What can happen if a bacterial infection goes untreated?

If you’re feeling under the weather, it’s always best to go see your doctor. But if you don’t? Well… things can get pretty nasty pretty fast. Below are just some of the terrible scenarios that could occur if a bacterial infection goes untreated.

Losing Limbs is Not a Good Look

One possible consequence of leaving an infection alone for too long is gangrene: when tissue dies after being deprived of blood and oxygen due to bacteria in the wound site.

Symptoms include pain, discoloration, foul-smelling discharge and general malaise – but what happens next might be even worse than how it looks (and smells): amputation.

Yes folks, let me repeat myself: Amputation! So unless having one foot shorter than other has been on your bucket list recently,/ make sure you stay up-to-date with taking care of any wounds and seek medical attention quickly!

A Fatal Attack by Septicemia

Untreated infections can also lead to sepsis or septicaemia which occurs when harmful bacteria enter into one’s bloodstream resulting in widespread inflammation throughout their body- thus becoming life-threateningly infected within hours!

Therefore / never forget keep any open cuts clean with proper first aid treatment (or else!) as neglecting this basic step could definitely put your life at risk

Intracranial Abscesses Within Thine Skull?!

An intracranial abscess is like listening about horrid monsters lurking below bed only 10x worse since these bubbles unfortunately form inside our skulls… around our brains!

These invaders come from bad germs spreading across weakened immune systems then multiplying as they nestle between sensitive grey folds whereas symptoms involves headache,memory loss(or odd behaviour) before finally reaching consciousness loss.

This sounds like another reason why hand-sanitizer should be essential item in your bag at all times!

Kidney Failure is a Life-Scarring Experience

One bacterial disease which can go untreated for too long with disastrous results involves the kidneys which are prized organs responsible for removing toxins from our bodies. Bacteria can then move and set up shop into the bladder as well – where it thrives and multiplies that not only may cause excruciating pain,urinary difficulties or blood in urine but progressed infections lead to kidney failure!

That’s right – bye-bye urination and hellloooo permanent damage to their kidneys (it looks like you’re stuck on dialysis machine forever). So maybe consider giving strangers more personal space while taking public transportation during cold & flu season?

Untreated STDs? Never Too Soon to Panic!

When we have sex, we trust our partners to be truthful about whether or not they’ve been tested for sexually transmitted diseases…unfortunately mistakes happen– so does neglecting symptoms!

If left undiagnosed / untreated these viruses+bacteria cause numerous health problems throughout body but ones progressing to stage of beyond cure will hurt worst.

This article provided us a funny anecdote-like perspective on what many treat lightly yet potentially fatal matter: untreated infection. There’s definitely nothing amusing about neglecting an illness / avoiding doctor visits. Hopefully this piece has encouraged you always check-in with doctors mindfully after handing oneself over under every circumstance needed (and avoid ‘medical-social’-distance!).

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