for a negative test, those few minutes waiting for an answer can feel like forever. And what’s worse than seeing two lines or a positive sign? Seeing it and finding out later on that you were never pregnant in the first place.

False positives happen more often than we think, and they’re not as clear-cut as we might assume. There are several reasons why a pregnancy test can show positive when there’s no bun in our oven, so hold onto your seats as we take a comedic dive into this peculiar phenomenon.

A Quick Recap of How Pregnancy Tests Work

Before we go any further, let’s take a quick rundown on how pregnancy tests work:

  • Most urine-based tests look for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is produced by cells after embryo implantation.
  • The hormone level doubles every 2-3 days during early weeks of pregnancy.
  • Different brands have various sensitivities to hCG levels but typically detect between 20-50 mIU/ml – some high-sensitivity ones reach detection limits at just 10mIU/mL!
    The good news is: false negatives don’t tickle our fancy today!

Reason #1: Chemical Pregnancy

What sounds like something out of Breaking Bad actually happens within us Phoebes quite frequently without us even knowing it sometimes.

In essence, chemical pregnancies occur when sperm fertilizes egg implanting into uterus but fails to progress sufficiently; thus leading towards elevation/creation/belief/development/generation (but slightly below threshold) of HCG hormone causing little picassos formed cancerous growths resembling embryos denying all laws of biological existence resulting however in positivity-related symptoms.

To sum up merely…sorry I got too intellectual – chemical pregnancy entails HCG levels rising quite early on but the embryo not developing, leading to a miscarriage even before woman’s next period.

Reason #2: Evaporation Line

How do lines get thirsty? A-pour-lutely!
Jokes aside, every brand has distinct instructions that we should read carefully- but let’s be honest – who reads the small print these days?!

One of those instructions is reading results within certain time limits; usually expressed guidelines are about 5 to 10 minutes. After this timeframe (the one indicated by pro creators of test kits) an evaporation line may appear which confuses Phoebe aka you and leads her into thinking bout how she’ll become mama again.

Basically, when urine dries out after a long wait emigrated from the lava chamber of our kidneys for too long – it can create something known as “evaporation line.” Any leftover chemicals in eau de toilette’s residue stand out as faint horizontal lines which eventually fade or disappear entirely but were captured in your memory (how dare they!?) as inducing excitement/despair/bewilderment.

Reason #3: Medications Containing hCG Can Trick Pregnancy Tests

“Hello darkness my old friend…” That’s exactly what comes to mind when we find another reason why tests result falsely positive!

Certain medications used during fertility procedures like Injections containing hCG hormone? These all pose potential felonies towards genuine readings indicating things like conception although there isn’t any food down at McDonurrs’ bakery yet serving up mini-human

The purpose behind medication injected is boosting follicles growth before ovulation occurs aiming as many eggs developed at the same time resulting significant chances increasing thereby facilitating unwanted pregnancies only masquerading indeterminability with bright two pink stripes mocking us poor Phoebes causing adverse reactions mentally/emotionally/physically/any other ally – and ‘if I starts wearing a pink ribbon or blue overalls’ will not solve!

Reason #4: Tumors & Health Conditions

Phoebe: MY TEST SHOWED POSITIVE AND I DON’T REMEMBER ~having fun~ being with anyone!!

Doctors and researchers agree that certain health conditions like ovarian cysts and trophoblastic disease (rare tumor-like growth) can cause false-positive pregnancy tests. This is because cells related to those health problems produce HCG which trickles into our wee-wee.

But – this definitely does not take away from the importance of identifying these conditions as soon as possible, so always use common sense when interpreting your test results!

Reason #5: User Error

Last but certainly not least, human errors occur all the time- even while judging a relatively simple urine-soaked strip before you first sip of coffee at 6am.

Some reasons for user error include:

  • Misreading instructions or unclear explanations/symbols/pictures.
    Or thinking who needs those anyway? They just make it complicated!
  • Not using first-morning pee since there usually is maximum concentration of HCG hormone!
    LoL “morning” on point here! Who are we kidding? We’re sleeping until midday during pandemic times
  • Drinking excessively large amounts fluids immediately prior to taking test diluting such an essential ingredient required for legit outcome.
    Have A LOT OF WATER ad on Instagram got me there.

Although seeing two lines indicating that one’s pregnant appears like great news initially (1), finding out IT WAS ALL STAGED resembling cheap Saturday Night Live Jokes makes it pretty heavy no longer how funny portrayals may suggest.

It’s important to remember that false positives aren’t necessarily indicative of something wrong-with us specifically (2) . The causes stated in above article can lead towards positive reading deklaring mini-uses hiding somewhere warm, although only our uterus knows subconsciously what’s real.

Hormones, instructions or medication can all cause discrepancy in test results though the fear of baby announcements as well as unwanted pregnancies is real. Hopefully, with these insights some lingering questions that rotate through Phoebes head when reading ‘Error: 100% Processed’; are cleared and provide relief towards their strained emotions at least (3)

So keep Calm & Pee on!

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