What antibiotics treat chest infection?

If you’re feeling a tightness in your chest, coughing up phlegm like it’s nobody’s business and struggling to catch your breath – don’t panic! You might just have a chest infection. Lucky for you there are many ways of combating this pesky condition, one of which is through the use of antibiotics.

Of course, before we go any further I am not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV) so if you think things are getting serious – go see a real medical professional. However, if your symptoms persist and self-care techniques aren’t doing the trick then read on!

Types of Chest Infections

First things first; let’s talk about what kind of infections we’re dealing with here.


Bronchitis is when an inflammation develops in the lining of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from our lungs. Symptoms include mucus production, coughing fits and shortness of breath.


Pneumonia is another type of lung infection where the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in one or both lungs become inflamed. This can cause high fever, fatigue and difficulty breathing.


Pleurisy occurs when two thin layers surrounding each lung get inflamed causing sharp chest pain whenever you breathe or move around too much.

Now that we’ve covered some background information…let’s cut straight to the chase!

Antibiotics That Can Help With Your Chest Infection

In case ‘googling’ it yourself has already given you anxiety (and trust me…it would!) here is some simplified information about what types of antibiotics may be prescribed:


This family includes drugs such as Amoxicillin which works by attacking bacteria cell walls so they cannot multiply. According to The National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE), this is the go-to medication for pneumonia.


Tetracyclines like Doxycycline might also be prescribed depending on the severity of the infection. The downside? This class of antibiotics cannot be taken while consuming dairy products at the same time because they can stop absorption by binding with calcium present in dairy.


Levofloxacin and Moxifloxacin are fluoroquinolone types used to tackle bacterial infections such as bronchitis. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these should only be considered if other options have failed due to potential side-effects including Achilles tendon ruptures.

How Long Will I Need To Take Them?

It’s a fair question! But unfortunately, there’s not really an exact answer since it will depend on multiple factors including:
– type of infection diagnosed
– patient’s overall health state
– age

However you can expect to take them anywhere from 5 days up till more than two weeks!

Key Things To Keep In Mind When Taking Antibiotics

Antibiotics can save lives – but they aren’t always necessary or effective so here are some valuable guidelines:

Don’t overuse antibiotics.

Experts, agree that over-prescription is creating antibiotic-resistant superbugs which could potentially eliminate any chance we have at fighting disease. So don’t hoard your medicine cabinet just yet!

Get tested first!

Only take what has been deemed absolutely necessary after consulting a medical professional and going through proper diagnosis tests for your symptoms


Chest infections may seem small but have the potential to cause dangerous problems throughout our bodies if left untreated. That said, seeking out antibiotics isn’t always necessarily called-for. If you happen to catch such an infection; head straight off busting myths about needing huge doses pills right away – just be calm and see what your doctor recommends.

In short:

  • Penicillins work on pneumonia
  • Tetracyclines stop absorption by binding with calcium present in dairy products
  • Fluoroquinolones like Levofloxacin only to be considered if other options have failed due to potential side-effects

Last but not least, a friendly reminder that antibiotics should only ever be prescribed and taken under professional medical supervision. Stay safe guys!

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