What are the names of bacterial infections?

Are you feeling under the weather? Or perhaps, ‘under the bacterial siege?’ Fear not. We’re here to help! It’s important to know what kind of bacterial infection you’re dealing with so that it can be treated appropriately. Let us give you a rundown on some bacterial infections and their weird names.

The Classic Culprits

These bacteria hardly need an introduction. They’ve been around since time immemorial and have caused misery for generations:

1) Streptococcus pyogenes aka Group A strep:

This bacterium causes sore throat or pharyngitis in humans; commonly known as “strep throat”. Besides this, it may also cause impetigo (skin infection), scarlet fever, necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease), sepsis (infection of blood) etcetera.

2) Staphylococcus aureus:

Famously called as staph infections, they can range from mild skin rashes to severe conditions such as pneumonia and bloodstream infections. This microbe has become notorious recently by developing some antibiotic-resistant strains like Methicillin Resistance Staph Aureus i.e MRSA which is difficult to treat.

3) Escherichia coli aka E.coli:

Here we go again- Darn old gram-negative coliform bacterium responsible for causing many gut wretches. Remember those embarrassing food recalls due to fecal contamination? Thank this guy who produces toxins that lead to diarrhea.

Those Hardy Organisms…

Some species deserve more recognition than they get because they are tenacious little beasties! These bacteria don’t perish easily and hence mainly remain dormant until unsuspecting hosts unknowingly welcome them in!

4) Mycobacterium tuberculosis:

Tuberculosis or TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is one pesky little rod-shaped bacterium responsible for causing a contagious and often-deadly disease that usually affecting the lungs.

5) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:

Also known as Gonococcus, it causes an STD called gonorrhea, which manifests in pretty uncomfortable symptoms. That itch down south could be because of this cunning microbe! This organism has become antibiotic-resistant over time making its elimination even more challenging.

6) Chlamydia trachomatis:

Another sexually transmitted infection( STI ), chlamydia caused by these tiny spherical bacteria can lead to reproductive issues if left untreated.

Belligerent Bugs

These guys are opportunistic; they take any chance they get to invade your body and cause all kinds of chaos!

7) Clostridium difficile aka C-Diff:

This anaerobic gram-positive bacterium doesn’t care much about human hygiene since it resides mostly on common household surfaces like tables, doorknobs etcetera. How did it earn its title? Well, Clostridium (emphasis please) is especially adept at taking residence in the hapless guts when there is imbalance in gut microbes due to medications like antibiotics or even chemotherapy hence inducing severe diarrhea accompanied with cramps too painful to describe here.

8) Pseudomonas aeruginosa:

A resilient gram-negative bacterium frequently spotted wherever something’ s gone wrong- from swimming pools to medical devices contaminate everything from immersion baths used for hydrotherapy purposes up into respiratory tubing —and once inside you may need sophisticated therapy e.g inhalational therapies for removal courtesy nasty biofilms formed by P.-aerugs making them tough nuts to crack!

The Master Manipulators

They’re tough customers; their appearance might seem sinister but these masters have perfected manipulating our defense mechanisms!

9) Streptococcus pneumoniae:

S. Pneumoniae also known as the “pneumococcus” is incredibly manipulative- it can sustainably colonize human nose/throat until our immune system gets weaker to take advantage of a weakened host causing conditions ranging from non-invasive illness like sinusitis, otitis media (middle ear infection) or bronchitis to invasive infections such as bacterial meningitis and bacteraemia.

10) Haemophilus influenza:

This gram-negative bacterium loves creating havoc in airways with an alternative motive of making us more susceptible to other secondary infections by weakening our immunity.

The Jack-of-all-Trade Organisms

These bacteria are versatile; they stick around in different habitats – water, soil , food only waiting for their next unsuspecting victim!

11) Legionella pneumophila :

First identified after an outbreak in a hotel that hosted veterans’ convention at Philadelphia back in 1976, this sneaky gram-negative rod-shaped culprit cause deadly lung disease called Legionnaires’ disease which has been lurking about and permanently establishing itself wherever there’s standing water -e.g cooling towers,washing machines last year— office buildings have reported cases too! So lookout people!!

Microbes Working Together

Sometimes things just work out better when microbes collaborate…wait what?? Yes, you read that correct! Synergy between organisms leads to rapidly deteriorating health status otherwise missed during culturing these bugs alone.Our takeaway? People suffering from these mixed strains of pathogens may experience generalized sickness symptoms often mistaken for other diseases at outset.

12) Polymicrobial soft tissue infection:

Polymicrobial soft tissue infection generally occurs due to deep wounds resulting from trauma that get infected by two or more microbic players e.g S.aureus interacting with another coagulase negative straphylococcus species ( CNS). And voila! You have uninvited guests enjoying their party, eating up muscle and whatever tissue they come across with a subsequent systemic inflammatory response also known as sepsis.

13) Chronic Osteomyelitis:

Though most commonly caused by a single microbe like S. aureus or P. aeruginosa, the presence of multiple organisms make them much more difficult to treat– often requiring surgery among other interventions in addition to antibiotics .

The Unusual Suspects:

Let’s not leave out these lesser-known bacterial infections that can be just as sinister!

14) Pasteurella multocida :

This gram-negative coccobacillus is found mostly in animal saliva and routinely causes cellulitis, though more severe infections such as osteomyelitis (bone infection)and meningitis may occur too – so watch out for those pet bites !

15) Bartonella henselae :

Another bacteria lurking around our furry friends- you guessed it right! This one finds hiding spots under flea-dirt on cats spreading inflammation-by distant lands like lymph nodes leading to some nasty complications sometimes referred as “cat scratch disease”.

We Beat Those Nasty Bugs!

To sum it all up, there are countless species of bacteria waiting for us at every turn. Some may lead only to mild discomfort while others cause disastrous, even fatal diseases what works best is being aware of precautions specific to each one along with personal hygiene measures plus regular doctor visits this way we have better chances against these resilient microbes!!

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