What are my chances of getting pregnant quiz?

Are you curious about your chances of getting pregnant? Do you want to know if your ovaries are ready for the ultimate baby-making marathon? Take our quiz and find out!

Understanding Fertility

Before we dive into the quiz, let’s understand what fertility is all about. Fertility is defined as the ability to conceive or produce offspring through natural means.

Fun Fact: The word “fertility” comes from a Latin word ‘fertilis,’ which means fruitful or capable of producing offspring.

Age and Fertility

Age plays a crucial role in fertility. Women are born with a finite number of eggs that decrease over time. As women age, their hormone levels decline rapidly making it harder to get pregnant.

Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle choices can also impact fertility. Smoking, drinking excessive alcohol, consuming drugs, poor diet habits- all these factors lower your chances of getting pregnant.

The Ultimate Pregnancy Quiz

It’s time to reveal your pregnancy prospects – take this quiz and find out! Each question has 4 possible answers marked A,B,C,D.Choose one answer that suits you best.

1) How often do you have sex?

A) Five times a day
B) Once every few weeks
C) Rarely
D) None

2) When was your last period?

A) Last month
B) A few months ago
C) Can’t remember
D) Never had one

3)True/False: You experience regular ovulation cycles every month.

4)Multi-choice Question: Which below factor gives an indication that you might not be able to get pregnant easily:

A)Late periods(over 35 days since the start)
B)Vaginal Bleeding between two menstrual periods(more than once)
C)Lumpy Breasts
D)Mathematical challenges: Have trouble calculating discounts on groceries

5)Multi-choice Question: You have been trying to get pregnant for:

A) Less than three months
B) 3-6 months
C) 6-12 months
D )Over a year

6)True/False: Both partners fertility matters when trying to conceive.

7) Have you or your partner had any health problems in the past related to reproduction?

A) No, we’re both healthy!
B) Yes, we’ve been struggling with infertility.
C) I don’t know about my partner’s history.
D). Not sure if there were reproductive problems

8)’Yes or No: Do you smoke cigarettes?

9) Multi-choice Question: How many caffeinated beverages do you consume per day?

A)Lots – More than five cups per day.
B)Moderate intake – up to two cups a day
C)mildly little- one every other day
D)Sips from husband’s mug What coffee? Where?

10)Multi-choice Question: Do you exercise regularly?

A)..I hit the gym four times a week and also run marathons sometimes.
B)…On Somedays when Netflix is buffering longer than usual
C)..Brisk walk twice a week

11)’Yes or No‘ : Were diagnosed previously with Pcos(Poly-cystic ovary syndrome)

12.)’True/False:’ You are taking prescription medication at this time’

13.) When did you start using birth control pills (oral contraceptives)?

A).Still on them currently
B). less than six months back
C).within one year
D.No history of taking these

14)Multi-choice question: Which best describes your family plans within next few years?

a.I’m not sure

b.Yes.More Kids.Isnt it obvious

c.Happy, single and content

d.I dont know. i am going to turn into a monk

15)’True’ or ‘False: You have had more than one miscarriage in the past.

16) ‘Yes‘ or No: Have you ever received any treatment for infertility (such as medication or assisted reproductive technology)?

Calculating Your Chances

Now let’s tally up your answers! If you answered mostly A, congratulations – you’re a fertile Myrtle! Women who have frequent sex and healthy lifestyle habits tend to increase their chances of getting pregnant.

If most of your answers were B’s, don’t worry – it just means that you might need some extra help from fertility experts. Schedule an appointment with your doctor if pregnancy is on your mind.

C’s are not great signs so far as pregnancy goes.Good diet,safe sex practices abstinence from smoking/Drinking/Medicinal drugs shall be advisable.

Mostly D’s? Well,I’m sorry,it looks like motherhood might not be in the cards for ya!

Remember,to maximize your chances of getting pregnant,focus on maintaining good health habits,stress free moderate activity throughout the day and avoiding bad indulgences(self explanatory ;))


This quiz was designed to inform you about the various factors affecting fertility levels.If possible,take precautions early on,rather than waiting till there are complicating issues.’Better Safe Than Sorry’,right?

We hope this article gave interesting insights while keeping fun element intact.Enjoy ‘practicing baby making!’

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