What are the best anxiety medicines?

Anxiety is a common condition experienced by millions of people all over the world. It can be caused by various factors like stress, genetics, or environmental factors. Different treatments exist for anxiety; however, in this article, we will explore some of the best medicines for treating anxiety.


Benzodiazepines are central nervous system (CNS) depressants that work on GABA receptors to increase their activity and reduce anxiety levels. They are short-term treatments meant for immediate relief from symptoms such as panic attacks and insomnia.

How do benzodiazepines work?

Benzos are CNS depressants that enhance the activity of GABA neurotransmitters in your brain. GABA calming effects help you relax while also reducing unwanted excitement which triggers excessive stimulation that leads to jittery feelings associated with anxiety disorders.

Advantages and disadvantages of benzodiazepines


  • Rapid onset: Benzodiazepines have a rapid onset of action compared to other anti-anxiety medications.
  • Effective: They provide quick relief from acute symptoms such as panic attacks or phobias.
  • Available in many forms: Benzodiazepine medications come in pill form or liquid medication making them easier at home usage compared to injections making prescription reordering more convenient too
  • Safe if used properly: When prescribed correctly by doctors, they can be very safe drugs with few side-effects when taken as prescribed doses under medical supervision
  • Addiction potential exists for long term use resulting dependency issues arise


  • Addictive potential especially when used over an extended period may lead to dependence withdrawal difficulties potentially blooming into substance addiction problems where these patients show little control against cravings
  • Short duration time between administered dosage causing recurrent prescriptions needs


Buspirone belongs to a class called azapirones, which are different from benzodiazepines. It affects serotonin and dopamine receptors in the brain and has a lower risk of dependence compared to benzodiazepines.

How does buspirone work?

Buspirone acts on both serotonin and dopamine levels found mainly within human nerve cells. This modulation assists with calming nerves, ultimately treating anxiety by affecting chemicals that these neurons use up, reducing anxieties experienced

Advantages and disadvantages of buspirone


  • Low risk for addiction; Buspar has little withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation
  • Fewer side effects: it provides relief without causing drowsiness or memory issues seen while using other medications like Valium, Xanax (benzos).
  • Continuous treatment: Buspar is often used for long-term therapy management of generalized anxiety disorder.

– Slow onset; may take several weeks before seeing any significant change in symptom severity.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors like fluoxetine (Prozac) have been approved as a first-line medication for treating panic attacks when combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy(CBT). Other SSRIs such as sertraline(Zoloft) can help manage depression, general anxiety disorders(GAD), social phobias(non-generalized types).

How do SSRIs work?

SSRIs effectively raise the amount of neurotransmitter called serotonin present between adjacent neurons enhancing communication consequently improving overall brain functions including regulating feelings emotions combating stress-related responses linked with apprehension anxietymoods .

Advantages and disadvantages of SSRIs


  • Effective results when given over an extended period: SSRIs have Long-half lives allowing clients prescribed more days until required dosage intervals however still effective minimizing doses necessary during titrate down periods
  • Both preventive against future occurrences while managing acute episodes simultaneously
  • SSRIs are safe compared to benzodiazepines which pose significant addiction risks that would symptomatically worsen over time


  • Early adverse reactions: may cause initial dizziness, stomach upset, diarrhea or nausea.
  • Sexual dysfunction and weight gain as side-effects: antidepressants can alter hormone production disturbing sex drive resulting in problems ranging from low libido, impotence to delayed orgasms. Some SSRIs exert influence on metabolism leading towards possible weight gains.

Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)

Like aforementioned classes of medications SNRI’s tend working blocking neurotransmitter reabsorptions known for its potency even when used for general anxiety disorders GAD management.

How do SNRIs work?

SNRIS like venlafaxine(Effexor) increase serotonin levels within your body acting as an inhibitor making it hard to get rid of through metabolism processes. This causes nerve receptors signalling efficiency higher-than-normal reducing queasiness situations both negative mental health symptoms including inducing calmness.

Advantages and disadvantages of SNRIs

– Effective against chronic pain issues
– Less suicidal ideations caused by starting medication
– Treats depression

– Initial effects similar to SSRI’S such as dealing with minor nausea dyspeptic conditions severe if eating habits discouraged similar to difficulty sleeping unless proper dosage taken at optimal intervals

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)

Tricyclic Antidepressants(worse than SSRIS despite being older) were one the first medicines developed treating diverse diagnoses beyond depression losing popularity due unusual side-effects cropping up.

How do TCAs work?

TCAS have a weak effect inhibiting the removal process(remediation)of norepinephrine/symptoms related mood stability imbalance/condition regulation linked with anxiety disorders.

Advantages and disadvantages of TCAs:
– Multiple symptoms treatment in addition to treating depression
– Additionally prescribed where sedation effects are required

– Medications have potential side-effects that include sexual impotence, sedation-like features dry mouth symptoms other negative impacts on normal processes potentially exacerbating low moods
– Risk of overdose through inappropriate usage like consumption with alcohol Use is not suitable for people who already have congestive heart failure or taking medications such as stimulants which cause cardiac disturbances

Atypical Antipsychotics

Atypical antipsychotics were initially created modulating conditions but later found applications dealing numerous psychopathic disorders regulating distress.

How do atypical antipsychotic medication work?

Antidepressant symptomatic response improvements seen In terms of increasing norepinephrine levels in ones CNS.

Advantages and disadvantages of atypical antipsychotics


  • Effective against conditions generally considered resistant3to typical treatments.
  • Several indications approved by FDA viewed useful making cost-effective health solutions easier achieved


  • Serious risks associated with developing diabetes, cardiovascular diseases disorders/tardive dyskinesia caused neuronal damage resulting within long-term therapy management

    ||Benzodiazepines| Buspirone | SSRIs | SNRIs | TCAs |
    |Risk for Addiction (Higher risk)||None Slight possibility||||
    Duration until results visible|Rapid onset||||—-
    ||Low risk depressive states usefulness||Effective chronic pain reliefMedication suitability questionableif elderly will worsen cognitive abilities or if combined with acetylcholine inhibiting medications leading towards confusion/possible dementiaSymptomatic severity worsening obstructs easy discontinuation |

Conclusion: Although many types exist treating anxiety managing mental health issues should be approached carefully with consultations with qualified professionals required before taking any prescription medication. Several classes of drugs are effective, as discussed; however, each type poses advantages or disadvantages leading a requirement for necessary medical intervention planning and management from an accredited Doctorate by licensed Health professional.

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