What are the signs of cellulitis?

The human body is a magical thing. We have skin that covers us from head to toe, and we can feel textures through it. When we do the same action repeatedly, our body gets used to it, making life easier than ever. But here’s the kicker – all this magic comes with its own set of drawbacks! Like cellulitis – a highly unlikely but painful bacterial infection.

So what is cellulitis? It’s not some hipster fashion trend, nor is it a new dance move you’re supposed to master at clubs on weekends. It’s an infectious disease just as miserable and annoying as your in-laws when they show up unexpected for dinner.

This 2000-word article is dedicated to teaching you how to recognize the signs of cellulitis using humor (the only ‘spirit animal’ that hasn’t gone extinct) along with informative context throughout.

A Quick Overview of Cellulitis

Cellulitis occurs when germs are introduced into your skin by something like sweating leggings or rubbing legs together too often. (Be careful around those deadly metallic bottom-wear!!) Bacteria goes inside your skin layer causing redness accompanied by tenderness, swelling & warmth followed later by fever and/or chills (insert dramatic music).

What Causes Cellulitis?

Bacteria live on our skin daily without bothering us; but if they get under our skins they become problematic (thanks for always being needy bacteria!). An opening of some sort in our skin causes bacteria infiltration which can then spread rapidly across tissues resulting in inflammation also known as CELLULITIS!!!!

Common Ways To Get Infected With Cellulites

  • Being severely overweight
  • Having surgical wounds
  • Having burns or eczema
  • Waxing more than necessary

Like seriously folks…avoid waxing! Not because razors age quicker, but because waxing can create unwanted openings in our skins. Try to control that J-Lo impulse (you know what I’m talking about!)

Are You Confused About Cellulitis and Cellulite?

If you are…I pray for you! That said, there is a difference between Cellulitis and cellulite – the cottage cheese in your thighs isn’t necessarily caused by bacteria…that’s just life – deal with it!

First thing’s first: Swollen skin

Cellultis creates pressure on skin tissue which leads to swelling within days or hours depending on severity. The redness & warmness might make swollen body parts feel like they’re erupting without any Kilauea type warning.

Area Specific Symptoms

The infected area will give off an intense heat radiating discomfort.


Swelling increases stiffness & tenderness around the thigh muscles connected with each step.


If infected; the vulnerable leg gets pitted edema (skin takes time to unflatten after applying pressure). It swells till it peaks and ultrasound-like patterns start showing up.

Tip: Don’t be alarmed when you realize its not ultrasound season!

Redness – Everyone Can’T rock This Trend!

Red patches of different shades display in areas affected by bacterial infiltration, creating soreness.
Anything from bright pinkish-red spots can develop into ruby colors if left untreated, wasting precious time until symptoms go full-on misdiagnosed!

When infections progress, bumps arrive at prominent joints making daily movement seem like a trip through IKEA during peak hours!

Slow Healing Process – When Your Body Takes Pain Personally

Inflammation saves us initially as white blood cells rush towards infection-causing bacteria (the immune system should get more perks though), doing everything feasible before throwing their hands up and calling out “All bets are off!”

Be warned

Taking too long to treat your cellulitis symptoms could eventually force the bacteria into deeper layers of skin! Don’t give them a chance, they smell weakness faster than sharks smell blood!

Full-Body Fever – Who Doesn’t Love Rollercoasters?

When things get out of hand & when you finally come in contact with doctors who talk about different fonts that resemble letters as the prescription, there’s a very distinct symptom that takes over like unwelcome relatives at Christmas: FEVER.
Be sure to check for elevated temperature just in case because one mistake can lead to you sweating profusely all night till next morning.

Tip – Use fireworks displays as inspiration if no thermometers available


No matter how careful we are or how many natural precautions we take, our skins still remain defenseless against certain types of bacteria.
Hopefully, these hilarious descriptions (even better than [insert any comedian]!) will help ease some concern regarding whether someone has cellulitis or not.
Remember – At least now you know what to watch for even during zombie apocalypses (don’t let those bites fool ya!).

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