What can cause pain in my right testicle?

We’ve all been there. You’re going about your day, minding your own business when suddenly – ouch! Pain in the right testicle (no one wants that). If you’re experiencing this type of discomfort, it’s important to pinpoint the possible causes so you can address them with your doctor ASAP. Here’s a rundown of some potential culprits:


Let’s get this one out of the way first: often times pain in only one testicle is usually due to an injury or trauma (like getting hit while playing sports).

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, “injury occurs when there is blunt force applied to either joint (testicles).” Basically, if someone nails you in the balls, prepare for some tenderness afterward.

If extreme soreness and bruising follow after injuring something like blue balls then put cold on them as soon after impact as possible.

Though they might have trouble walking for days afterwards many men feel pride knowing they got kicked because protecting their manhood would mean nothing small.


When a part of our bodies starts behaving abnormally we always look toward infection – whether it involves coughing up phlegm or an uncomfortable itch with no clue why it’s barely helps.
Testicular infections are another possibility that could result using nasty bacteria such as gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Infection generally manifests itself through painful swelling alongside groin lymph nodes being sensitive.

It not only affects individuals living risky behaviours by having unprotected sex but other symptoms remain absent until later stages besides ultimate genital failure due lingering sexual diseases perhaps dating back several years before specific signs show up. Symptoms usually last a few weeks past antibiotic treatment which handles most cases appropriately from internal fluids calling since contamination cleared out by drugs leaving behind bacterial overgrowth if untreated.


A process called testicular torsion occurs when there’s a twisted cord which cuts off circulation to either of the two ol’ boys. Guys who have it usually say something like, “It feels like someone is ripping my balls off.” Not fun.

Chronic pains are one sign of common systemic issues in terms of lacking sexual health care as veins compress and eventually shut down blood supply causing more than just sudden bouts of intense discomfort.

If anything such as this happens seek an emergency doctor immediately.


Middle-aged adults tend to experience a condition known as varicocele. In fact, around 15% men will be affected at some point during their lives.

With varicoceles, distended veins become palpable (means these globs can easily be felt through examination) on previously examinable parts resulting from poor blood flow due previous infections we’ve mentioned before which caused development high liquid tensions count lowering pressure rates even further along related regions experiencing malfunctioning where ill-constructed tubing simply re-routing blood wherever necessary leading back up toward kidneys or elsewhere creating various noticeable hiccups in bodily processes including pain near waistlines depending effects specific location has upon individual’s body structure making diagnosis sometimes difficult without consultation with specialized medical professionals who mainly perform surgeries regarding potential hernial also areas that face difficulties self-repairing themselves overtime.

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