What can you take for sciatic nerve?

As someone who has been living with sciatic nerve pain for years, I can tell you that it is no joke. The shooting, burning sensations down your leg make you feel like you’re constantly sitting on a bed of hot coals. It’s enough to make even the most stoic person want to curl up in a ball and cry.

But fear not, my fellow sufferers! There are some things you can take that might help ease your pain (or at least distract you from it long enough to forget about it).

First Things First: Consult Your Doctor

Before we get into any remedies, let me just say this right off the bat: if you have sciatic nerve pain, please consult with a doctor. A real one – not your Aunt Gertrude who thinks she’s an expert because she read something on Facebook.

Your doctor will be able to tell you what exactly is going on with your sciatica and recommend treatment options based on your specific situation.

Medications That Might Help

There are several types of medication that might help alleviate sciatic nerve pain. Here are a few worth considering:

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

These include over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve). They work by reducing inflammation in the body which can help reduce pressure put onto the irritated nerves.


Unlike NSAIDs , acetaminophen does not have anti-inflammatory properties but its main function is as an effective analgesic or pain reliever .

Muscle Relaxants

If muscle spasms due to lower back issues causing irritation leading towards neuropathic origin then prescription strength muscle relaxant may also provide relief.


Antidepressants such as tricyclics or SNRI (Selectiv Serotonin Norephedrine Re-uptake Inhibitors) are commonly prescribed as second-line medications for neuropathic pain.
[Plain English: These can help alleviate nerve pain by working on the brain chemicals that transmit signals in the body.]

Steroid Injections

In some cases, a doctor may recommend steroid injections to reduce inflammation and swelling around the affected nerves.

Natural Remedies You Can Try

If you’re not crazy about relying solely on medication to ease your sciatica symptoms, there are natural remedies worth trying too.

Heat or Cold Therapy

Applying heat or cold packs to the affected area could be therapeutic. Experiment with both ice pack and heating pad therapy in some scientifically supported interval periods (20 minutes of treatments followed by 60 minutes without it). See which one makes you feel better.

Heat is more applicable when dealing with muscle spasms due to lower back issues causing irritation leading towards neuropathic origin while ice could be a good option during an active flare-up where there is increased inflammation.

Stretching Exercises

Gentle stretching exercises have been shown helpful in alleviating mild sciatic sensorimotor problems.
The Hamstring muscles play an important role they tend to get tight leaving pressure on sciatic nerve resulting in more trouble.Regular hamstring stretch routine can also prevent future irritation.

Begin lying flat on your back legs straight out & then lift up one leg at time approx 90 degree angle using rope / strap if necessary . Hold this position until you start feeling resistance from raised leg & repeat it multiple times daily .


Massages may provide relief especially if done correctly—with the use of elbow/ forearm – deep tissue massages over trigger points located near glutes , lower abdominals , hip rotator areas avoiding direct impact sites known as piriformis syndrome.
Ask someone who knows specifically how those manipulations work!

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies might offer relief as well. Some that are commonly recommended for sciatic nerve pain include:

• Turmeric
• Boswellia
• Zinc oxide
There are other supplements which have documented efficacy in controlling peripheral nervous system damage ensuing from progressive neuropathy like Alpha-Lipoic acid and Vitamin-B complex.


CBD oil offers a plethora of benefits including pain management, anxiety alleviation, and muscle relaxation. In fact,
Studies indicate the topical application or oral consumption of cannabinoids helps with sensory abnormality perturbing neural activation reduction combating neuropathic discomfort.

However it is important to speak with your doctor first! Before any incorporation of CBD into regimen it is important to consult your physician especially if on concurrent medications.

What About Surgery?

If none of these non-surgical treatments work ,a doctor may recommend surgical treatment options like laminectomy or discectomy which could help alleviate the symptoms caused by pinched nerves arising from vertebral backbone compression towards nerve passages extended up until lower limb.
[Plain English: They will cut you open and poke around a bit.]


So there you go – some potential treatments worth trying if you’re experiencing sciatic nerve pain. Just remember to talk with your doctor before starting any new treatment regime – even these natural remedies!

And hey, try not to let the pain get you down too much. It’s tough (believe me,I know) but always remember that comedian knew what they were talking about:
“Pain gives way when we stop indulging ourselves in feeling its power” Kevin Kline

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