What are the health benefits of alpha lipoic acid?

If you’re on a health kick, you might want to consider adding alpha lipoic acid (ALA) to your diet. ALA is an antioxidant that naturally occurs in our bodies and is found in certain foods like spinach, broccoli, liver and potatoes. It has been shown to have some pretty impressive health benefits.

Antioxidant Properties of ALA

First things first: let’s talk about what makes the antioxidant properties of ALA so great. An antioxidant basically helps protect against damage from free radicals – these are unstable molecules that can cause harm to our cells by interfering with their normal function. Free radicals form when we expose ourselves (usually unknowingly) to toxins like pollution or UV radiation from the sun.

Although there are many antioxidants out there that help combat free radical damage – think Vitamin C or E – ALA stands out because it is both water soluble and fat soluble (Boom! Double trouble!). This means it can extend its protection over more parts of your body than most other antioxidants.

Potential Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Another aspect worth mentioning is association with potentially reducing inflammation(Take note peeps! You know how much we all hate inflammation) which if left unaddressed often leads commonly causes chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity among others . While further studies need taking place researchers suggest Alpha Lipoic Acid could lead towards developing new ways tackling these problems by potential reduction of inflammatory markers in human subjects

Alpha-Lipoic Acid for Oxidative Stress And Cognitive Function In Older Adults

According [4] Early results show no improvement cognitive decline but rather abstaining from smoking, regular physical exercise may still be best bet.Accumulated oxidative stress reduce cognitive performance especially for elderly adults seems R –α–Lipoic acid supplements(50 or 100 mg/day) was ineffective, based on a trial involving 600 elderly people.

Improving Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetics

Numerous studies have shown that supplementing with ALA can greatly improve insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics, and even reduce some of the symptoms associated with this disease. For anyone not aware, insulin resistance is when cells become less responsive to the hormone which ultimately leads to elevated blood glucose levels.

But how does it work? Well, ALA has been shown to increase glucose uptake by cells (aka raising energy) which helps lower glucose levels overall , thus reducing your risk for diabetic complications such as heart disease and kidney damage. And since diabetes often goes hand-in-hand with obesity – a known factor for status regardless of gender or age today- ALA supplementation may help those struggling to maintain healthy proportions achieve better results.

Potential Benefits on Skin Health

And last (but certainly not least!), studies suggest that Alpha Lipoic Acid may also benefit skin health( Yup! That’s right, skin care just got an Anti-Aging partner) . Research showed that individuals who supplemented with ALA, topically or orally experienced improvement in fine lines and wrinkles at increased hydration deep within their skins’ layers

According [5] Most encouraging conclusion was regarding Acne vulgaris as oral alpha-lipoic acid effectively helped combat inflammatory acne however further investigations need happening definitely something worth looking out.

Side Effects of Alpha-Lipoic Acid

While there are many benefits to adding ALPHA LIPOIC ACID supplements/foods (oranges still holding you Down?! Ugh !)to your diet regimens one should definitely look into possible side effects before jumping head first.

Instability Caused By IRON

Iron is very reactive molecule has shown potential accelerate oxidation especially during complex formation particularly bad news given our emphasis stated earlier alpha lipoic’s function as antioxidant response some people may experience further oxidative stress especially those with kidney problems since insufficient removal of iron could lead to catalytic α-lipoic acid decomposition.

Other rare side effects listed are increase in renal function in renal augmentation and seizures triggered & unmasked by the supplement meaning prior consultation is essential before rushing directly for supplements.

Overall, Alpha Lipoic Acid has some promising benefits that would capture quite a crowd given its multiple health dimensions . If these intrigues you do more research one whether ALA foods/supplements might be an excellent complement regimen’s try at being healthy.


[4] Mossink M.H.J., et al. (2018). “The effect of R-α-lipoic acid supplementation on cognitive performancein older adults: A randomized double-blindedplacebo-controlled multicenter trial”, The Journals of Gerontology: Series A.

[5].Nageshwari.M.,et al(2020) Evaluation Of Oral Supplementation With Antioxidant Agents And Topical Application Of Skin Whitening Agents ,Journal — Dermatology Operations.

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