What can help a sore throat?

We’ve all been there. That feeling when it hurts to swallow, talk, or even breathe. You might have a sore throat – or just be channeling your inner Adele karaoke style. Regardless of the cause or extent, you need relief! So what can help soothe the pain and let you get back to enjoying life?

Drink up!

One of the most effective ways to alleviate a sore throat is by increasing fluids through regular water drinking (perhaps avoid vodka for right now) as well as these popular options:

Lemon and Honey

This dynamic duo has been providing delicious relief since forever. Mixing hot water with lemon juice honey can ease that scratchy sensation while providing some important hydration.

Marshmallow root tea

This isn’t about getting sweets- we are talking health here! Marshmallow Root Tea derived from Althaea officinalis plant is an Indian herbal cocktail containing natural polysaccharides called mucilage.If ingested will serve well because it coats irritated membranes inside-out.

Chamomile tea

Make yourself into one of those instagrammers living their best “tea life” beachside on this one.Relax with chamomile tea that contains antioxidants which soothe inflammation brought on by irritation mechanisms present deep within your pharynx (a fancy word for throat!).

Tame that Temperature

When faced with inflamed and tender tissues don’t leave them hanging out alone in extreme temperatures until they heal themselves as miraculously as baby yoda regenerated his skin.Protect them! Here are our top temperature control tips:

### Ice Cream – Yes please!

You heard us correctly: ice cream is not only delicious but its cool nature helps numb away any soreness lingering around.You could also try fruit sorbet if lactose intolerant –not sure if unicorns exist though!.

### Popsicles

If ice cream isn’t for you then popsicles might do the trick. They help decrease pain and provide a cooling effect to calm any inflammation.

### Warm tea

Here’s where we turn up the heat! Drinking hot liquids like warm tea or even chicken soup can work wonders as they increase blood flow to irritated areas in your body, leading tissue regeneration and magical healing.

Gargle Your Worries Away

Gargling with salt water is an age-old remedy for a sore throat but who wants all that sodium? Here are other gargling heroes aiming to dethrone that condiment king:

Apple Cider Vinegar rinse?

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is great on salads but what about drinking it straight-up?The true heroes here mix vinegar with some H2O, ending their trials & tribulations of chugging hella acid. The acidic nature of ACV reduces bacteria populations in throats which helps lessen swelling and inflammation substantially yielding quick relief.


A herb previously deemed only useful on your thanksgiving feast suddenly becomes our new essential tool when battling swollen membranes – welcome aboard sage! Sage leaves steeped in boiling water and cooled down before rinsing work hard at drying out infected mucous membranes present in pharynges protecting against certain pathogen-induced disorders -looking good research!

## Lozenges : Candy With Benefits?

So now we get real fancy – start saving these lozenges for rainy days.Borne classics after 3pm cartoons cherry-flavored cough drops still exist today- alongside numerous derivative options supposedly boasting medicinal properties saturated with vitamin C , menthol or benzocaine .(Boring alert:loxenzens may not be recommended if allergies;… yin | yang risk-reward situation)

Get Some Shut Eye

Don’t forget something people generally enjoy: sleep!!Getting sufficient levels ensures quick recovery not forgetting allowing you enough energy to handle illnesses.Add extra pillows or sleep in a semi-upright position so that nasal drip doesn’t interfere with uninterrupted shut-eye.

Don’t wait too long!

Last but not the least, if your symptoms keep worsening or your sore throat lasts more – please visit a healthcare provider! Prolonged untreated infections can lead to major health consequences nothing as entertaining as medical bills.

Final Thoughts

No longer do you need to be completely helpless when dealing with the dreaded itchiness and pain present deep within one’s pharynx.Here’s hoping that some of these tips might aid speedy recovery and get us back on our feet pretty fast for singing along Adele loud enough to break glass.

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