Unmasking Fake People: Your Guide to Dealing With Them

We’ve all encountered those people who seem a little too good to be true. Their compliments feel hollow, their laughter seems forced and somehow everything they do leaves you feeling skeptical. Unfortunately, fake people are often more prevalent than we care to admit and knowing how to spot and deal with them can save you from a lot of headache in the long run.

The Characteristics of Fake People

Whether you want to avoid these individuals altogether or just keep them at arms-length, identifying fake people is crucial in maintaining your own well-being. Here are some key characteristics that may indicate someone is not being genuine:

1) Constant Compliments

Compliments are great when they’re sincere but if someone showers you with flattery every time they see you it’s probably because they’re trying to manipulate you in some way.

2) A Lack of Empathy

Fake people possess little empathy for other people’s emotions – this is why what appears empathic doesn’t really feel deep-down real.

3) Incongruent Body Language

By observing body language, one can tell whether someone’s words align with their tone, facial expression, gesture etc.

4) An Exaggerated Personal Life Story

People who weave elaborate stories about themselves maybe hiding something or create an image of themselves that does not correspond with reality .

Most importantly?

There’s no definitive checklist when it comes to spotting a fake person as each situation will vary based on the individual involved but learning these universal red flags should go a long way towards helping refine your instincts around these types of personalities.

How You Can Deal With Fake People

Nowadays pretending has become common especially social media enabled many people maintain public online personas that differ greatly from how they are offline.
Here’re four ways through which one could handle phony friends without losing sanity .

1) Learn When to Say ‘No’

One of the easiest ways to keep fake people at bay is by making it clear you’re not willing to engage in any form of manipulation, silly games or drama-which only serve their end rather than it promoting healthy relationships .

2) Call Them Out

Engaging in direct communication with dishonest individuals and expressing your observations might force them to retreat or leave.

“Hey! You know what? I have noticed that whenever I talk about myself, your reaction seems a bit forced. Is something up?”

Something like this can be casual but it will help draw out an honest conversation even if the received answer isn’t as straightforward.

3) Focus on Your Own Grounding

By maintaining self-awareness, one could recognize manipulations and work on tactics for self-preservation, boundaries setting , etc. Focusing more on oneself helps gain resilience from potential toxicity other people exhibit.

And finally?

Sometimes avoidance is key; learn what thoughts/agendas such ‘friends’ usually harbor & find less time for unproductive conversations with those who add no value or bring negativities.

4) Be Prepared To Walk Away

Sadly despite our best efforts we may realize that our friendship/relationship with a person is fruitless & futile . Always striving through masking practices causes emotional exhaustion thus accepting there’s duplicity in someone’s personality makes moving easier.

In Summary

Dealing with fraudulent natured personalities requires persistent effort when trying gauge intention hence avoiding deception within friendships born from shallow characteristics. Some tips which come handy are determining whether (person(s)) are saying different things around others than before then observing these tendencies and focusing on developing an authentic relationship between both parties
Eventually trusting instincts becomes important because sometimes words cannot betray the authenticity communicated non-verbally whereby keener observation helps avoid fakes.
So next time you meet someone too good-looking/smooth talking be on guard and always keep these tips at the back of your mind to avoid people with a phony attitude.

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