What are some examples of healthy fats?

Healthy fats are like the rare gemstones that adorn a piece of jewelry. They are essential to your good health, but they can be hard to come by. So, if you’re trying to eat healthier or lose weight, incorporating more healthy fats into your diet should be at the top of your list.

But wait! Before we delve into all the juicy details about what types of healthy fats you need in your life, let’s talk about why it matters so much.

Understanding Fat

When we talk about fat, many people tend to have negative associations with it. But actually, our bodies require some fat to function properly. It plays a crucial role in maintaining cell structure and absorbing vitamins A,D,E and K (essential for our well-being).

Humans process different types of fat differently; so when looking for foods high in beneficial fatty acids (healthy fats), it’s best to look past saturated animal sources (butter/dairy) towards plant-based alternatives such as seeds/nuts/oil/avocado/fish – just make sure they’re unprocessed!

Trans Fats & Saturated Fats

It’s important not all certain types of Fat isn’t necessarily considered ‘Good’ for us.
Trans & Saturated Fats, sometimes referred to as ‘bad’ cholesterol, unlike unsaturated , can raise blood LDL which may increase risks heart disease/strokes; therefore moderation is advised.

So what makes an oil/food et al “good”?
Well its essentially their chemical makeup containing monounsaturated and/or polyunsaturated fatty acid groups- think Omega-3/Omega -6 etc.(ref: table below):

Polyunsatured Monosatured
Omega-3 Avocados

Ideally one should aim daily {13gms[males]/11gms[females]} in a balanced diet.- So lets dive into some examples!

Fatty Fish

The ocean is full of wonders, and one of the healthiest foods you can find there is fatty fish. These are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation (killer for joint pain!)and decrease risks heart disease.

Examples include salmon, sardines & mackerel – easily cooked pan-fried/grilled/baked or even raw i.e sushi/sashimi!

Nuts and Seeds

Another great source to incorporate healthy fats into your meal plan are nuts/seeds. Raw unsalted options such as almonds/flaxseed/chia seeds/peanuts etc. provide a crunch to saladsyoghurts/snacksstuffed with antioxidants,vitamins/minerals&other micronutrients.

Tip: Maybe try homemade nut butters: cashew butter/pistachio/almond/hazelnut instead of store-bought brands high in added oils/salt/sugar.


There’s no better time than now to be an avocado lover! Vogueing on toast may seem ‘basic’ but it’s quick/simple way packed full beneficial monounsaturated fats— also loaded with vitamins C/Kfolate.

Tidbit: 7 avocados were once so expensive they could buy you your own palace in ancient times(The Aztec people didn’t use money, they traded using cocoa beans!)

You know what else? Avocado oil possess similar properties to olive oil meaning salad dressings/cooking stir-frys etc would benefit greatly from incorporating .

Olive oils

Speaking about olive oil; It’s been known for centuries used widely in Mediterranean countries/cultures mainly because their diet heavily focuses these types of fat! Its staple base provides superb antioxidative compounds alongside decreases risk type II Diabetes/Cancer/stroke – Look Italian,with a green press?Bingo Olive oil!

But there’s different exotic options accessible in the market : Macadamia oil/Coconut oil/ unrefined sesames/flaxseed/grapeseed oils etc – explore and experiment with substitutes for your usual frying needs!

Tidbit: Olives aren’t tasty when picked from the tree so they go through fermentation process to remove the bitter taste.

Dark Chocolate

Believe it or not, dark chocolate is another great source of healthy fat. Cocoa (70% min) content packed with filled monounsaturated fats capable aid appetite moderation particularly if eaten one piece day(Yesss please) Not only can its benefit offset against risks heart disease,Cocoa also boasts anti-inflammatory properties helping brain functions are boosted.

Tip: Make sure you buy real chocolate verses sugar-laden candy imitations whenever possible; preferably fair-trade sourced – an industry focussed on justice human trafficking & exploitative labour sourcing .

Wrap Up

So remember, incorporating these sources of healthy fats into your diet isn’t just beneficial for weight loss but essential considering vitamins,micro-organisms contained play crucial roles in overall body function-maintenance-&preventing disorders/diseases #havemorehealthytreatsandlessguilt!

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