What can you take for stomach pain?

Are you plagued with stomach pain? Maybe it’s that feeling like your insides are on fire. Or, perhaps you’re dealing with nagging abdominal cramps that just won’t go away. Whatever the case may be, don’t let stomach pain become a routine part of your life.

Here’s everything you need to know about what remedies can help to alleviate tummy troubles.


Antacids are the calm, cool and collected friend who always has your back. They neutralize over-acidity in the digestive tract but don’t deactivate acid production completely – giving way to sweet sweet relief!

  • Tums
  • Rolaids
  • Maalox

These basic brands ARE great for mild or intermittent symptoms! But remember: there is no finesse here folks – these choices boast some rather UNLADYLIKE side effects such as nausea or diarrhea…hopefully from one end only!

Bismuth Subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol)

Oh Pepto … what would we ever do without you? Pepto-Bismol gently and effectively manages common stomach discomfort, relieving both diarrhea AND peptic ulcer irritation along with sour burps topping off heartburn Ice Cream Sundae.

Word of caution tho’ , if temporarily turning your tongue black doesn’t float yer boat resist rooting through other potential gastric issues – bleeding within gastro-intestinal tract or Pre-existing neurological disorders could present themselves.

H2 Blockers

Problems arising from excessive amounts of acid finding their way into our lower trunk region …. Enter famotidine / ranitidine : the H2 blockers.. This category gets its rather bulky name because they target histamine-2 (H2) receptors located throughout tissues typically prone to respond/react via an inflammatory response denoting ACID ATTAAAACK!

So think: managing esophagitis (erosive condition due to gastrointestinal acid),as well as ongoing symptoms stemming from GERD (second verse, same as the first) feeling that old familiara heat-like / heartburn sensation

  • Tagamet
  • Pepcid
  • Zantac

Ehh, who said short term memory was a bad thing?

Proton Pump Inhibitors

Proton pumps are present in parietal cells lining various areas within our digestive tract. Proton pump inhibitors serve by countering those nasty acids we all love so much – reducing production of them intrinsically.

Working through specific chemical pathways prove most effective with high-acid conditions such as ulcers or atrophic gastritis.

Things get especially exciting when considering these long-term relationships without attention toward significantly chronic issues involving PPIs such as toxicity potential(but think BONUS -> Improved bone mineralization).

Of course every relationship has its quirks(some attraction to folks due to interaction risks), therefore medical experts make sure baseline kidney function/H pylori status confirmed before entering into any formal commitments via prescriptions!

Sounds like getting a marriage license huh?!

Examples include:

  • Prilosec
  • Nexium

All hail lower pH!


These guys do exactly what it says on the box: they relax spasming muscles in and around your stomach area. These medications work out the tension but target symptoms where persons may describe feeling either irritable bowel syndrome or spastic colon type cramping/contraction waves….

Some examples:


There’s something about going for “a” Donnatal bringing me peace just thinking…The name alone speaks volumes…. But other choices crop up quite frequently alongside it representing stomach discomfort.

Side effects/funtimes here could maybe include drowsiness blurred vision headaches …although if you’re already suffering better not plumping for more side-hustles that drowsiness might cause.

Diet Modifications

The best things in life are (wo)men, money and a plate of mashed potatoes. Wait … scratch that last one out for now!

For those occassions you don’t have a stash of Bayer handy, research does really truly speak to the ailments erased with variations to diet alone. And especially if your tummy troubles arise after consuming certain foods.

Always better to identify triggers ourselves than taking gas-reducing oral meds or preventative rx alternatives!

Start by identifying potential gastro-foodie issues… Keep track! Search online diets/food regimens directly armed toward specific food groups effecting digestive processes…

Most likely problematic items?

  • sugars/gluten laden baked goods
  • sweetened beverages/coffee w cream/milk involving various caffeine levels
  • processed high sodium/high fat dips/snacks

Give a few hours between break-time meals/tap into frequent sips clear fluids throughout day and hope for smooth sailing waves thereafter!

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