What are the diseases associated with lipids?

Are you tired of your arteries clogging up like a backed-up sewer system? Well, you’re in luck! This article will teach you about the diseases associated with lipids, so grab some popcorn and get ready to learn!

What Are Lipids?

Before we can dive into the various diseases linked to lipids, let’s establish what they are exactly. Simply put: lipids are fatty acids within our bodies that assist in energy storage and insulation. Thanks to these fantastic little molecules, our bodies can maintain healthy cell membranes and hormone production.


While eating large quantities of bacon certainly sounds tempting (and delicious), it’s not as great for our cholesterol levels as one might think. Cholesterol may be found in all animal-based foods – including meats and dairy products.

Fun Fact: Our livers actually create cholesterol naturally, so feel free embark on your bacon quest guilt-free!

High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)

Believe it or not folks- there is such thing as good cholesterol! HDL helps rid excess bad fats from your bloodstream by delivering them to organs that require fat for health purposes.

Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)

But wait there’s more- Bad Cholesterol too! LDL carries unhealthy buildups of fat throughout our body.. leading to issues such as knotty arteries!


Hyperlipidemia… Now try saying that three times fast . You’re likely pronouncing this condition better than I ever could though it just means having high lipid level(s) within ones bloodstreams.

So you’re telling me …too much good is bad? Unfortunately yes!, when your body produces an excessive amount of either types,(HDL/LDL), it becomes excessively difficult digesting food which eventually leads into some types illnesses ! Eeeeeek

Symptoms include; short breath, chest aches and increased weight gain! Believe me when I say you’re going to want to maintain healthy levels of it!


“Brushing your teeth reduces your risks of heart attacks.” That’s right folks – keep flossing those pearly whites Atherosclerosis is essentially a gradual buildup of plaque within our arteries which could lead to serious issues such as strokes or cardiac arrest!

Symptoms: Shortness of breath, chest pains.

A few more interesting terms ;

  • Carotid Artery Disease: Plaque that develops in the neck artery
  • Peripheral arterial disease (Pad): The plaque develop within other areas including arms/legs.

## Coronary Heart Disease

Are you looking for an excuse to snuggle up on the couch with Netflix? Well look no further because this could just save your life!– Don’t thank me though thank Mother Nature whom has given us some great fatty solutions like; avocado & nuts.

When we consume unhealthy amounts lipids, fats bind together into lumps along with cholesterol eventually leading into narrowing down arteries resulting in ; hypertension and premature deaths…

With time they result into having insufficient amount oxygen reaching various parts near one’s body. Needless to say… don’t overdo bacon

Why must bacon be so delicious?Darn you Mother Nature!

### Angina & Heart Attack

Thankfully exercising helps combat angina which refers stabbing pain normally around ones rib cages created through narrowed coronary blood vessels caused by decrease insufficient oxygen reaching heart muscles whichever leads towards unstable chest pain. Additionally It also helps recover from heart attack too… Now thats two birds in one stone …

In worse cases scenarios where there is sudden lacking within oxygen supply due blood clot.Blood flow to certain part heart becomes limited often leading towards permanent damage/ Death…the last thing anyone wants really 🙁 . So stop postponing that Gym registration Mr Pillow Junkie !


We cannot forget about stroke!

A condition known scientifically as cerebrovascular disease caused due insufficient oxygen traces reaching parts of one’s brain. In turn, this leads towards a broad range of complications such as blurred vision, numbness or even paralysis.

What Can You Do To Prevent These Diseases?

Fortunately for you and your health, the solution is quite simple. Maintaining a healthy diet with lean meats and vegetables could do wonders! Both are rich in nutrients required to balance lipid levels within ones blood stream.

Exercise regularly also plays an essential role; As exercise improves circulation throughout our bodies by aiding the flow of oxygen provided from food [link back to paragraph 3], now we couldn’t skip over sleep too could we – It’s recommended at least six hours per day just provides ample amount restful night which helps keep things working inside this precious body moments; Going without adequate amounts may lead eventually some type illness towards heart failure ! That’s right folks- leave snoozing off that alarm clock 😉


Thanks for joining me on your journey to learn about diseases associated with lipids! Remember:

  • Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels!
  • Watch Intake Of Fatty Foods.
  • Exercise Regularly & Sleep Enough
    That way…you’ll hopefully bypass any unwanted illnesses along the way .

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